Saturday, November 14, 2009

High Soft Cervix Negative Test

Elections to the TAR, the mayor arrived

Elections to the TAR, the mayor totters

Gabriele Coulter - the Gazzettino
Saturday, November 14, 2009,

Defeated by just 11 votes. Massimo Campagnolo - 1377 preferences against Claudio Chiarello 1388 - has challenged the election. He addressed the Regional Administrative Court requesting the annulment of the minutes of the announcement of the elect. For a mess happened in the No 1, where the components of the seat used for the voting process copies of the electoral roll and not delivered at the outset of the listings Sectional men and women endorsed by the special Commission District Prison. In its application, Campagnolo, who is assisted by Advocate Roberto Carfagna, joined Simon also Bacchin.

The anomaly highlighted by Campagnolo clear from the notice sent to the Prefecture on June 10 by the election of the City. From a later inspection the defeated candidate was able to note the absence of any record on the sectional lists about how to identify the voters and the lack of signature of the members of the Elections Office showing that all or part of the listed voters had voted. According to Campagnolo

this is a violation of the principles of instrumental forms and personalities of the vote. Failure to use the lists endorsed by the special Commission by members of the polling and the failure to carry out the tasks related to the identification of voters by the tellers second prevents the courts of the applicants, including through the establishment of the correlative responsibilities. That would result in the cancellation of elections.

not alone. The prior endorsement of the electoral roll by the Commission Circondariale warrants and certifies those who are genuinely entitled to vote and the omission of the incumbent would result in the nullity of elections. Finally, the strict observance of all the precepts contained in the consolidated law on election is logically necessary to achieve the purpose for which the norm itself is intended: namely to prevent the replacement of paper on the electoral lists and ensure that the effectively usable for the vote.

The reasons for the appeal to the administrative courts have not seemed at all spans in the air. So much so that the judging panel chaired by Angelo De Zotti considered it essential that the parties towards the integration of all the elect. Because if the appeal is allowed, not only the mayor but also the entire city council should be rimandanti home and the election should be redone. The Tar Campagnolo ordered to notify the use of all the elect within twenty days. In addition, the Electoral Office has ordered the manager to acquire a copy of the Prefecture of copy of electoral rolls used in the voting by members of the seat "indicted" and sent to the Court of Padua, and a copy stamped by the Commission in order to proceed to the Penitentiary comparison.

Gazzettino, Wednesday, December 2

I write with reference to the article published on November 14 at No U.S. 23 of Gazzettino di Padova. The title, "Elections to the TAR, Mayor wobbles, "said an enchanting and self-efficacy is likely to lead readers to believe that my public office is in serious danger. read the entire article leads me to believe that the author has acted as a sounding board of options defamatory of my political opponents. uncertain expressions used in the title are more than eloquent. Furthermore, the text of the article (I am referring in particular to what is written in the second last paragraph of the article) provides news is absolutely false.
In Case Tar yield from the interim is not read in any part of the appeal of Mr. Campagnolo is well founded. In fact, the Tar revealed a gross deficiency in the notification of the application which, by law, must be notified immediately to all directors elected and has excluded evidence that the effects desired by the applicants in the event of non-compliance of some mere formality that can invalidate the election results to me secured the honor of becoming mayor of Santa Croce Cervarese. If it had considered the Tar based adverse legal construction, it would certainly have ordered the capture of the lists filed with the Court of Padova for the comparison with those kept at the town hall. As evidence I note that the obligations of investigation ordered by the Tar had been requested by me and by the municipal government, forced to incur significant costs of legal defense costs, of course, will come upon all the citizens of Santa Croce Cervarese. Knowing the decision of the TAR, I can say in how its appearance is not the case.
The phrase "the motives of action have not appeared before the administrative courts at all spans in the air" is clearly written at the suggestion of applicants eager to discredit and to insinuate doubts about myself and my integrity with subtle political expediency.
* Mayor of Santa Croce Cervarese

Mayor Cervarese shows little understanding of the mechanisms of information: to think that a journalist writes "at the suggestion" of any municipal council is ridiculous, as well as defamatory. Moreover, the journalist in question has the pleasure to know neither the mayor nor any other politician in Cervarese: merely to report the decisions of the ruling of the TAR of Veneto (Third Section) of 10 November last year that required the ' integration of the documentation does not see election - consequently - the use of unsubstantiated. Pending final decision of the Tar, defined as "flaky" situation is at least objective.


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