Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thank You Email, Subject Email

Modern Life is ironic. Only irony.

How many times have we heard these words: " I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time." As we have heard thousands of times the exact opposite: " I found the right place at the right time." I applied these two sentences to dramatic events that have occurred in our country in recent years have shown that basically two things:
1 - The crime has evolved and has passed the technical investigation of the investigators.

2 - Investigators are not competent enough to adequately fight crime.

two names at random: Alberto Stasi and Anna Maria Franzoni . Particular also the double murder of Enego murderess in Vicenza, which does not have any name. There is no evidence. He gropes in the darkness.

Assume for example that the double murder of Enego disagreements arise from remote, even trivial. Without spending the time, the murderess if he did forget, and was thus able to act unhindered. He did not leave traces, evidence, evidence which lead to him. He found the right place at the right time.

Regarding Alberto Stasi say there is evidence, although in my imagination I guess Chiara Poggi scopreto have fortuitously contained pornographic images on the computer of someone and threatened to tell all. I am convinced that after the fact, the murderess has told everything to a person close to him, who then made by placing some dangerous direction details. I think there were people aware of his perversion and to have been covered because of "good family .

Anna Maria Franzoni has roughly followed the same path Stasi. There is no evidence against him. The majority of public opinion is convinced that she is the monster. Again I am convinced that the murderess has been helped by someone, clearly happened after the fact.

The conclusion is that those who are prone to deviance, can think of to get away. The crime has not evolved the certainty of punishment.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Minnetonka Moccasin Dealers

Again, the Fish takes supreme!!

Last night, Friday, November 21, took another step to the 3 hooks poker club Ferentino. Finally tigr8 also managed to finish first in one of these tournaments! :)
The RDF, however, is always good locations registered as the final table is made for 5 / 9 from their own components of this "team"!
Awarded the first 4 ...
leaves the tournament in fourth place, our dear Serena clash against Galba (88 against AA). Board takes away nothing that the latest chips;
Third place for a certain maximum (I think), with a call to my heart-(that around against a 44 Q 10 offsuited). Coinflip heart attack that still gives me reason. Board invalid even in this case;
L 'HU takes place between me and Galba. The beginning is almost sbilanciatissimo to me, but a bit wrong 'moves (also because of the emotion) and laugh at life Galba (also 3-4 all complicit in the latter won by a lot under that started in pre-flop percentages ). After several hands and an endless up and down here is the key hand of chips: 88 pin, Galba sends the tub and I call. He runs 7-8 suited. This time the board does not help, and so ends this time for an evening full of emotions and strong batticuori flop due to crazy, unexpected turn and river magic!

Greetings and the next


Monday, November 17, 2008

Indian Actress Boobes

shackles of politics!

continues the exodus of the shackles of politics. But sometimes that happens to jump on the bandwagon all the supposed winners, the wagon weighs so much that they deflate the wheels and ass can not make it to haul. Since 1992, in Italy, were not carried out the reforms that have transformed and evolved instead of the other European countries. We are still at stake, as they say. We stale compared to the overall of the most modern in Europe. In that 92 of the deteriorating political system, we thought to turn the page, change the system. Wrong. The system was good, the people were wrong. Was degraded that entire political generation. And we ended up with a vulgar and unnatural bipolar system, governed and directed by the same person or virtually by some for them. We were wrong. We have to admit it. What has produced the bipolar? That system had to ensure transparency, and welfare reform. None of this. We have witnessed over the past 15 years to continuous disputes between the center-right and center-left, aiming only to mere electoral returns. A priori, one could know the mind of the other political party, simply by applying the minus sign to all that part declared before. We have seen epic campaigns, and fragile governments and / or inconclusive. Prodi and Berlusconi governments. Today we find ourselves to be lagging behind Europe: we, the founders of Europe. What a shame. We were wrong because we are divided, even though it was time to join. The great nations, in times of difficulty, are common shield and solve problems together. We do not. Stupidly we split into a center-right and center-left, and I spent years wondering why my party should ally itself with the post-fascist and not with the moderate and reasonable center-left. Incomprehensible to me. Here because, in my opinion the two-party system was the biggest political blunder since the war. Already Aldo Moro, in his time, 30 years ago, he realized that it was time to overcome the barriers and divisions, rather than exasperation. That's why I seem entirely anachronistic to "jump election" of crickets policy Abruzzo, neglect the welfare of the country and the region in our case, looking only at easy landing beaches apparent victory, but historically exceeded. I vote for the only party that understands the importance of returning to a political system based on cooperation among political forces, national solidarity and responsible behavior aimed to national salvation, to deal with the crisis, economic, and cultural and social that we now live.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spice Drawer Organizer

increasingly cosmos!

