Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Diseases Flesh Eating Names

From BLOG P. Coelho


that reading is not used as an occasional:

law of Jante:

" You're no good, no one cares what you think, the mediocrity and anonymity are the best choice. If you act like this, you will never have major problems in life .

The Law of Jante focus, in context, the feeling of jealousy and envy that sometimes gives both the head .... This is one of its downsides, but there is something much more dangerous.
is thanks to it that the world has been manipulated in every way, from people who can stand the comments of others and end up doing the evil they want. We're still seeing an unnecessary war in Iraq, which continues to cost many lives, we see an enormous gulf between the rich countries and poor countries, social injustice everywhere, unrestrained violence, people who are forced to give up their dreams because of unfair attacks and cowardly. Before unleashing World War II, Hitler had given several signals of his intentions, and what made him go forward was the knowledge that nobody would dare challenge him because of the Law of Jante.

Mediocrity may be comfortable, until one day tragedy knocks on the door, and then people wonder, "but because no one has said anything, when all they saw was going to happen? "

Simple: no one said anything because they have not said anything.
So, to prevent more and more things to get worse, it is perhaps time to write the

anti-Law of Jante:

"Vali more than you think. Your work and your presence on this Earth are important, even if you do not think so. Clearly, thinking that you will have many problems because you are breaking the Law of Jante - but do not be intimidated, continue to live without fear, and eventually win .

Alberta Police Report For Accident

The Law of Jante "The weight of the butterfly"

I gave what I believe is out of the last E. De Luca, "The weight of the butterfly " I've read in a few hours, because of its brevity, but the memory of the thoughts and especially feelings that I've taken from the pages remains in the blood, or soul .

We climbed a lot with Errington.

was not yet known, he wrote little and made the first steps in this world of light that escapes him, but just take it, and so I know it really is and not as it has TV.

We lost almost three intense years in which every 7 days we were at the foot of gray and smooth rock walls, to gauge our desire to pass on limestone crazy, amazing things to try (he was really gifted, I was the one that covered the shoulders and that the gave safety before returning to the valley). Now it is written, there is sometimes taken in front of glasses of good red wine, and followed him from afar, in its evolution, including humans, and so in this book, I have resumed a dialogue with the man, that I had not lost but only temporarily put aside.

Like the story it tells: that of a man a little 'lonely and a chamois, as unique duel that in mountain areas; is not the story itself that matters, as what Errington writes amid rows or perhaps better, what he had in mind when he wrote and remained stuck the printed words and that I feel is there, in his book ..

I once read that in the books is the "spirit" of the author and who is lucky, the senses and nourishes it. I think this time is what happens to me, often during the period of life that unites us in part, or perhaps a certain lone wolf spirit that we share ...

him solitary and silent always has been, I will not, but enough for what I am ...

Am I to make a leap in life: to live among the hills of the Tuscan-Ligurian-Emilian Apennines, in the midst of chestnuts and wild boar, in silence places still not "civilized."

And then the phrase Erri I report, I like the symbol of that little book

"In each species are solitary groped to new experiences. They share that goes to trial drift. Behind them the track closes open "

I like feeling part of the" quota experimental "and look back and see the track that slowly covers the snow slow, quiet and peaceful, it covers everything up to the sun, warm and shining life, melt and shine again, returning to the circle that never stops.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Camera Inside My Uterus

Unemployment is exceeded only by the reduction of working time.

Unemployment is a problem common to all developed Western countries. It 's the result of an inability to spread in all governments, or there are structural causes?
Until 1974, the unemployment rate in EU countries, it averaged almost 3%. Then, within ten years, rose by ten percentage points. What happened? Something very positive: the empowerment of women. Women from the early seventies massively entered the world of work. This produced a large growth in quality of Italian society: new ideas, innovation, enthusiasm, productivity. Unfortunately, despite the productive and economic system grew significantly thanks to women, the job offer from that point on he could no longer meet the demand, leading to strong growth in the unemployment rate.
Now, since there is no magic wand to return to balance supply and demand of labor is necessary to reduce working hours. With 6 hours day it would still be full employment, the killing of the black and the significant improvement in quality of life for all. In each family would be carried out two salaries, you should not pay more than the nurse or a maid to look after children and the elderly, it would have more free time to study, improve, get a degree or second degree, and may possess a second job, if you want, build self-employed. With full employment there would be a real flexibility of employment and growth for each of the probability of finding a job consistent with their aspirations and educational attainment. In addition, there would be a real improvement in the quality of life: more time to devote to social relations, culture, children and the family. In short, a better life. The companies, in addition to not having higher costs, would gain in terms of productivity and flexibility. All the statistics show that the last two hours of work are much less productive than the first day and then with a larger number of employees could better deal with seasonal fluctuations of work orders. In the history
the reduction of working time was already implemented in the post-industrial to cope with job losses arising from the introduction of machinery in factories. Today we are in a similar situation: the entry of women in the world of work has led to an imbalance between supply and demand of work that needs to be resolved. And you can do with a further reduction in working hours, made more urgent and necessary by the deep unemployment crisis resulting from the severe economic crisis we are experiencing.
But there is a big problem that explains the inaction of governments on this solution: the zero power fear of unemployment. As politicians gather votes in the election campaign? As people buy? With the recommendations and the promise of jobs. Unemployment is therefore functional to maintain himself in power. With more free time people have also time and opportunity to increase their culture, and remain informed about events in politics, until you get .. to understand them. E 'therefore clear that the policy will not solicit in the reduction of working time.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Where Does Alexis Texas

Wednesday, December 9 17:00
Sala Farinati - Verona Public Library

Pacific Anna writer and poet reads his poems
"Elegy of the stars "and the philosophy of Giordano Bruno;
Dr. Joseph Coghlan astronomer at the Astronomical Observatory of Monte Baldo
will discuss the measurements of extragalactic stellar distances
with projections of astronomical images;
COSMOCROMIE paintings Marzia Bedell
submitted by Laura Mignolli

