Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Management Twisted Bowel

Damage of Berlusconi craxi

There are people who occupy institutional roles, public and social services which are not yet clear that the management of public affairs is slightly different from the private thing. Produce useful and play a social and public service are two things split. I think someone should apologize to the citizens Leoniceno.

This summer I wrote to the President the Library of Lonigo, Emanuela Bragolusi, asking the right way to go to submit in the Municipal Library of Lonigo, which is private, my last book of fiction entitled "Shadow degl'ippocastani. Publish the text of the mail, for obvious reasons of privacy by hiding the various addresses.

Thurs 30/07/2009, Paolo Maria Coniglio wrote:

From: P AUL Maria Coniglio
Subject: Request for book presentation writer Leoniceno
A: Em
anuela Bragolus the
Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:31

Madam Bragolusi bothered her to ask her which way should I go for the present ' My last book of fiction "degl'ippocastani shadow." I got your contact by calling the Public Library.

Enclosed please find the cover of the book so I can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe thickness of the work. The foreword is by the writer and playwright Pier Antonio restrain.

Waiting for your kind Sincerely yours feedback.


From: Emanuela Bragolusi
Posted: Saturday, August 1, 2009 17:54
A: Paolo Maria Coniglio
Subject: R: Request presentation book writer Leoniceno

Dear Paul Rabbit,
I explain the situation.
We receive many requests for local authors to submit their books to the library.

The problem is that an evening in the library "costs": costs money (posters, advertising and overhead costs), energy costs (personnel available, paperwork ...), so I value usually can return In practice, the thing people are interested in? Usually, presentation of these texts participate in family and friends of the author, the audience is very little "outside", so it ends up being self-referential.
Even in the last year, I said no to many requests, including personalities at the Leoniceno life, naturally attract many enemies.
However, the first thing is to let us have the text. A box closed is not possible to accept anything, maybe you wrote a defense of the Nazi party !!!!!!!!!

read it (and there are severe criticism), then I'll know. Maybe we could submit it together with another local author, but is not a promise. What
then I admire those who dedicate themselves to writing rather than to the high of Saturday night, is certain.
emanuela bragolusi

On November 16, 2009 I receive more mail from Mrs. Bragolusi:

From: Manuela Bragolusi Posted: Monday November 16, 2009 22:22:

Subject: March

Gentile Paolo Maria Coniglio,

I read his book "In the shade of chestnut trees." I guess she does not interest the proceedings of a person cold and insensitive as myself, so do not waste time. But I can give some good news: In March there will be elections, which will leave the new mayor and the new administration. It will then appoint a new chairman of the library, which will certainly be more attentive to the cultural demands of me. You may then contact him / her confidently, knowing you have the right satisfaction. In December, in practice, I close with the activities culture, especially for the serious problems of the library staff. There will be a parenthesis in February with Tiziano Scarpa, but now my task is finished. Thanking you for making a gift to the library of his book, I send cordial greetings

emanuela bragolusi

respond publicly to the kind the President, Mrs. Emanuela Bragolusi:

Almisano Lonigo November 23, 2009 ore 15:24


Thank you for reading the book "In the shade of chestnut trees." My book Instead, entitled "Shadow degl'ippocastani ", the phrase is different and more fluid, only to refer to his words literally when he writes " will then appointed a new chairman of the library, which will certainly be more attentive to The cultural me. "

with all my heart I wish you luck.

Paolo Maria Coniglio


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