Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Many Calories Are In Smithfields Bbq Sandwich

clear voice and the Bandit pentitismo

In the historical period around the year 1500, rival gangs put terror in different countries. In 1574, the Law on the blatant crime, the Council of Ten of Venice magistrates had decided to intervene with a criminal policy more effective.
Until that time, the intervention of the Council of Ten had been sporadic and based on dialogue. The instability of public order had led the political body than the judiciary to correct the work of local courts, even under pressure from various ambassadors sent from Brescia to Venice and the Riviera di Salo with the demand for prompt action against crime and banditry . So it was left
administrator extraordinary these interventions but were just improvised to counter crime. Soon it emerged that the banditry was linked to powerful family lineages in July 1578 so all the foreigners " serving a particular for good (bearers and performers of violence) or accompanying any lot of people with special arms ", were invited to leave the state, under penalty of hanging.
The incident that sparked the Council's reaction was probably the murder of a family member Piovene by Horace Godi, belonging to a rival house. In 1579 they were still the local courts to grant "free voice bandit." For example, if a man commits a murder, but if he was wanted in turn killed another with other murders on his shoulders, he invoked the "clear voice bandit" and was acquitted, relied also featuring the severed head of the bandit killed in order to be approved at the stone of the notice that existed in every city. A brief trial with witnesses testifying the identity of the bandit and the actual killing by the applicants for the entry.
In the middle of 1500, the slow and sometimes questionable the machinery of justice adopted this system. Today, after more than half a millennium, the law does not change the cliché, to be called "bandit clear voice," the modern is " collaborator of justice" two ways to pay the price with the company despite the more than five hundred years we are in the middle, vary very little.


They were our ancestors have taken measures art, or is our case that uses ancient systems? We need the help of criminals to fight crime. There has been progress in all this time? The answer is NO! The collaborators of justice, in addition to being salaried, and paid for by the our money, have the opportunity to start a new life with a new job, a new identity. I would say it is not just for those who lived on the margins of society by committing horrible crimes!

Perhaps, if they were made available to the police, the most effective and less bureaucratic machinery of justice could have a better performance.

As long as the leader in a targeted way to legislate to prevent wiretapping by invoking privacy, as long as there is immunity, until the highest echelons of the state can not be touched during their term of office, I have the distinct impression that the example is that commitment is not of great teaching.

For young people, for repeat offenders, for generations to come, for those of nature is prone to delinquency, for otherwise honest, we need the certainty of punishment!

Paolo Maria Coniglio


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