How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Dog's Ski

AstroArt exhibition with artists-star Marcia Bedell, Joseph Galletta
the Duke and Claudio
Correr Villa Pisani - Montebelluna (TV )
from November 28 to December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome-board Samples

building practices on payments, checks and speeches on the budget ADSL

the morning of Padua - December 10, 2009 page 32 section: PROVINCE
CERVARESE HOLY CROSS. The city has joined a number of conventions: the Savings Bank for the advance payments to suppliers in case the municipality, for compliance with the Stability Pact or problems in cash, could not carry out payments, with The Guardia di Finanza, on the recommendation of the administration, control it can Isee statements of those who asked for help to the City, and finally with Telecom for the use of conduits, in possession of the Municipality, for the preparation of optical fiber and cover it the territory with high-speed Internet service, ADSL. During the last City Council have been accepted two amendments of the Living Cervarese related to implementing development plans 'tree' and 'San Michele' to Montemerlo: With regard to the implementation of the primary infrastructure works, public lighting facilities will be made, according to Regional Law 17 of 2009, according to criteria energy conservation and light pollution. St. Michael plan for the paving of sidewalks shall be constructed of materials other than asphalt, and for the safety of its citizens for the urban quality, given the central area in which it develops. - (Scarlett Moretto)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Beich's Katydids Candy


Double up social spending and power consumption of 93 000 €

the morning Padova - December 8, 2009 page 29 section: PROVINCE

CERVARESE HOLY CROSS. "A full-bodied movement," called the mayor Claudio Chiarello balancing the budget and brought in the municipal council which registered the abstention of minorities. Heavy expenditure on the social, the increase in situations of distress, while electricity consumption eats up well € 93,000.

"In ten years has never had a hand in this chapter," said John Ceron Cervarese of Life, which has criticized the handling of settlement: "The 15,000 euro for the support provided to citizens have now been brought to 35,000 as it was easy to imagine, for the Consortium of Municipal Police Padova Ovest services are not parties, so they recovered 15 000 €, the € 25 000 cut from the routine maintenance of roads have been for the intervention via Repoise, which is known for months. "

"There is a commitment to make a budget for next year with measures that would experience the situation," replied the Alderman David Ceron. Unanimously approved the resolution on law enforcement "plan house" and adopted four amendments to Live Cervarese. The new town clerk is Attilia Fabbro, in agreement with the City of Veggiano. Councillor Simon Campagnolo was appointed a delegate to the Hills Park. -

(Scarlett Moretto)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

High Soft Cervix Negative Test

Elections to the TAR, the mayor arrived

Elections to the TAR, the mayor totters

Gabriele Coulter - the Gazzettino
Saturday, November 14, 2009,

Defeated by just 11 votes. Massimo Campagnolo - 1377 preferences against Claudio Chiarello 1388 - has challenged the election. He addressed the Regional Administrative Court requesting the annulment of the minutes of the announcement of the elect. For a mess happened in the No 1, where the components of the seat used for the voting process copies of the electoral roll and not delivered at the outset of the listings Sectional men and women endorsed by the special Commission District Prison. In its application, Campagnolo, who is assisted by Advocate Roberto Carfagna, joined Simon also Bacchin.

The anomaly highlighted by Campagnolo clear from the notice sent to the Prefecture on June 10 by the election of the City. From a later inspection the defeated candidate was able to note the absence of any record on the sectional lists about how to identify the voters and the lack of signature of the members of the Elections Office showing that all or part of the listed voters had voted. According to Campagnolo

this is a violation of the principles of instrumental forms and personalities of the vote. Failure to use the lists endorsed by the special Commission by members of the polling and the failure to carry out the tasks related to the identification of voters by the tellers second prevents the courts of the applicants, including through the establishment of the correlative responsibilities. That would result in the cancellation of elections.

not alone. The prior endorsement of the electoral roll by the Commission Circondariale warrants and certifies those who are genuinely entitled to vote and the omission of the incumbent would result in the nullity of elections. Finally, the strict observance of all the precepts contained in the consolidated law on election is logically necessary to achieve the purpose for which the norm itself is intended: namely to prevent the replacement of paper on the electoral lists and ensure that the effectively usable for the vote.

The reasons for the appeal to the administrative courts have not seemed at all spans in the air. So much so that the judging panel chaired by Angelo De Zotti considered it essential that the parties towards the integration of all the elect. Because if the appeal is allowed, not only the mayor but also the entire city council should be rimandanti home and the election should be redone. The Tar Campagnolo ordered to notify the use of all the elect within twenty days. In addition, the Electoral Office has ordered the manager to acquire a copy of the Prefecture of copy of electoral rolls used in the voting by members of the seat "indicted" and sent to the Court of Padua, and a copy stamped by the Commission in order to proceed to the Penitentiary comparison.

Gazzettino, Wednesday, December 2

I write with reference to the article published on November 14 at No U.S. 23 of Gazzettino di Padova. The title, "Elections to the TAR, Mayor wobbles, "said an enchanting and self-efficacy is likely to lead readers to believe that my public office is in serious danger. read the entire article leads me to believe that the author has acted as a sounding board of options defamatory of my political opponents. uncertain expressions used in the title are more than eloquent. Furthermore, the text of the article (I am referring in particular to what is written in the second last paragraph of the article) provides news is absolutely false.
In Case Tar yield from the interim is not read in any part of the appeal of Mr. Campagnolo is well founded. In fact, the Tar revealed a gross deficiency in the notification of the application which, by law, must be notified immediately to all directors elected and has excluded evidence that the effects desired by the applicants in the event of non-compliance of some mere formality that can invalidate the election results to me secured the honor of becoming mayor of Santa Croce Cervarese. If it had considered the Tar based adverse legal construction, it would certainly have ordered the capture of the lists filed with the Court of Padova for the comparison with those kept at the town hall. As evidence I note that the obligations of investigation ordered by the Tar had been requested by me and by the municipal government, forced to incur significant costs of legal defense costs, of course, will come upon all the citizens of Santa Croce Cervarese. Knowing the decision of the TAR, I can say in how its appearance is not the case.
The phrase "the motives of action have not appeared before the administrative courts at all spans in the air" is clearly written at the suggestion of applicants eager to discredit and to insinuate doubts about myself and my integrity with subtle political expediency.
* Mayor of Santa Croce Cervarese

Mayor Cervarese shows little understanding of the mechanisms of information: to think that a journalist writes "at the suggestion" of any municipal council is ridiculous, as well as defamatory. Moreover, the journalist in question has the pleasure to know neither the mayor nor any other politician in Cervarese: merely to report the decisions of the ruling of the TAR of Veneto (Third Section) of 10 November last year that required the ' integration of the documentation does not see election - consequently - the use of unsubstantiated. Pending final decision of the Tar, defined as "flaky" situation is at least objective.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Management Twisted Bowel

Damage of Berlusconi craxi

There are people who occupy institutional roles, public and social services which are not yet clear that the management of public affairs is slightly different from the private thing. Produce useful and play a social and public service are two things split. I think someone should apologize to the citizens Leoniceno.