In view of the 'International Year of Astronomy 2009
Cultural Association of Rose Hills, City Library and the Parish Centre "Don Bosco"
Rovolon of Bastia (Padova)


"EMOTIONS Infinite "

calendar of events:

Saturday, Dec. 6 hours 18.oo
opening and inauguration of the exhibition

paintings by Marzia Bedell
6 to 14 December 2008
multipurpose room - Rovolon of Bastia (Padova)

December 13, 2008 20:00
concert acoustic guitar 6, 8, 10 strings of the master
Franco Guidetti
the same musical compositions, inspired by Cosmo

December 20, 2008 21:00
: video projection "Discovering Universe in the wake of comets "
A. Spada and M. Tietto
21.30: "Mysteries of the Universe" encounter with astronomer Dr. Silvia Tosatto
at 22.00: direct observation of the winter sky by the Amateur Astronomers Group of Padua

Friday, October 10, 2008

Waxing In Inland Empire

Incredible ... The

Well well, here is the fish most of the FTR (tigr8) finally can boast a good position in a decent tournament! Last night (actually tonight at 2.30) I finished fifth in the tournament FTIPS III taking the large sum of $ 325. It remains a bitter taste in the mouth because I was not put in bad chips in and out coinflip always evil .... In fact being left in 5 to call a hand in having the pair of 10. The guy turns AK and the flop is punishing me bitterly (leaving both A and K) ... of course no 10 on the turn and river! But I'm happy with the result and thank you very much Lorenzo and Serena who remained to cheer for me until the end! Now they are 39th in the overall standings and who knows if I will to qualify in the top 75 for the main event! I am confident for the future!

Hello everyone ... Tigr8

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Can Yamaha Receiver Bought In Us Used In India

Fubelli ...

Even friends last night there was another leg of the tournament social "3 Hooks Poker Club" ...
As usual, a beautiful structure very playable, with a starting stack of 10K, and levels for 15 minutes ...
The RDF takes less than 6 players at the tables ... Galba, Albatross, Giampy, Fubelli, and myself Tigr8 science ...

The tournament begins with the usual standard hands, no play worthy of note ... then suddenly rises Tigr8 ... Get out ... his flopped two clashes against a staircase ... too bad ...

Meanwhile Fubelli flies ... even touching share 60K at one point ... all other RDF instead travel on the 12 ... 15 ... 20K ....

While the rest of the players come out, or radoppiano, the RDFs remain fairly stable ... then at some point in Galba bluff loses most of his stack and a little later ... now all in with short Pusha J6s but is called by a player who shows AQ ... no help from the board ... too bad ...

Meanwhile we also lose our Giampy ... always strong as ever ...

The final table consists of 9 players, sees as many as 3 RDF Albachiara sitting ... (though short), which stood on the Fubelli me around 45K and 30K ...

Within a few hands out four players and one is the bubble in 5 ... unfortunate for the Fubelli nosta Albachiara ... raised by button ... I know the player with my pair of 6's send the tub ... 43K ... Albachiara shortissima now calls while Fubelli folded AQ ... ... turn 66 and the holding torque and bubble bursts ... (sorry Albachiara ... lol).

Stay in 4 loads all beautiful ... but a player who would soon be released ...

Stay in 3 ... The Fubelli, me and another player ... ... it just comes out ... The third x Fubelli strangely folded QQ on the button ... I spiked by Sb and raise 3X Pusha ... opposition to instant call in and I turn ... AJ ... no help from the board and loses most of his stack ... shortly after Fubelli delete it ... HU

final between two RDF ... like old times ... The Fubelli 126K 96K ... dark ... I 2000/4000 ...

The hands are the first study, very standard nn nothing happens ... then I reach a bit by winning a showdown ... Fubelli then retrieves and returns the same ... ... a good fight ... we know a lot and we have fun ... the Fubelli riallunga again but will take it back ... very nice ... finally ends in a few hands ... all the Fubelli riallunga ... I send him raise up his bathtub with A3S instant glue with him ... but ... A9 player out ...

Fubelli GREAT ... lol ...............

Feel The Raise RULES ................ ........................... .............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Number To Check Balance On Usaa

Starting over ... QUEEN OF HEARTS

After a long pause of several months back to update our blog ... and we start talking stages of the tournament in the new "Three Hooks Poker Club" Ferentino ...
good structure makes it enjoyable game, buy in 60, starting stack of chips with 10K levels by 15 minutes of gameplay that usually allow a low buy in tournaments No one has ...
tell some interesting hand ....

