Friday, August 21, 2009

One Piece Robin Et Nami X

shadow degl'ippocastani

In all my blogs and not only thought to be about my latest book titled "In the shadow degl'ippocastani," published by the publishing house Albatros The Wire, distributed by Hugh Murcia. In this blog, I would like to add some news about this book that are not found anywhere else.


The drafting of this text began to joke around in the summer of 1993. The day was warm enough and I still live in Lonigo, in the center. I remember that morning I had a great desire to write something, a real frenzy. I picked up some A4 sheets per house, about twenty pinzai them together with a stapler.

My wife, for her birthday, she received a wonderful gift of Rotring pencil 0.5 mm, full aluminum light which assist the writing flawlessly. I asked to borrow. I sat on the bench under the arbor of passion flower in the garden behind the house and I started to write.

I wanted to give the paper something very beautiful. Something that remains over time, even if I had not realized the opportunity to make a book. Not a trivial or a story among many, but a story that involved incuriosisse and the reader, perhaps a true fact that I played with empathy for any character.

so I thought an event that somehow I had lived, also reflecting, and tried to live it with all the feelings and emotions that I could. Scents, colors, details, pictures and memories slowly began to take shape in my mind. I felt that every time I went forward in the draft there was something in me that was growing exponentially for the reader. The extraordinary thing was that I could not believe to be the author of the words that I was writing. I fell in love and reread my own words. Each new excerpt that gives the paper I read it to someone to get feedback. I exercised in the first instance those of people close to me, then, not satisfied, and suspecting a form of unbridled pride, I chose people who barely knew, then strangers.

Any criticism was extremely positive and encouraged me to continue.


were just three years when I thought that my work was over. I began to read it once and shocked him radically.

This was an operation that was repeated at least twenty times, no exaggeration. After many revisions was suggested to me to read the story to someone who might have an authoritative voice in literature.

I spent the script writer and former judge Bruno Meneghello, brother of the famous Luigi. He read it and I also left a written review as well as several suggestions for attempting publication. I followed many of its recommendations.

The cat and the fox

After I submit my writing to a dozen publishers, around the beautiful country and not getting any answers almost decided to go to some local publishers. Of all the major publishing houses had a gratifying response from Donzelli, that the voice of Lisa Ginsburg told me that in person would take in my hand written immediately after the holidays that year and invited me to call back. So I did but after the holidays to Donzelli something had changed, Ms. Ginsburg was gone and who had to take the reading of texts sent, she had no predisposition to it its sweetness social relations. One day I found myself at a party for a famous company in the Veneto, a multinational company, one of those once a year opens its doors to ordinary people. On this occasion, I met a couple of characters who prefer discretion and decency to call the "Cat and the Fox . Within minutes you established a kind of friendship and exchange of ideas and opinions which was consolidated as a result. I was flattered and intrigued as the Cat and the Fox told me that they had hands-on in a local publishing house. It was all true! They read my writings, and were struck particularly insisted on the cat to tell me that mine was a masterpiece, worthy of a Bassani, who had to do everything possible to publish it. In three months he had received several hundred phone calls all, paranoid, with the same theme: "is wonderful, I think I read " The Garden of the Finzi Contini "in this book is the soul and feel all. "

One day the Fox asked me to be able to read "In the shadow degl'ippocastani " to say that an elderly gentleman of Vicenza, is a writer, or posing as such. The two friends had decided to publish my book, it was only a matter of short time. Insist on it! I criticized the title of the book, saying it resembled a poem for lovers of text and should be definitely changed. All this while my book was in the parking lot and then I understood why. But the venerable writer published by the Cat and the Fox his book, incidentally very similar to mine, especially in descrizionali characteristics of typical characters of the country.


In December 2008 I left my job at a publishing house that published it. At the end of February, I received by mail the contract. In early April 2009 I started my adventure with the Editor and after about a month with the chart, two exceptional people and highly professional. The entire staff of the publishing house is the highest level and cooperation they offer is commendable. Today my book you can find it at all the libraries of Italy. Will be at the Book Festival in Pisa and at the book fair in Turin. From August 28 to 30 will be presented to Libriamo2009 in Vicenza, and was a member of a national award. More information may be drawn from the site-built by Casa Editrice Il Filo or at my blog .

Target ....

My goal now is to present the book in as many places I have possible. The review of the film critic, Michael Serra has actually touched a dream that has long cultivated: the making of a film.

Dellai Dennis, director of Terre Rosse , read " degl'ippocastani shadow" in the hope that it really is born a film. I am sure that the ideas I have in mind and the genius of a director like Dellai can melt in a crucible to create an important work, especially that related to the territory and will remain in the historical memory of the Veneto region as the "Little Master" or as " The handsome priest. "

for a long time I tried to trace Carlo Mazzacurati Daniele Luchetti and to propose them the same idea but was not able to get in touch with them. I spent almost sixteen years to reach the book's publication. Now if you'll need as many are ready to make a movie! I rimboccherò sleeves.

Paolo Maria Coniglio


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