This summer I wrote to the President the Library of Lonigo, Emanuela Bragolusi, asking the right way to go to submit in the Municipal Library of Lonigo, which is private, my last book of fiction entitled "Shadow degl'ippocastani. Publish the text of the mail, for obvious reasons of privacy by hiding the various addresses.

Thurs 30/07/2009, Paolo Maria Coniglio wrote:

From: P AUL Maria Coniglio
Subject: Request for book presentation writer Leoniceno
A: Em
anuela Bragolus the
Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:31

Madam Bragolusi bothered her to ask her which way should I go for the present ' My last book of fiction "degl'ippocastani shadow." I got your contact by calling the Public Library.

Enclosed please find the cover of the book so I can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe thickness of the work. The foreword is by the writer and playwright Pier Antonio restrain.

Waiting for your kind Sincerely yours feedback.


From: Emanuela Bragolusi
Posted: Saturday, August 1, 2009 17:54
A: Paolo Maria Coniglio
Subject: R: Request presentation book writer Leoniceno

Dear Paul Rabbit,
I explain the situation.
We receive many requests for local authors to submit their books to the library.

The problem is that an evening in the library "costs": costs money (posters, advertising and overhead costs), energy costs (personnel available, paperwork ...), so I value usually can return In practice, the thing people are interested in? Usually, presentation of these texts participate in family and friends of the author, the audience is very little "outside", so it ends up being self-referential.
Even in the last year, I said no to many requests, including personalities at the Leoniceno life, naturally attract many enemies.
However, the first thing is to let us have the text. A box closed is not possible to accept anything, maybe you wrote a defense of the Nazi party !!!!!!!!!

read it (and there are severe criticism), then I'll know. Maybe we could submit it together with another local author, but is not a promise. What
then I admire those who dedicate themselves to writing rather than to the high of Saturday night, is certain.
emanuela bragolusi

On November 16, 2009 I receive more mail from Mrs. Bragolusi:

From: Manuela Bragolusi Posted: Monday November 16, 2009 22:22:

Subject: March

Gentile Paolo Maria Coniglio,

I read his book "In the shade of chestnut trees." I guess she does not interest the proceedings of a person cold and insensitive as myself, so do not waste time. But I can give some good news: In March there will be elections, which will leave the new mayor and the new administration. It will then appoint a new chairman of the library, which will certainly be more attentive to the cultural demands of me. You may then contact him / her confidently, knowing you have the right satisfaction. In December, in practice, I close with the activities culture, especially for the serious problems of the library staff. There will be a parenthesis in February with Tiziano Scarpa, but now my task is finished. Thanking you for making a gift to the library of his book, I send cordial greetings

emanuela bragolusi

respond publicly to the kind the President, Mrs. Emanuela Bragolusi:

Almisano Lonigo November 23, 2009 ore 15:24


Thank you for reading the book "In the shade of chestnut trees." My book Instead, entitled "Shadow degl'ippocastani ", the phrase is different and more fluid, only to refer to his words literally when he writes " will then appointed a new chairman of the library, which will certainly be more attentive to The cultural me. "

with all my heart I wish you luck.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Monday, November 2, 2009

What Brand Of Hair Lauren London Use On Her Hair

rummaging in an old wardrobe. In the midst of sheets, cards and folders, greeting old days, letters of all kinds, and objects of ancient times, I found a book: it was poetry, handwritten in ink, perhaps on other worlds, they were quite simple, anonymous , written by who knows whom and who knows why. I opened it and sat down to read, time has passed, without being consumed and I feel I'm lost ... between verses and feelings hidden in those pages, between words and emotions stored carefully with order and love.

I have set aside one, I tore the paper, I've fit in your pocket, and today I open it, I sit with a cup of tea in hand, the hot, summer rain washes out the round leave a fresh smell in the air and land ....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cost Of Concrete For Basketball Court

Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs

I wrote and published this article on Agoravox I invite you to read along with comments from readers. Good reading.

devious and cowardly behavior adopted by companies to eliminate, annihilate and destroy an employee. It 's time to raise my head and say enough is enough, the media, but there are few and they work.
Our case law, no rules and efficient deterrent designed to discourage and finally with appropriate penalties to curb the rampant phenomenon of bullying and silent, understood in all its worst forms, as happens in the rest of the countries of Europe. Let's look at a glance: bullying is a set of behaviors defined violent. These are real abuses occurred psychological form of bullying, teasing, harassment, exclusion, humiliation, slander, and ostracism by colleagues perpetrated against a lavoratore.Questo behavior, prolonged, can be harmful to the dignity personal and professional and the mental and physical health of the victim. The job bossing-bossing or bullying is similar to, different from the fact that it is deployed by a top management toward a subordinate. This is a persecution technically refined in every detail, often with the complicity of other actors base and will, which seeks to place a person in terms of having to lay off to ease the pain that suffers. The straining is a conflict that always takes place at work, by persons who occupy positions of command and is characterized mainly by forced isolation, demotion, failure to update the normal working practices, the phone is removed permanently from the desktop, attacks on the reputation of the person and harassment sessuali.Chi receive these unseemly attention, hard to find the strength to denounce the persecutor because of the fact that the law does not provide the necessary protection to the injured party as well as with other known crimes. Also because of the difficulty of proving facts which, in dilute time, they lose more and more useful in a particular hearing stage. For this reason, the victim must necessarily rely on the advice and assistance of a lawyer and make a note written in detail of everything that is being done, citing places, witnesses, dates and times. Unfortunately this is still a crime zone where unscrupulous or moral move undisturbed, some never to be affected by the law because these are facts that many suffer but then unreported.
Law 81, although still inadequate, appears to open a glimmer of hope. We are always too far from protecting itself. Bullying is a crime against the person, is a cowardly way to kill and destroy the predestined slowly. It should also be considered that this is an expense that is unfairly saddled with the community. The care that must undergo a mobbed are expensive, and long, from drugs to psychological and psychiatric sessions, to return to work, ending with the legal fees for the defense. Absurdity is that it considers INAIL ilmobbing damage while work is purely voluntary work of one individual against another.
absolutely must not let our guard down but to fight, expose and bring to justice those which cause the harassment related to this deplorable practice. Collect as much material as possible, even audio recordings are used to nail these people who deserve only the very prison without parole. Who has not experienced the hard way this type of violence, can not even remotely imagine how devastating they are and how many others actually passed from the family, private life, friends, the psyche, self-esteem.
Some companies are often unaware that some of those who insist on calling "responsible" engage harassment to their employees. When they realize how vile and deceitful in trying to do something about. They try to create conditions in which the court may grant some mitigating factor. By now the damage is done. The law says that companies that have not been able to monitor these deviant behaviors of their managers and / or employees, pay the appropriate compensation to victims.
The first thing to do is not to fear, possibly to contact a lawyer specializing in labor cases and be certified by the bullying, or bossing the straining method according to Ege 2002, this is critical in hearing stage. Professionals in Italy who can relate in that direction but there are not many and is definitely worth consulting them. There are agreements with the local health centers that can measure and draw up the degree of work-related stress that an individual has suffered. The advice of a psychologist, certification and reporting of bullying are crucial steps to put a stop to a practice that does not and should not be part of the world of work, banned from the rest countries of Europe.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