As usual, the FTR is in mass by less than 6 giokatori sit at the tables or Galba Pallitto ... ... ... Albachiara Carletto Giampy ... and me ... (Science) ... Start

Poki levels after the tournament and there is a hand very very interesting ... Pallitto raised in middle with AT and is dressed for Giampy and man (sorry but forgot the name ... lol nn ...).. . AT7 flop ... now nn remembering well the evolution of bets I will just say that all three will all in turn respectively Pallitto top two pair ... ... man ... set of 7 x T x and a set of hand that ... ... Giampy Giampy triples and fly ... poor ball undergoes this absurd cooler ... The tournament continues
+ and whether or not we are all there ... at some point Galba raised 3x standar ... man ... with the other man-raised Galba already know ... to play for the coin flip sent the tank with QQ. .. the first man folds the second call and turns AK ... xxx flop turn river x. .. A. ... STANDARD! Galba
left with about 2500 chips ... too bad ... I go up a bit in the meantime and I share stood at 18K ... but last night Albachiara nn has never managed to take off too much ... but after being Carletto x long time deep down and he too settles between 18-20K ...

few hands after short Galba now sends the tub and I saw my AQ nn I can do is call ... he runs a 60/40 KJ ... quiet ... the flop comes K that a lot of hopes Galba victory to my friend ... but an A on the turn, eliminates the ...

At the final table there are 4 to 9 FTR player Giampy ... ... ... Albachiara Carletto and me ...

The first is to quit your Albatross shortissima that now sends the tank with K7 and was immediately called by Giampy running AA ... the flop freezes Giampy 79K ... ... but two in a row 8 on the turn and river give the victory ... seventh ... eighth man out but I walk a thousand curses ... ... man ... but so is standard UTG with blinds raised to 5K 800/1600...Giampy ... I called from the button and send the tub Spizzo AA x 23800 chips ... utg makes instant call and passes Giampy turns JJ utg ... ... J. .. flop first card I get up and I go see nn not the other ... SILENCE ...!!!

sixth place it fifth man ... instead you place our great Carletto quarter and the legendary Great Guys ... Giampy two FTR prize ...

Still okay Sicience ......................... ................. ....

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Daddy Adopt Illegal Cp Free

preparation of exhibition at the Library of Padua Dragons

Burning In Stomach And Throat

... are now visible on!

... more news coming soon!

IMPORTANT! ... Project Cosmocromie "!... not just paint!

This project has begun to emerge from the meeting a musician, composer for classical guitar virtuoso
(Maestro Franco Guidetti)
which have long made up the lines of the Cosmos.
on this fertile common ground, thanks to a sensitivity of mind similar
was born and then project that includes painting and music,
that accompany and inspire each other.
On my show in Noventa Vicentina in the spring of 2008,
the inauguration has been open for just the concert for classical guitar
Master Guidetti. Great suggestion ... and public success!

Accoustic Solutions Tv Keeps Switching Off

from June 17 to July 7 '08 "Cosmocromie" on display in the exhibition hall of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Alonte Vicentino (VI)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Katesplayground O Face

rega I place the next event at the Queen of Hearts if you can involve:

Friday, May 16
ASD Queen of Hearts

Casino Queen of Hearts' east via Carpinetana No. 8 signs
Montelanico direction (coming from Rome)
Motorway colleferroTorneo Freezeout NL starting at 22:15
€ 30 +5 \u200b\u200bbuy-in early 6000 Stack
25/50 Bui increase every 12 min xi first 4 levels, 15 minutes to the final table final table
18 min
Thursday May 15 Sit & Go by 12 +3 and 10 people who qualify in the top 3 main event of 16 May, the 4th place entry to another Sit & go
Stack initial 4000
25/50 Bui increase every 10 min xi first 4 levels, 13 minutes to 15 minutes
final table final table

Special menu to all members


Generate License For Java Applicatin


Here I am ... I am writing to report my presence in the university level first tournament poker player! IUPT. I think it's very very nice initiative ... Basically there are 10 stages (one for each university, I will attend to that of Wisdom) and finalists (the top finishers of each stage) will compete in the finals in Campione D'Italy (with recovery on Sky). The prize is a week in Las Vegas with affiliation to a side event ($ 2,500) of the WSOP!
also will still be awarded 10% of partecianti of each stage!
I'll play 26 or May 27



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kelflex Prostate Infection

Queen of Hearts still

interesting initiative in Colleferro, if I may be of interest to the place, is a local dealer where I'm doing, if you come and I am pleased would be a great favor.


Tuesday April 6 Freeroll Tournaments (Free) with the 1st prize dinner for two in our Risto / pubappuntamento 21.00

Thursday 8 and Friday 9 and Saturday, May 10 Sit & GoNL NLdalle 21:00 15 +5 .......
on 10 people who qualify the first 2 on the 2nd main event of May 10

Queen of Hearts
Saturday, May 10
2nd mini MAIN EVENT NL Freezeout Tournament starts at 22:15 point
buy -in 35 €
Stack 5000Bui 25/50
initial increase every 12 min xi first 5 levels,
15 minutes to the final table
18 min finalePREMI the table in the dining room! Remember that the premiums are guaranteed for a minimum of 30 partecipantiper any further info and bookings: 392 8609062
antonio valerio
3341708274 (microchip)

Bella pe hello all

Monday, May 5, 2008

Acoustic Solutions Tv Keeps Switching Off

Tuesday, May 20 '08 21:00
opening exhibition
"Cosmocromie "
Dragons at the Library of Padua.
presents the photographer and art lover Francesco

Starry Messenger

More than windows, Marcia, there opens the door in the sky. Crossing, we are surrounded by thousands and thousands of lights of the silent stars Tufting coat of cobalt blue pictorial space.

