Monday, February 25, 2008

Fraternity Initiation Ceremonies

Report Friday ...

Friday we held the third round of the "Three Second Cup Hooks" and how This was the usual RDF ... Galba, Charles, Giampy, Albachiara with me (Science) have defied all the participants one by one ... the tournament is bigger than usual and that's always good to ... first break the RDF was still intact, none of us had gone and I probably was the chip leader without ever even had to make a showdown ;).............. but now begins the ugly the blinds are high and we are all short M = CACCA .... ..... .... we are only 12 hand UTG Carlo fatal to me ..... all in all .... fold .. .. I see the button 99, and knowing I giokatore a while he shows good call .... 88 .... but needless to say an 8 comes on the flop and end my adventure in 12th place ... too bad .. ..
At the final table, size 8 people, the remaining players are all present FTR .... I just went out (the little + auahuahaua )...... ...... Galba dominated the final table, but Charles, and Giampy Albachiara resist the big bubble .... greets us on our strong Albachiara .... .... a bit unlucky in fourth position out Giampy .... now that is super short neck and deleted .... sin GiampĂ  .. . remain in three Galba, Charles and another man from the button .... Galba Reisa co QJ, Carlo immediately fire all in el 'instant call the third giokatore the table folds easily the two figures of Galbino Carlo .... A9 runs a giokatore AK .... .... the other two nines on the board give the victory our Carletto very short .... .... HU Galba with QQ Charles Reis and pushed all his chips in all .. . istant Galba's call that is going to collide with anything less than poo K8 suited, the hand of Charles Lucky ... but this time there are nn aid from the board and Galba wins this stage .... CONGRATULATIONS ....

FTR Sicience ...................... .....................


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