Friday, February 8, 2008

Japanwse Breastfeeding Cat


Iera night on Full Tilt has played an interesting tournament for only the Italians, with guest Marco Traniello, and several added money of course ... FTR ... This was the Galb83, Pallitto, Albachiara84 and me (Science) gave battle to the end ...
aside all hands and the various Giok, in this post I will just do my congratulations (and obviously also by all the FTR) to the mythical Galba to have triumphed, and he won the first prize ... of course that'll let him to tell the various hands that brought him victory allla ... Galba

still great! Maybe more will go to Lourdes nn ....

PS: My thanks to the well known magical ability and vision of the future, I won something ... having bet on our sample Giucas BOX ...... BE CAREFUL!!

... Science ............................................ .............


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