Charm and takes us by surprise when, in eerie silence, sudden, ethereal trail of diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds and gold wraps us: wave of sound and light, heavenly music that floods the hearts and minds of emotions. Stardust, we feel that we exist in a sky that we all accept and share. The pictorial fabric of his paintings recall the materiality of the primordial forms: geometric footprints imprinted-settled into our code of life. Ancestral memory of the original membership of atoms that was floating between the galaxies and then primitive bodies in the abyssal depths of the ocean, to our most recent land port.

His lyrics are wise and true representations of colors can provoke wonder. Among its many landscapes the cosmic galaxy pink blue speaks of the mystery of the birth of new stars for little more spread throughout the cosmos and to constitute a new source of discovery and admiration for future explorers of the sky.

Marzia is the interpreter of the most spiritual of all of us and expresses it with the grace that is peculiar to the artist.

(Francesco Danesin - photographer, a lover of art)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bob Stanley Old Airplane

"Homage to Kuiper" mixed media on canvas, 70x100 cm

The new series of paintings that I intend to present is inspired by the cosmos and the forces of nature ... "we are stardust "... and if you cast an eye over the thin layer that surrounds us and protects us, the Earth's atmosphere, we could understand him! I've always been fascinated with trying to make visible what is normally although it is not essential pillar of life itself! We take for granted living in this world that we use and often do not appreciate that we do not know where we are and the wonderful and vital energies allow us to of life. And 'all wrapped up in our Universe: the spectacular scenery of life and wonder that surrounds us and affects us in the magical dance of invisible particles and of the immense galaxies: all brought together in perfect harmony and fantastic.

How Many Members At A Gym?

"Portal to the stars" mixed media on canvas, 80x120 cm

"Stars" mixed media on canvas, 70x100 cm

Archipelago Moon " mixed media, 80x100 cm

" Nebula " mixed media, 80x100 cm

"Meteorites" mixed media, 80x120 cm

"Vita Nova" mixed media, 100x100 cm

"Betelgeuse" mixed, 100x 100 cm

Monday, April 21, 2008

Color Of Bracelets Chart

"Supernova" mixed media on canvas, 80x100 cm

"The crystal bridge" technique mixed media on canvas, 100x150 cm

"dance of the stars" mixed media on canvas, 100x150 cm

"Cosmocromie" born, or rather, is manifested by mental effort to self-knowledge, as well as by a sense of belonging to this infinite set. Summary of all experiences! The technique comes from feeling that what should not be talking the way of thinking, but feeling free and impartial aware that moves between the dualisms ... dark and light, black and white, heavy and light, visible and invisible, fear and poetry, horror and beauty, heaven and hell ... to grasp the unity of all things, and overall harmony, where everything belongs to all and where everything is in everything. It 's so well on the canvas where live the drama of black, bright gold with the precious, the coarse materiality that emerges in relief to turn colorful shades and tiny glittering fragments.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Blue Tarantula Margarita Mix Alcohol Content

FTR ... Serena

Last night, as every Friday, there was a stage of the tournament three hooks "... and after a long period of absence, the RDF is back this ... Ben
7 giokatori FTR sat at the tables of the tournament 25 +5 NL Hold'em Double Chance ... and specifically, Galba Pallitto ... ... ... Tigr8 Pf Giampy ... .. and Albachiara the signed scientist ...
The tournament, which started around 23, had as usual, the presence of numerous giokatori (and many Italians are barbarians ... LOL ...)...
The start of the tournament for me is fairly crackling, gain different chips ... just like Tigr8, Pf and Albachiara bad start ... .. but Galba pallium Giampy ... and that unfortunately will leave a little later ... Among Giok
beautiful ... (our) ... and many barbarism (the others ... LOL) we arrive at the final table made up of 8 players ... including a 4 FTR ... go to the prize first 6 ...
Apart deletes the eighth, sixth and seventh paragraphs that concern us, the fifth ranked ... I myself left with about 23K chips with the blinds 2/4K, send the tub with A6 suited and come dressed for Pf with AJ ... not from the board and helps players out ... I'm glad the same ... the fourth prize is our Tigr8 ... he sends the tank with AK and is called by chip leader Albachiara showing a pair of 7 x ... even he is eliminated and no help ... a boy in third place nn even know the name ... LOL ... HU final between the good and always + Albachiara strong and the other RDF Pf .. the gap is huge chips ... nn's history and easy to poke Albachiara wins hands ..........

Congratulations to all FTR x excellent results ... and especially ... to Albachiara for which we find nn + x words to describe it if nn BRAVISSIMO ...

... Stay Tuned .... FTR Sicience .......... ...........................

