Friday, September 25, 2009

Microwaveable Heat Pack

Cinema, "red earth" when passion becomes Art

The film "Red Lands " directed by Dennis Dellai, passed Thursday, September 24, the Film Theatre of Super Valdagno, thus marking the forty-second projection. The film, shot entirely in Vicenza, between Fara and Thiene, was loosely based on the story of Flavio Pizzato, former partisan leader and former mayor of Thiene. Valdagno the projection, in addition to director Dennis Dellai, there were also the screenwriter James Turbiana, actor and assistant director David Viera and music teacher Paul Agostini who oversaw the soundtrack.
"Terre red" was a guest at the Venice Film Festival out of competition, also appreciated by Nicholas Cage, who has wanted a copy. The film was set in 1944 and tells of an impossible love story starring, respectively David Fiore in the role of Umberto Simonetti, a flamboyant officer who works for the Ministry of fascist Italian Social Republic and the beautiful and talented Anna Bellato in the role of Luisa De Nardi, an elementary school teacher to increase his score, asked to be transferred from Verona to provide its service at the small company of Farnedi, a guest at the home of supporters. Luisa will subsequently involved in resistance. The vicissitudes of war make it difficult love between two young men.
All scenes follow a harmonious sequence that conveys emotion and at times with emotion, joy and melancholy. The soundtrack blends between frames with discretion and intelligence at the right value to the scenes. The film was extraordinarily accomplished with a budget of just € 19,500.00. If the same work had been made in the United States of America would not be sufficient ten million euro.
addition to the captivating and moving story told, which expresses the fantasy of the director mixed perfectly with the story of Pizzato, there is also the will and determination of a group of betting enthusiasts who have dedicated themselves to the soul by using pure genius. The result is high quality product and has nothing to envy to film overseas more expensive. The gift that
cast Dellai has done for the Veneto and not only summarizes the cross-section of a segment of history that belongs to us all that we do not want and we must not forget.
The location of these passionate filmmakers, took three years of shooting, should be teaching and open up a new horizon for those with little money, want to realize a dream will remain a milestone in time.
The DVD is full of interesting content and can be purchased through the website .
118 minutes of exciting live and share with the rest of the family.
The next dates are Oct. 27 screening at the Cinema Valbrenta of Solan and 18 and Nov. 19 at Cinema Spring of Vicenza.

Paolo Maria Coniglio


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