reader comments:

Gabriele , October 17 9:27 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
I deal with issues of juvenile delinquency and uncomfortable working and I put online my experience at the site cliccand SlideBoom on the logo on the home page opens a web page with a series of instructional videos, some of which riguardantile activities to prevent and combat the phenomenon of bullying atttuate in the Marche Region by the Joint Committee on the phenomenon of mobbing. Needless to say, mobbing bossing ...... we constrain only by preventing people sometimes have the perception some of the damage that their malicious actions in the workplace can create.

Silvia , October 17 12:05 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
I must point out the website of Dr. Alessio Fanelli which is one of the professionals who can certify bullying according to the standard reported in the article: Bullying is a psychological rape, psychological. It must not go unpunished! Thanks

Ricky , October 17 14:37 - Bossing, bullying, straining: the silence of innocent
I fully what you have stated, among other things very clearly and easily understood. Bullying, the bossing and so on. violence that are far beyond those of a rape, but still leave a serious mark on the psychological stability of those who were victims. E 'above the state of impotence which then leads to frustration which can cause problems and thereby influence the stability of the person and not just limited to working hours, but also has repercussions at home, with friends and family. It is also true that lack of legal instruments to combat this scourge, even as there are legal instruments that allow an employer to get rid of or adequately punish the "lazy". But our judges and legislators have better things to think about. There remains, who on the one hand and those of the other, they fight alone battaglie.Ringraziamo status and continue to pay taxes.

of pv21 , October 17 17:34 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
All topics serious and serious, but we can not hope to defend himself when ... defamation and intimidation become instruments of political struggle (in the name of democracy and freedom). The first answer must come from democratic spirit of revenge. This teaches the voices inside the eclipse of characters symbol of rigor, consistency, sense of responsibility and civic engagement. This can be deduced from the story of The Barber and the wolf and the unthinkable things that can make do with fear. (There's more =>

of ballon , October 17 20:16 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
A one correction to your interesting article: the titolo.Il silence is never innocent. denounce, denounce, denounce.

of Elsa67 , October 17 22:29 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
I disagree with the mind of the reader comment Ricky. Having a lazy employee does not authorize anyone to use misconduct. There are democratic and human systems to address this problem while it is up to that company. The origin of behavior there is always a cause that must be identified and that alone gives an answer, a solution. The summary justice should not exist, morality must not become justice! The core of this discourse is not. Bullying, understood in all its forms, is not charged to idlers only. I subisco bullying for many years and I'm fighting the giornaista exactly as described. I'm not a slacker. I always worked hard for the company as soon as my service, and I have always tried to emerge showing off my skills and my job performance, before asking for any increase or economic level. The problem is that I shadow a "kapo" who only has the instinct of Africa and nothing else. Hats off, people are valuable in the job but I still entitled to my career, is not it? Apart from the lack of laws that undoubtedly, in companies, especially those of the north-east, those of the economic miracle, something lacking in the basic fundamental respect and culture. I harassed colleagues with proposals for sexual encounters and humiliation that I have been told with tears in his eyes. No proof! The "vile pigs" because of what it is, you close the office, where colleagues do not reach the ears and do not always have a recorder on hand. Perhaps at this moment could become the moral justice! Perhaps only if, after more than a decade of harassment, humiliation, demotion and mortification when a person in a border line goes to work and commit a massacre, as happens in the United States of America, well, maybe just at that moment legislature, the public will start asking questions. I hope it never happens. I hope Chei judges, in their vast experience and vision, inflicting economic pain and increasingly costly to bring into these surrogate human knee once and for all.

Silvana , October 21 12:39 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs

Considerations Bullying and mafia

Where a company, apparently healthy, those who hold the levers of power is a group decision-making, which includes, among other things, the so-called "white collar" rules "implied" of behavior that are established in it, often respond to logics of patronage, which revolve around abuse of office and result in discriminatory acts, such logics are based, word to a code of ethics intended to render meaningless such concepts as human dignity, solidarity and transparency, which will prove fruitless words.
In this context, it becomes extremely easy to take all those subtle and devious figures of psychological, intended to destroy and annihilate an employee "uncomfortable" to "tame" to bend to the will of those who "decide" who knows he can count on the conspiratorial silence of his colleagues who remain silent or complicit, or because of fear of possible retaliation similar. Where it is possible, therefore, make use of various forms of harassment and psychological terror against a human being, the victim chosen or bend the rules "tacit and immoral," set by those who actually controls or is intended to be ousted only because it was considered "different." The victim is therefore powerless to react to his captors.
The form of such a situation exists in the workplace, with a modern term, is defined by the word "mobbing", which - according to the latest dictionaries - is described as "systematic persecution, carried on in the workplace by colleagues or than against an individual, consisting mostly in small daily acts of social exclusion, violence, sabotage or psychological professional, but can go so far as physical aggression. " But to understand the reality of this crime, please read the testimonies given by victims and the resulting damage "existential" now well explained by psychologists, sociologists and lawyers in the appropriate thematic sites to which you refer. I, it is suspected that the word was coined bullying just to avoid be labeled as common criminals, the whole mass of "respectable people" who, abusing their power, destroy the life of one or more workers to destroy a life do not need a corpse, but bullying is also an "incitement" to commit suicide!
I mentioned in a context likely to Mafia: I will try to prove it. Take the case of "protection money" requested by the Mafia. Who wants to work "still" have to pay it and the mafia, to give the seller their arrogance, will put in place against psychological violence, cloaked by all the trappings of legality. Before moving to actions "egregious," which would attract the action of the police, they will feel constantly monitored, spied upon, they will receive the phone calls and "surprises" unwelcome, which will eventually weakened to the point that the merchant " Funky "will have to choose whether to sell to pay the lace just to have a quiet life and move or sbaraccare in other cities or endure without the solidarity of others, who instead pay.
But any decision, Let his "time" spent with the fear of an attack is not living with a mood similar to that of those who are afraid of dismissal, if it dares to react to every form of abuse of office? The fear of being isolated, marginalized, demotion, ridiculed, humiliated, deprived of any jurisdiction, rendered useless, awareness of one's sense of helplessness, "fear" the consequences of the exercise of their rights do not end up making people slaves of their tormentors? Suffering arising out of inhumane living conditions imposed by those who want to bend his fellow to his will, is the same whether in the case of bullying, blackmail and in the payment of "protection money". This is more of psychological violence, psychological torture. But the price we pay those who refuse to submit to the mafia that is the logic that goes against the employee only because he is not willing to become a "yes-man" is not physical death. Against him will be used more sophisticated weapons, which do not leave corpses, but they tend to destroy it from within: the psychological weapons, aiming at its "civil death "!!!.
Abuses of power, bullying, harassment or bullying are the first arms of the mafia, who know they can count on conspiratorial silence arising out of complicity or cowardice: it is not necessary, therefore, the "dead" to prosecute all those criminals who have chosen a way of life, which makes zero difference that distinguishes a man from an animal.
So when such "silent weapons" are used in a company, it seems fair to say that the company is in the mafia and the mafia is who adopts the method of psychological violence against a person even more weak to achieve its purposes . If the mafia is the "kid" who is merely asking for protection money provided by the criminal organization which is integrated, Mafia is also the one that creates an action mobbing because it allowed the occult and criminal enterprise system, in which however they feel integrated. Neither of them used a gun to achieve its goal, but both the kid is the mobber have contributed with their behavior in the massacre of a human being. At one time the word mafia was whispered, and many denied the very existence, not by understanding its meaning. The phenomenon to emerge in its dramatic history had recorded so many victims, and the same is happening with the phenomenon of bullying.
in these terms becomes possible to give a satisfactory answer to the thirst for justice of the multitude of existing mobbed today. The scholars of the phenomenon have, by now, well-framed the dynamics and consequences of the "ordeal" suffered by many workers, but to date have not yet been identified the necessary legal instruments to do justice.
Currently there is only financial compensation paid by the company (legal person), but the real culprits (individuals) not "pay" for their trespasses, neither economically nor criminal, and therefore, despite his conviction for harassment, remain free to continue to take against the mobbed every form of persecution technique. The mobbed will only receive the money as compensation for "past" destroyed, but his "present" and its "future" continue to be a continuation of his past in hell! Where bullying
emerge only a meticulous work of the investigating authorities can bring out the weight of all the responsibilities of the parties, who have contributed with their action or no action to destroy the life of a human being. In order to eradicate this phenomenon by the society in which we live is not the only prevention, because here we are faced with the behaviors of those who has already sold his conscience for not having to feel remorse for having contributed, through its action or his silence, the massacre of a colleague. The
mobber became such a human being, does not consider that fact nothing serious, no guilt, believed to operate close to the company, not the slightest evidence to identify with the victim of the persecution. The business rules include certain "behaviors" that no one has ever sanctioned, are part of the game. He made his choice: "your death, vita mea." And those who keep silent or complicit or feels justified by the fear of retaliation.
Who put a gag on his conscience that he forgot all the rules set by men should always be subject to the ethics set by the voice of his "conscience", which prevents you from trampling the dignity of a fellow and cries before any form of injustice, calling man in his natural course of human being to divert him from that path that could lead to the state of animal.
In companies where the ethics of mafia rule by all those that identify bullying behaviors, remain "men" being able to look anyone in the eye, without crawling in front of anyone, it means to stand by helplessly the destruction of their lives, meaning that world to life interior in which each of us cultivates his own desires, dreams, ambitions, washed down with enthusiasm and zest for life, but that as a result of bullying now, has become a reservoir of enormous suffering, a great void that has turned inward in each pulse thirst for justice.
I believe that to do justice (in the presence of a legal vacuum and waiting for an ad hoc law, which establishes the criminal prosecution of that crime), the judiciary, through a broad interpretation of civil, criminal in the existing constitutional and legislative landscape, could frame as a crime of the mafia-called bullying.
give the desired importance to the criminal harassment would be labeled as criminals all those who, despite their "respectability," they participated in the massacre victim's choice. The consequences would be criminal as a warning to all, awaken slumbering conscience of many, a timely and appropriate course of action instruments of repression is the best means of prevention in a system where you want to run justice. Framing
bullying as a crime victim of the mafia would also satisfaction to be compensated financially by his captors, who would be attacked on its assets, including salary, severance pay established the existence of a case of bullying, the competent court should automatically pass the case to the Criminal Court to identify all those responsible. Keep in mind, in fact, that many times the strategy of bullying is structured so as to break up the responsibilities on more workers, so as not to allow the victim to be able to pursue various criminal "mobbers. Each of them takes, indeed, and lawful conduct that might appear insignificant, but which become significant only when considered as a piece of a destructive process against the mobbed, which can only emerge in an investigation aimed at identifying responsibilities direct and indirect actions of all those who contributed to the killing of a human being, who simply wanted to work honestly.
But we should also give victims the chance to start life anew. The mobbed found in psychological conditions similar to the survivors of a "concentration camp" know they are alone and helpless, to be considered useless, people are disheartened against their neighbor, remained deaf to every request for "help", they are human beings who need help to get back into a comfortable and stimulating working environment, which does not give space to those who place no value on human dignity. Justice must be concerned with rebuilding their professionalism, redevelop their image and to repair any damage caused their existential outside the employment context. I cry out for justice that have mobbed invisible wounds that will heal only when they perceive around the trust, which prevents us from seeing a potential partner in their own terms.