Sunday, March 30, 2008

How Do You Replace The Treadmill Walking Belt

incredible ...

The RDF continues to win, or rather our Albachiara84 indinsturbata continues to triumph, winning three tournaments in the circle in three hooks poko more than a week, removing even a few pebbles in the shoe to someone ...

Albachiara ON FIRE ... but leaves something to other RDF joke ... ... ... BRAVA

Sicience ....... ..................

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Gothica Sweet 16 Party

Stage on Sunday ....

Sunday was held on the fourth stage of the new tournament, "Three hook and of course could not miss the FTR ... as usual Galba, Jack, Giampy, Albatross, Pignoloni, Carletto, and I (Science) have sitting at the tables of the beautiful circle of Ferentino ... as usual the tournament was fought and saw the final table with 5 FTR .... LOL .... the first of us to come out it was me (purtroppo. ... auhauah ).... x steal from UTG raise with A6 .. . short the button moved all in and commit now call losing a part of my stack ... JJ hand after going all in and everyone folds ... shortly afterwards with a pair of 3 repass at all ... I come from Kiama co Carletto KQ ... ... 7TT flop turn river ... 7 ... 8 .... goodbye my third pair of throw it in the toilet ... in succession out ... a couple of other giokatori ... then our Pignoloni Carletto ... ... and then was left short Giampy HU ....... the final between David and Jack has no history ... the gap is unbridgeable chips and Jack must stop at second place ......... once again the FTR has shown great Giok ....

Sicience ......... ........

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sticklebricks Toys R Us

just luck?

Hello, you a little update on my progress at poker. E 'entered its second championship in three hooks, the last results are very good hoping that it is not just luck!

Latest results:

tournament before the main event - Position 1,
Main Event - Location
Freeroll 2 ° - 6 ° Posizoine
First Stage of the new league - Position 1,
Third stage (the second was there nn) - Position 2 °
Fourth stage - Position 1,

I would say that live is going quite well in terms of bankroll .... I made 5 of 6 tone hu end of which 3 won. As

concerns online, they are always calm even if I played very little last 3 .. 4 Oretta in 1 week. hours will take up seriously, I have also changed tactics to build a solid bankroll maybe depositing a large sum to start playing at higher levels.

kc8c nh

Monday, February 25, 2008

Foreign Plastic Diaper

Mission SundayWarmUP .... 2

The FTR is preparing to face the climb back to the Sunday tournaments on PokerStars and FullTilt Buy ... obviously costs will be broken down into various units ... +
We hope to be lucky as last time .... A

more news soon ....... ........ Sicience

Fraternity Initiation Ceremonies

Report Friday ...

Friday we held the third round of the "Three Second Cup Hooks" and how This was the usual RDF ... Galba, Charles, Giampy, Albachiara with me (Science) have defied all the participants one by one ... the tournament is bigger than usual and that's always good to ... first break the RDF was still intact, none of us had gone and I probably was the chip leader without ever even had to make a showdown ;).............. but now begins the ugly the blinds are high and we are all short M = CACCA .... ..... .... we are only 12 hand UTG Carlo fatal to me ..... all in all .... fold .. .. I see the button 99, and knowing I giokatore a while he shows good call .... 88 .... but needless to say an 8 comes on the flop and end my adventure in 12th place ... too bad .. ..
At the final table, size 8 people, the remaining players are all present FTR .... I just went out (the little + auahuahaua )...... ...... Galba dominated the final table, but Charles, and Giampy Albachiara resist the big bubble .... greets us on our strong Albachiara .... .... a bit unlucky in fourth position out Giampy .... now that is super short neck and deleted .... sin Giampà .. . remain in three Galba, Charles and another man from the button .... Galba Reisa co QJ, Carlo immediately fire all in el 'instant call the third giokatore the table folds easily the two figures of Galbino Carlo .... A9 runs a giokatore AK .... .... the other two nines on the board give the victory our Carletto very short .... .... HU Galba with QQ Charles Reis and pushed all his chips in all .. . istant Galba's call that is going to collide with anything less than poo K8 suited, the hand of Charles Lucky ... but this time there are nn aid from the board and Galba wins this stage .... CONGRATULATIONS ....

FTR Sicience ...................... .....................

