Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What Difference Half Board And Full


but many, many wishes for many years by the FTR Poker Team ...
For those who still do not know, maybe because it is the first time you visit the blog and is too lazy to read the other post, or who is a po'tardo and still did not understand, 2008 will be an exciting year challenging and full of novelties, from our membership (I know it is already active, but the scene is repeating!) with Full Tilt Poker ...

But the real news is the Heads-up tournament that will involve members of the team, now I announce that the first day will most likely Sunday, January 6 at Villa Franky, 15.30 start of the tournament, so come at least an hour before!

20 FPP Buy-in, plus 1 for the presence of FPP or if we do it for a surprise ...
Stack 5000, at dark every 7 minutes.

... flex its muscles and are in a vacuum ... Pallitto


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