Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Alberta Police Report For Accident

The Law of Jante "The weight of the butterfly"

I gave what I believe is out of the last E. De Luca, "The weight of the butterfly " I've read in a few hours, because of its brevity, but the memory of the thoughts and especially feelings that I've taken from the pages remains in the blood, or soul .

We climbed a lot with Errington.

was not yet known, he wrote little and made the first steps in this world of light that escapes him, but just take it, and so I know it really is and not as it has TV.

We lost almost three intense years in which every 7 days we were at the foot of gray and smooth rock walls, to gauge our desire to pass on limestone crazy, amazing things to try (he was really gifted, I was the one that covered the shoulders and that the gave safety before returning to the valley). Now it is written, there is sometimes taken in front of glasses of good red wine, and followed him from afar, in its evolution, including humans, and so in this book, I have resumed a dialogue with the man, that I had not lost but only temporarily put aside.

Like the story it tells: that of a man a little 'lonely and a chamois, as unique duel that in mountain areas; is not the story itself that matters, as what Errington writes amid rows or perhaps better, what he had in mind when he wrote and remained stuck the printed words and that I feel is there, in his book ..

I once read that in the books is the "spirit" of the author and who is lucky, the senses and nourishes it. I think this time is what happens to me, often during the period of life that unites us in part, or perhaps a certain lone wolf spirit that we share ...

him solitary and silent always has been, I will not, but enough for what I am ...

Am I to make a leap in life: to live among the hills of the Tuscan-Ligurian-Emilian Apennines, in the midst of chestnuts and wild boar, in silence places still not "civilized."

And then the phrase Erri I report, I like the symbol of that little book

"In each species are solitary groped to new experiences. They share that goes to trial drift. Behind them the track closes open "

I like feeling part of the" quota experimental "and look back and see the track that slowly covers the snow slow, quiet and peaceful, it covers everything up to the sun, warm and shining life, melt and shine again, returning to the circle that never stops.


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