Friday, February 15, 2008

Pokemon Emerald What's Mod Shop


Tonight started the 2nd Trofeo Three Hooks! News interssante a ticket to the EPT San Remo SIDE EVENT !!!!!. Even tonight came out a nice tournament with 21 people! RAISE THE FEEL the shame that was me, giampy and peaceful! We tell some of the tournament:
At my table are two sessions of steep new people, just one interesting hand where you raise with A8 suited .... the flop comes down 756 for a straight draw, he check I go out and pointing .... turn a 2 ... and I check him and subsoiler subisco a raise from the new player until 1400. examine his hand and do so in Blufi name! ... river another 6 he still betta 1300, and after thinking a bit I CALL A paper with high .. he is turning 83! and win a big pot! Then no other plot twists and raise food taken home and build a nice stack! out of the players and changing table. New
table is all of us (the usual) a table co Donatello, David, Saccomanno, giampy, the brother of Donatello, alfredo. do not tell you all the hands .. go to the most interesting! all in a 88 pin saccommanno I call .... he turns AK ... nn even helps the board to turn down an 8 player and out! I do other nice hands and climb up to 20k! Final Table:
I, David Henry (a barbarian), a steep guy, another guy who nn remember the name, and giampy donatello! I do pretty well here in a few hands and in continuation bet bluff and build a nice stack! has become the second chip leader behind David, the boy was again steep that after 15 hands played nn announces all in for 7k I pin the cards to fold AA reraise all in all, he runs on the board kk anything out player ! as they all come short! shall remain at 3: I
, David and Henry, with Henry just lose a good portion of my stack about 13 k I called with A-high!! where the board was the impossible! I should be steal back under left and right at the end of the cacciooooooo! with a Sculati in hand I flop Q3 K73, he betta I raised all in (he had 12k), calls me and turns A7 .. but a 3 on the river sent me hu final with David.
recall that five days before there was already a hu david with the main event won by him.
This time he departs with a lot of chips! but in 5 hands after a good play with A3 reverses the situation! come to hand crucial closing the games. dark 800 / 1600 by KK from the button button pin Raise 4600 totals, and calls me, Q27 flop, check turn 9 I check him, check him I do a little fake ... 6k bet at the end ... he goes all in, 45 runs off instant call me kk! we count the chips and I Have more. CONCLUSION
STAGE 1 WON BY ME!! is 160
Somewhat satisfied about 1 week 360 won!
Sunday freeroll is the hope to continue like this!

Kc8c nh!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Intext:mario Salieri Streaming


Here we are, it's been a while that I do not write, I had left with my bankroll of $ 200 and the last step in the 1st trophy three hooks poker.
What can I say there are both positive and negative news. Let us examine first the negative .. as you can imagine, what have I done? Simple burned more than $ 200, beating out bankroll: D auhuhauha! and close the conversation here.
to switch to the good news ... the last stage 50 +10 (where I qualified via satellite) went pretty well because I came 2nd and won the 1st trophy three hooks (small satisfaction). I'll tell you a little of the tournament ... I immediately started well, doing my continuation bet after raising pre flop ... doing some reraise bluff and ending in some points, just create a nice stack playable on most short, we arrive at a crucial point of the tournament.
Stack on the 12k last hand before the second break, pin position on the raise of 3BB Ah8s, call David and call Tony. 2h3h7h flop, a flop as you can see I'm very good in flash and draw particular position. David's Check, Check by tony ... My bet ... fold to call David and Tony (I smelled it already here) Turn 6h .... dropped this card into me "wow I have the nuts" if he had not bet that after the tony and my allin .. . Instant call tony 4h5h running for a straight flush, and they became my second nuts nuts !!!!!!!!!! I expected her to color Kh. I go to the chip count ... stay well, and something with 3k! are not yet out of WOW. I do pause calmly discuss the hand that was obviously impossible to fold! Inside of me so I decided to go all the decision in only with good cards, in fact after some douple hands of my stack up against serene all in with KK preflo call for calm by the AQ board does not help calm and stay in the race ... . allin alfredo nice call on the 4k, my KT suited, QJ beat her off. Turn around to 11k ... I start to play more relaxed .... when I hear a preflop all of tony and the last to speak was I had folded all! get up the cards is under 33 (in me ... I study the situation to be in the cards ... mmmm tony good if the play ... want to steal, there was a call .. the more dark, more and is shorter and more in my brain rimbobava STRAIGHT FLUSH) .... CALLL, KJ rotates (it was not just stealing) BUT MY 33 GOVERNING THEM AND STARTS DOWN!!
Final Table:
I have about 20k ... David begins to steal like crazy all lined up outside shooting position ... sometimes we feel well and I magnify the stack ... but come to the conclusion! Exit Serena (evvaiii ).... all in Giampaolo ... AT needle do not think twice Call ... Flop AAbanana ... nh ... and win the trophy ... Meanwhile
are still in the race .. .. All in lorenzo .. AT instant pin still call .. and also eliminates him! David and I remain the mark in Milan! A8 with nh nh rereraise and always with K8 rereaise (he was in Blufi) gay raise crucial hand of Milan ... my all in with q2 in Blufi .. install the Milanese call me KK turns ..... Flop T22 NH KK .... NO GOOD !!!!!! HU
final play of Cac * at ... I finally got the 2nd but that's okay trophy and 200 euros in your pocket !!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Japanwse Breastfeeding Cat


Iera night on Full Tilt has played an interesting tournament for only the Italians, with guest Marco Traniello, and several added money of course ... FTR ... This was the Galb83, Pallitto, Albachiara84 and me (Science) gave battle to the end ...
aside all hands and the various Giok, in this post I will just do my congratulations (and obviously also by all the FTR) to the mythical Galba to have triumphed, and he won the first prize ... of course that'll let him to tell the various hands that brought him victory allla ... Galba

still great! Maybe more will go to Lourdes nn ....