Silvana Catalano

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Claire's Best Friend Rings

Hospitals have to be large and effective

Italy is the place where the status quo can never change. Maybe not to touch so deeply rooted in the unequal privileges, perhaps laziness, perhaps out of fear, perhaps for no real reason. And when someone puts his hand to change something, that's always the sleepers to wake up and stretching, begin to protest. It does not matter against what the protest is important to prevent any change. But this is not the attitude a country that wants to grow and improve.

I am the first to desire an effective health system and widespread. But, objectively, to maintain a state of survival in a whole slew of small hospitals, it makes little sense. Have costs, often substantial. But most are not effective. I say effective because I do not doubt that they are efficient. Efficiency is related to the skill and motivation of staff who works there, the effectiveness is, however, the result of the availability of equipment, instrumentation and expertise, gained by dealing daily with patients suffering from various diseases. Hospitals have to be large, well equipped and full scientific and medical experience. It 'better to seek treatment from a hospital and doctors who know by heart our evil, which conveniently go to the hospital around the corner from home, but where the equipment is outdated and probably the doctor who assists us have only limited experience our disease.

Italy is the country where you can not make cuts to staff, even if they were right and necessary. It 's a complete and total opposition. However, for charity, I am convinced that cutting small hospitals does not mean dismissing staff. Simply use it in different ways. In fact, should, of course, strengthened at the local emergency rooms, the clinics, assistance home. The laboratories for blood samples for analysis would remain. In addition, large hospitals should expand, and then would need new doctors, nurses, support staff, administrative and other, and then you could move the staff from the small hospital to the general hospital. Perhaps in contrast to what happens today, someone should do 30-40 miles a day to go to work? Well not a problem, I, for example, I do it every day and I think it normal.

It 's true that such a transition, sacrosanct for me, should be accompanied by a series of parallel and compensatory measures. Besides the above mentioned relocation of staff, should be created in new bus routes to better connect the small towns with large hospitals should be granted new licenses to give the possibility to bars and related services with hospitals to move and continue their operations in other areas of the city should anticipate and resolve all discomfort, early, that a transformation of this type could result.

You can not reduce everything to a simple and dramatic scissor kick. But the right direction. We want Abruzzo trust our health care and right now we can not really do: realize it at the time of true need, faced with a serious illness, I challenge anyone to say that I have friends and acquaintances who have gone or are excellence in care in hospital in Modena, Milan and Bologna.

Furthermore, raising the level of the great scientific and medical hospitals, private hospitals should also adapt, leading to a real virtuous competition between public and private sectors which would generate additional benefits for our regional health system and therefore to our health.

In the meantime, I think it is always useful, and here is the duty of good newspapers and blogs involved, show people the realities of health comparisons between the different regions and make known to the public what you spend and what it offers as a region of Emilia Romagna to serve a population of one million three hundred thousand people and that, instead, spends and offers a comparison our region!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Microwaveable Heat Pack

Cinema, "red earth" when passion becomes Art

The film "Red Lands " directed by Dennis Dellai, passed Thursday, September 24, the Film Theatre of Super Valdagno, thus marking the forty-second projection. The film, shot entirely in Vicenza, between Fara and Thiene, was loosely based on the story of Flavio Pizzato, former partisan leader and former mayor of Thiene. Valdagno the projection, in addition to director Dennis Dellai, there were also the screenwriter James Turbiana, actor and assistant director David Viera and music teacher Paul Agostini who oversaw the soundtrack.
"Terre red" was a guest at the Venice Film Festival out of competition, also appreciated by Nicholas Cage, who has wanted a copy. The film was set in 1944 and tells of an impossible love story starring, respectively David Fiore in the role of Umberto Simonetti, a flamboyant officer who works for the Ministry of fascist Italian Social Republic and the beautiful and talented Anna Bellato in the role of Luisa De Nardi, an elementary school teacher to increase his score, asked to be transferred from Verona to provide its service at the small company of Farnedi, a guest at the home of supporters. Luisa will subsequently involved in resistance. The vicissitudes of war make it difficult love between two young men.
All scenes follow a harmonious sequence that conveys emotion and at times with emotion, joy and melancholy. The soundtrack blends between frames with discretion and intelligence at the right value to the scenes. The film was extraordinarily accomplished with a budget of just € 19,500.00. If the same work had been made in the United States of America would not be sufficient ten million euro.
addition to the captivating and moving story told, which expresses the fantasy of the director mixed perfectly with the story of Pizzato, there is also the will and determination of a group of betting enthusiasts who have dedicated themselves to the soul by using pure genius. The result is high quality product and has nothing to envy to film overseas more expensive. The gift that
cast Dellai has done for the Veneto and not only summarizes the cross-section of a segment of history that belongs to us all that we do not want and we must not forget.
The location of these passionate filmmakers, took three years of shooting, should be teaching and open up a new horizon for those with little money, want to realize a dream will remain a milestone in time.
The DVD is full of interesting content and can be purchased through the website .
118 minutes of exciting live and share with the rest of the family.
The next dates are Oct. 27 screening at the Cinema Valbrenta of Solan and 18 and Nov. 19 at Cinema Spring of Vicenza.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Landjaeger St Paul Mn

Letter to Robert Valente and boys killed in Kabul

Italy and to halt the senseless fighting wars like the Red Brigades, the mafia, crime in general, the bands subversive policies that have been trying to destabilize our country. All enemies, visible, palpable. Now our politicians have decided to fight the invisible enemies at the expense of our countrymen. I would like to see that our politicians we mandasero their children in these troubled lands to risk their lives. We civilians, unarmed and helpless witness to these killings announced, we have a duty to express our feelings, our dissent for this to stop the blood to be paid instantly.
Even today, the war there were still taught that you can not impose the will of a people different from that dictated by their determination. The Vietnam War has taught and not only that. The revolt must start from the inside by choice, as happened in our country with the various factions of the Partisans. Politically different, but each with a single goal: to liberate Italy. If these minimal conditions do not exist you can not think of arming rebels to achieve a democracy that will be full of violence. Democracy is a Lady Lei of which we must impose certain people is like giving a Ferrari Formula One in the hand of a little boy.
And now, after this devastating attack on what to say? Only silence would speak, but that's enough!

