Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Diseases Flesh Eating Names

From BLOG P. Coelho


that reading is not used as an occasional:

law of Jante:

" You're no good, no one cares what you think, the mediocrity and anonymity are the best choice. If you act like this, you will never have major problems in life .

The Law of Jante focus, in context, the feeling of jealousy and envy that sometimes gives both the head .... This is one of its downsides, but there is something much more dangerous.
is thanks to it that the world has been manipulated in every way, from people who can stand the comments of others and end up doing the evil they want. We're still seeing an unnecessary war in Iraq, which continues to cost many lives, we see an enormous gulf between the rich countries and poor countries, social injustice everywhere, unrestrained violence, people who are forced to give up their dreams because of unfair attacks and cowardly. Before unleashing World War II, Hitler had given several signals of his intentions, and what made him go forward was the knowledge that nobody would dare challenge him because of the Law of Jante.

Mediocrity may be comfortable, until one day tragedy knocks on the door, and then people wonder, "but because no one has said anything, when all they saw was going to happen? "

Simple: no one said anything because they have not said anything.
So, to prevent more and more things to get worse, it is perhaps time to write the

anti-Law of Jante:

"Vali more than you think. Your work and your presence on this Earth are important, even if you do not think so. Clearly, thinking that you will have many problems because you are breaking the Law of Jante - but do not be intimidated, continue to live without fear, and eventually win .


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