PS: My thanks to the well known magical ability and vision of the future, I won something ... having bet on our sample Giucas BOX ...... BE CAREFUL!!

... Science ............................................ .............

Thursday, January 31, 2008

What Does A Chalice Symbolize Look Like

1, target $ 200 bankroll reached

I had planned to reach $ 200 by the end of the week, luckily I've met before! played out through the bankroll .. I sat down a few times to head up cash 0,50 / 1,00 (as usual I nearly new bankroll to play out), all in all I did bullshit na, na part but allowed me to double my bankroll of around 1 hours, today dropped below $ 180.00, but thanks to some sit and go from 5% hu I recovered quickly back over $ 200. Tomorrow definitely take a break and go online to play live at the club!

ps. today no work on the pretext of influence! and this morning at 9 that game: D nice

Kc8c hand

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lewis Structure Of Clf^-2


This is my first post as a member of the RDF!
As the title after finally cash out, tilt bankroll or play outside, I decided to start from 0 to seriously build a bankroll at Full Tilt, I must say that things start to go well after a deposit of $ 50 in 2 days have arrived to over $ 100 playing Microlimano ($ 2), alternating head up and go sit! The cash for the time being until I leave nn reach the goal of $ 200 this weekend.
The rest Saturday after a wonderful and enjoyable dinner with my team mates and friends, we went to three hooks club, we had a satellite for the last stage of the tournament, luckily I managed to qualify for the 50 +10, ending also the tournament chip leader. I hope to win the trophy as they are 1st in the standings but there Giampy Corrado and behind the ribs are ready to make some of my mistake and blow my way.
Now I leave and I do my online poker session.

thanks again to ALL THE FTR.

K8 nice hand

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What Is Discolaration Of Cervix

repair market ... HOOKS

With the end of January, the RDF has also made her "blow" ... Sports with great pleasure and honor "FEEL THE RAISE POKER TEAM" spfac (Society for chips and chips) is pleased to present to the world the legendary poker but I say ... great ... but I say ... KAPPOTTONE CARLOOOOOOOOOOO FUBELLIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ..... ... ..... auahuahauhuahuahuauhauahuahauhauahuaha

Despite the tough competition from teams ferentinesi, good carlo chose to stay with the best .... ..... auahuahauahuahauhauahauh

Grandeeeeeee ..... too now .... FTR science ... without honor ....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tech Deck Logos Picters


Last Friday we held the fourth last stage of the tournament three hooks, which saw the participation of as many as 7 members of the RDF ... Galba, microchip, Bardo, Jack, Giampy80, Albachiara84e me ... Sciences. .. the tournament was as usual a lot of fun even if, unfortunately, has seen the early elimination of our friend and talented Albachiara84 Bardo ...
The final table saw as many as 5 to 8 giokatori FTR player ... the first to go was our a microchip ... unfortunate bit ... then came out in fifth place Galba luck to him ..... nn smiled at the end to contend the stage were only 3 giokatori ... Jack, and I Giampy80 (Science) ... .............................
Jack came out of the hands Giampy80 and took home a good profit for the third place ranking ... ... Giampy all'HU we are against me ... the two of the tournament chip leader from first to last hand HU ... a very balanced and very very long ... down to the hands of decision that sealed the victory Giampy ...... very good .... congratulations Well so

Sicience ................ .....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thank Yous To Coaches

Here we are, as we said over and over in 2008 we had our first tournament heads up ... and we did it, that is, we're doing!
had to be 10 players, but eventually withdrew Pratarolo studying to do ... what the hell I say!
But it does not matter ... we looked at and found a replacement, finding it in Chico, but he declined, preferring the FTOPS Full Tilt Poker (if you do not know what I'm here next -> there is a useful link to download the poker room, reading the post "Promo Full Tilt" you'll know more !!!!)

back to us, we've played well two days, only 16 others are missing ... lol ... The day


Pallitto - a microchip
Galba - Science 2
Tigr8 - Bardo 2
Jack - 2 Pieffe
rip. Pignoloni

day II:

Science - 2 Pallitto
Bardo - Jack
Pignoloni 1 - 1 Tigr8
Pieffe - Galba 2
rip. A microchip

side, under the link ->
will find the current standings!

18 Year Old Birthday Cards

Results on Friday ...

Hello everybody ... Friday to three hooks POKER CLUB was held on the eleventh stage of the tournament, which saw the FTR are 5 giokatori ... Science, Galba, Jack, and Giampy Albachiara .. . the tournament was won by a very good Galba all'HU that collided with our great Giampy ... FTR ...
Tuesday but the talented Albachiara triumphed in the tenth stage of the tournament ... so keep the championship lead ...

force ... FEEL THE RAISE ... Science ..................................... ..............