Thanks Robert for the sacrifice you made for Italy, to protect the dream of freedom.
am opposed to the intervention "common ground" of Italy in countries where there is war. Countries whose culture is very far from respect for others and then from the embryo the Freedom '. We do our wars we have already had the blood we've already paid. We are too easy targets for those who want to hit, fueling the fanaticism of free people with no sense of civic, religious blinded by the integral. People are cowardly and hidden in the shadows. The World Wars, in particular the struggle against Nazism and fascism were depicted as enemies palpable, visible. The Taliban, hidden in the shadow of civil war are fighting a deceitful above all and that is not ours. In their attacks jump to air a brave and glorious piece of Italy along with a lot of innocent and unsuspecting civilians. Children, women, elderly people with no respect for them but this is fine. For us Italians this is not good! I had grandfather a soldier first and then partisan, my father was an officer during the Second World War and I do not think they wanted to hear this news.
Hug your family, Robert, with fraternal gesture, and with tears in his eyes, mortified helplessness that comes over me now. I am proud to be Italian, thanks to brave people like you, real heroes in times of peace, but forgive my disappointment of being rappresenatato by a political class, regardless of color, that despite the enormous sacrifice of our past is so determined to send boys to the slaughter Golden, fathers, true friends without offering them concrete opportunities to work. I also join in the sorrow of the families of other children who have lost their lives in silence and cry, with my family, with them.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How To Make A Karate Board Breaking Machine

We open the doors to 200 young Europeans

few days ago I read an article in a national newspaper, explaining that for one euro invested by the State in its territory, south of us must pay to the Treasury 30 cents, while a national north of it has to pay 2.50 even among the various taxes and levies. Quite a difference. The strange thing is, though, that in the south do not have better services! Or major infrastructure, welfare or development. And even the impression that we are catching up.
Then there is a problem. Upstream: our inability to realize, through the ballot box (where the electoral system still permits), a real selection of the political class. We are often too knowledgeable and committed and we choose badly our politicians, we do often, badly, on the basis of personal friendships, promises, oratory skills of the candidate rather than for its actual or alleged political and administrative capacity. But, in my opinion, there is also another problem: addiction. We are so much accustomed to see government budget in the red and inconclusive, the unemployed, poor, marginalized, inefficient hospitals, government offices distracted, now consider it normal, physiological, and we care not hardly. We miss the little that we are also satisfied. Certainly the Internet, creating circuits for comparison between people, this awareness is maturing, but for the majority of people continue to be normal.
But it is not normal at all! We must break this spiral of complacency and resignation; confront other realities, and how to know what others are doing better than us. And then we open our city to new people, cultures and experiences, and Chieti, Abruzzo city of culture, it must do so first. Why, for example, do not get to Chieti a higher number of university students in Europe? Let them come and live in the old city and tell us how to live in their own, as services work, what's that we do not have, and how there can be development, prosperity and a better society absolutely. How? I am not a technician but I think for a competition, sponsored by the municipality, which takes responsibility for payment of tuition and provide housing at low prices (strictly in the center of Chieti) nor even with local families, in two hundred university students from all major European capitals. Clearly, then, should create opportunities to meet, otherwise there is no debate and discussion with the city.

What do you think? And do not forget the return in terms of trade for the shops and activities center (another long-standing problem). Boys mica are not limited only to sleep and study .. or not?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pokemon Tcg 2 Japanese Rom

wobbles in the fourth section, "The Broom "School children

CERVARESE. All children enrolled in school The Broom of childhood will be admitted to the next school year, thanks to the fourth section, which was eventually granted. "On three sections granted to the Veneto, went to our town - the mayor Claudio Chiarello - in deciding that the room was already available for the section, the inability declared from nearby schools to accommodate children excluded from Cervarese and the quality of the school structure. " The case dragged on since February when about twenty families in danger of not seeing their son admitted to a surplus of subscriptions. Requests by parents to the mayor, school principal and the Region to create another section had not gotten answers certain. The discontent had resulted in protest banners hung at the school gate and in a petition with 964 signatures, delivered in June to the Regional Education Elena Donazzan but did not give hope to families. The solution is instead came a few days after opening of the school, with understandable relief of parents. "I thank the commissioner and the director Donazzan Clodovaldo Ruffato for the work done and the parents who were close to us," concluded Chiarello. (Ross Moretto

Friday, August 21, 2009

One Piece Robin Et Nami X

shadow degl'ippocastani

In all my blogs and not only thought to be about my latest book titled "In the shadow degl'ippocastani," published by the publishing house Albatros The Wire, distributed by Hugh Murcia. In this blog, I would like to add some news about this book that are not found anywhere else.


The drafting of this text began to joke around in the summer of 1993. The day was warm enough and I still live in Lonigo, in the center. I remember that morning I had a great desire to write something, a real frenzy. I picked up some A4 sheets per house, about twenty pinzai them together with a stapler.

My wife, for her birthday, she received a wonderful gift of Rotring pencil 0.5 mm, full aluminum light which assist the writing flawlessly. I asked to borrow. I sat on the bench under the arbor of passion flower in the garden behind the house and I started to write.

I wanted to give the paper something very beautiful. Something that remains over time, even if I had not realized the opportunity to make a book. Not a trivial or a story among many, but a story that involved incuriosisse and the reader, perhaps a true fact that I played with empathy for any character.

so I thought an event that somehow I had lived, also reflecting, and tried to live it with all the feelings and emotions that I could. Scents, colors, details, pictures and memories slowly began to take shape in my mind. I felt that every time I went forward in the draft there was something in me that was growing exponentially for the reader. The extraordinary thing was that I could not believe to be the author of the words that I was writing. I fell in love and reread my own words. Each new excerpt that gives the paper I read it to someone to get feedback. I exercised in the first instance those of people close to me, then, not satisfied, and suspecting a form of unbridled pride, I chose people who barely knew, then strangers.

Any criticism was extremely positive and encouraged me to continue.


were just three years when I thought that my work was over. I began to read it once and shocked him radically.

This was an operation that was repeated at least twenty times, no exaggeration. After many revisions was suggested to me to read the story to someone who might have an authoritative voice in literature.

I spent the script writer and former judge Bruno Meneghello, brother of the famous Luigi. He read it and I also left a written review as well as several suggestions for attempting publication. I followed many of its recommendations.

