Thursday, December 17, 2009

Camera Inside My Uterus

Unemployment is exceeded only by the reduction of working time.

Unemployment is a problem common to all developed Western countries. It 's the result of an inability to spread in all governments, or there are structural causes?
Until 1974, the unemployment rate in EU countries, it averaged almost 3%. Then, within ten years, rose by ten percentage points. What happened? Something very positive: the empowerment of women. Women from the early seventies massively entered the world of work. This produced a large growth in quality of Italian society: new ideas, innovation, enthusiasm, productivity. Unfortunately, despite the productive and economic system grew significantly thanks to women, the job offer from that point on he could no longer meet the demand, leading to strong growth in the unemployment rate.
Now, since there is no magic wand to return to balance supply and demand of labor is necessary to reduce working hours. With 6 hours day it would still be full employment, the killing of the black and the significant improvement in quality of life for all. In each family would be carried out two salaries, you should not pay more than the nurse or a maid to look after children and the elderly, it would have more free time to study, improve, get a degree or second degree, and may possess a second job, if you want, build self-employed. With full employment there would be a real flexibility of employment and growth for each of the probability of finding a job consistent with their aspirations and educational attainment. In addition, there would be a real improvement in the quality of life: more time to devote to social relations, culture, children and the family. In short, a better life. The companies, in addition to not having higher costs, would gain in terms of productivity and flexibility. All the statistics show that the last two hours of work are much less productive than the first day and then with a larger number of employees could better deal with seasonal fluctuations of work orders. In the history
the reduction of working time was already implemented in the post-industrial to cope with job losses arising from the introduction of machinery in factories. Today we are in a similar situation: the entry of women in the world of work has led to an imbalance between supply and demand of work that needs to be resolved. And you can do with a further reduction in working hours, made more urgent and necessary by the deep unemployment crisis resulting from the severe economic crisis we are experiencing.
But there is a big problem that explains the inaction of governments on this solution: the zero power fear of unemployment. As politicians gather votes in the election campaign? As people buy? With the recommendations and the promise of jobs. Unemployment is therefore functional to maintain himself in power. With more free time people have also time and opportunity to increase their culture, and remain informed about events in politics, until you get .. to understand them. E 'therefore clear that the policy will not solicit in the reduction of working time.


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