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Patons Wool Wholesale

new year ... my first post ... Promo

Hello to everyone ... well past the holidays??

Then I wanted to tell you a little something nice view yesterday ... but first let's talk about the first tournament of 2008 took place at the three hooks POKER CLUB ... Feel the Raise presented only 4 players this Friday ... that is me (knowledge / Deltaq85) ... Galba (Galb83) ... ... Giampy80 Albachiara84 and ended the tournament victory of myself ... my friend's place on the third and fourth Albachiara84 Galba ... okay guys ...

Going back to what I wanted to say ... last night on Sky Sports 3 were doing the "World Series of Poker Europe" those won by "Annete_15" to figure ... I was enjoying a beautifull table where they sat .. . ... Gus Hansen Jennifer Harmann Waswani ... ... ... and the femme fatal if Nos Mercier also a mistake, also known as Tom Dwan "durrrr" ;)... have this short, a bad table. .. and all this with the legendary and mythical stress commentary by De Grandis and CARESSAS ... cmq ... beautiful ... great hands ... Giok stradominando Hansen was throwing off the table and repeat all ... Caressa nn did that say "but this has no ass ... ... esculappio stops him ..." leaving these comments on Gus (to say the least out of place as who played a big poker and party appears before his opponents) that really made me laugh was when framing "durrrr" that a revival of Spizzi Hansen goes to the cards and Caressa says ... "this seems Ohi the son of Mr. Bean ... but where are you going "......

Now ok, I understand that certain giokatori nn all know ... but hell at least try to make a fool No talking bad ...

Sicience FTR ..... ......

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Electronic Bowlercade Manual


Feel The Raise and Full Tilt Poker is offering a satellite token worth $ 26 to all members with bonus code "Feel" that have made a deposit. The satellite and token 'as a ticket to one of the famous guaranteed tournaments on Full Tilt Poker, for example, that of 20:00 with $ 17,500 guaranteed. So you can 'play in a tournament buy-in of $ 24 + $ 2 gratuitamente.Quindi invite all those who want to try the room of Pro to download via the link FullTilt (right ->) to register using our bonus code " Feel need to get the token and make your first deposit (you only need $ 50) in which the ricereverete 100% more as a bonus! For information please write here or send us an email to: .

In + Recall that came Dario Alioto part of Full Tilt Pros ..

Dario Alioto joined the Italian team at Full Tilt Poker

After Max Pescatori and Marco Traniello, Dario Alioto is becoming a new member of the Italian team of pros at Full Tilt .

Over the past two years, Darius has established itself as one of the best Italian players capable of winning both in Italy and abroad ... as you can not remember his company at the WSOP Europe in London!

Sport has always been an integral part of Dario's life that saw him win several regional championships of judo & access up to the podium for six years in a row Italian championships in wrestling.

Dario has certainly made the most of this experience: "I believe that all the sacrifices for the sport have taught me that discipline to a program that is an indispensable factor and primary key to success." A lover of the classic 32-card draw poker, Dario has slowly approached and found the charm poker texas hold'em.

His first results date back to 2005, where he reached a final table at EPT Barcelona. With more than $ 600,000 in vincinte in his short career, Darius has quickly established itself as a specialist in the Pot Limit Omaha: "The PLO is an action game, fast-paced and fun, but also very technical and multi-faceted. I'm loving it now and since I noticed it was a game very popular in high-stakes games I decided to try his hand almost exclusively in this specialty with the declared aim of becoming the best. "

Dario chose to play at Full Tilt Poker because "you can easily see that poker is a room designed by gamers for gamers, always ready to snatch and meet the needs of its customers: both those who play poker to make a profit but also to those who do it for fun. " From now on, you can follow Dario at the tables of Full Tilt where he plays with the nickname "Dario Alioto" and you can challenge him at the table of Omaha PL Cap $ 25 / $ 50 reserved for him. And also, you can play with Dario Tuesday, January 15 in a tournament for the Italian PLO $ 10 + $ 1 Italian 21:30 (or 15:30 on the server): $ 1,000 will be added and you have the ability to chat directly with Dario pro chat.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What Difference Half Board And Full


but many, many wishes for many years by the FTR Poker Team ...
For those who still do not know, maybe because it is the first time you visit the blog and is too lazy to read the other post, or who is a po'tardo and still did not understand, 2008 will be an exciting year challenging and full of novelties, from our membership (I know it is already active, but the scene is repeating!) with Full Tilt Poker ...

But the real news is the Heads-up tournament that will involve members of the team, now I announce that the first day will most likely Sunday, January 6 at Villa Franky, 15.30 start of the tournament, so come at least an hour before!

20 FPP Buy-in, plus 1 for the presence of FPP or if we do it for a surprise ...
Stack 5000, at dark every 7 minutes.

... flex its muscles and are in a vacuum ... Pallitto