The cat and the fox

After I submit my writing to a dozen publishers, around the beautiful country and not getting any answers almost decided to go to some local publishers. Of all the major publishing houses had a gratifying response from Donzelli, that the voice of Lisa Ginsburg told me that in person would take in my hand written immediately after the holidays that year and invited me to call back. So I did but after the holidays to Donzelli something had changed, Ms. Ginsburg was gone and who had to take the reading of texts sent, she had no predisposition to it its sweetness social relations. One day I found myself at a party for a famous company in the Veneto, a multinational company, one of those once a year opens its doors to ordinary people. On this occasion, I met a couple of characters who prefer discretion and decency to call the "Cat and the Fox . Within minutes you established a kind of friendship and exchange of ideas and opinions which was consolidated as a result. I was flattered and intrigued as the Cat and the Fox told me that they had hands-on in a local publishing house. It was all true! They read my writings, and were struck particularly insisted on the cat to tell me that mine was a masterpiece, worthy of a Bassani, who had to do everything possible to publish it. In three months he had received several hundred phone calls all, paranoid, with the same theme: "is wonderful, I think I read " The Garden of the Finzi Contini "in this book is the soul and feel all. "

One day the Fox asked me to be able to read "In the shadow degl'ippocastani " to say that an elderly gentleman of Vicenza, is a writer, or posing as such. The two friends had decided to publish my book, it was only a matter of short time. Insist on it! I criticized the title of the book, saying it resembled a poem for lovers of text and should be definitely changed. All this while my book was in the parking lot and then I understood why. But the venerable writer published by the Cat and the Fox his book, incidentally very similar to mine, especially in descrizionali characteristics of typical characters of the country.


In December 2008 I left my job at a publishing house that published it. At the end of February, I received by mail the contract. In early April 2009 I started my adventure with the Editor and after about a month with the chart, two exceptional people and highly professional. The entire staff of the publishing house is the highest level and cooperation they offer is commendable. Today my book you can find it at all the libraries of Italy. Will be at the Book Festival in Pisa and at the book fair in Turin. From August 28 to 30 will be presented to Libriamo2009 in Vicenza, and was a member of a national award. More information may be drawn from the site-built by Casa Editrice Il Filo or at my blog .

Target ....

My goal now is to present the book in as many places I have possible. The review of the film critic, Michael Serra has actually touched a dream that has long cultivated: the making of a film.

Dellai Dennis, director of Terre Rosse , read " degl'ippocastani shadow" in the hope that it really is born a film. I am sure that the ideas I have in mind and the genius of a director like Dellai can melt in a crucible to create an important work, especially that related to the territory and will remain in the historical memory of the Veneto region as the "Little Master" or as " The handsome priest. "

for a long time I tried to trace Carlo Mazzacurati Daniele Luchetti and to propose them the same idea but was not able to get in touch with them. I spent almost sixteen years to reach the book's publication. Now if you'll need as many are ready to make a movie! I rimboccherò sleeves.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Many Calories Are In Smithfields Bbq Sandwich

clear voice and the Bandit pentitismo

In the historical period around the year 1500, rival gangs put terror in different countries. In 1574, the Law on the blatant crime, the Council of Ten of Venice magistrates had decided to intervene with a criminal policy more effective.
Until that time, the intervention of the Council of Ten had been sporadic and based on dialogue. The instability of public order had led the political body than the judiciary to correct the work of local courts, even under pressure from various ambassadors sent from Brescia to Venice and the Riviera di Salo with the demand for prompt action against crime and banditry . So it was left
administrator extraordinary these interventions but were just improvised to counter crime. Soon it emerged that the banditry was linked to powerful family lineages in July 1578 so all the foreigners " serving a particular for good (bearers and performers of violence) or accompanying any lot of people with special arms ", were invited to leave the state, under penalty of hanging.
The incident that sparked the Council's reaction was probably the murder of a family member Piovene by Horace Godi, belonging to a rival house. In 1579 they were still the local courts to grant "free voice bandit." For example, if a man commits a murder, but if he was wanted in turn killed another with other murders on his shoulders, he invoked the "clear voice bandit" and was acquitted, relied also featuring the severed head of the bandit killed in order to be approved at the stone of the notice that existed in every city. A brief trial with witnesses testifying the identity of the bandit and the actual killing by the applicants for the entry.
In the middle of 1500, the slow and sometimes questionable the machinery of justice adopted this system. Today, after more than half a millennium, the law does not change the cliché, to be called "bandit clear voice," the modern is " collaborator of justice" two ways to pay the price with the company despite the more than five hundred years we are in the middle, vary very little.


They were our ancestors have taken measures art, or is our case that uses ancient systems? We need the help of criminals to fight crime. There has been progress in all this time? The answer is NO! The collaborators of justice, in addition to being salaried, and paid for by the our money, have the opportunity to start a new life with a new job, a new identity. I would say it is not just for those who lived on the margins of society by committing horrible crimes!

Perhaps, if they were made available to the police, the most effective and less bureaucratic machinery of justice could have a better performance.

As long as the leader in a targeted way to legislate to prevent wiretapping by invoking privacy, as long as there is immunity, until the highest echelons of the state can not be touched during their term of office, I have the distinct impression that the example is that commitment is not of great teaching.

For young people, for repeat offenders, for generations to come, for those of nature is prone to delinquency, for otherwise honest, we need the certainty of punishment!

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sell Trailer Ontario Plate

are currently on display at the Planetarium of Padua

in via Cornaro

and at Gallery 62
Lineup Vicenza
contrà door in Saint Lucia!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pokemon Diamond Or Platinum For Sale

New section still uncertain

the morning of Padua - August 7, 2009 page 31 section: PROVINCE

CERVARESE. Nothing done to the fourth section to the kindergarten 'The Broom' request in a loud voice from the parents of twenty children for whom inclusion is still uncertain. "The headmaster said that additional sections for Veneto no more are expected - Claudio Chiarello said the mayor over the council - our desire is to welcome all members and to get in one way or in a other to form the new section. " In the meantime, the furniture must be purchased (€ 9000) with a part in the underlying management, surplus, which amounts to 39 000 952 €, which will also serve to place the center of Childhood (5000 €) to mainstream on schools (10 000 820 €) and to temporarily assign the auditorium of middle school classroom (4000 €). The Assembly Board accepted two amendments of the minority group "Living Cervarese" to select Council representatives in institutions, companies and institutions, unless otherwise provided for within the city council with the obligation to report annually on the activities turning point. Councillor John Ceron of 'Living Cervarese "called for" a settlement of the budget in late August just to find resources for citizens in need. " Finally, since 28 July, in view of the restructuring of the town hall, municipal offices were moved into housing units that have been placed next to the building itself. (Ross Moretto)