Friday, February 15, 2008

Pokemon Emerald What's Mod Shop


Tonight started the 2nd Trofeo Three Hooks! News interssante a ticket to the EPT San Remo SIDE EVENT !!!!!. Even tonight came out a nice tournament with 21 people! RAISE THE FEEL the shame that was me, giampy and peaceful! We tell some of the tournament:
At my table are two sessions of steep new people, just one interesting hand where you raise with A8 suited .... the flop comes down 756 for a straight draw, he check I go out and pointing .... turn a 2 ... and I check him and subsoiler subisco a raise from the new player until 1400. examine his hand and do so in Blufi name! ... river another 6 he still betta 1300, and after thinking a bit I CALL A paper with high .. he is turning 83! and win a big pot! Then no other plot twists and raise food taken home and build a nice stack! out of the players and changing table. New
table is all of us (the usual) a table co Donatello, David, Saccomanno, giampy, the brother of Donatello, alfredo. do not tell you all the hands .. go to the most interesting! all in a 88 pin saccommanno I call .... he turns AK ... nn even helps the board to turn down an 8 player and out! I do other nice hands and climb up to 20k! Final Table:
I, David Henry (a barbarian), a steep guy, another guy who nn remember the name, and giampy donatello! I do pretty well here in a few hands and in continuation bet bluff and build a nice stack! has become the second chip leader behind David, the boy was again steep that after 15 hands played nn announces all in for 7k I pin the cards to fold AA reraise all in all, he runs on the board kk anything out player ! as they all come short! shall remain at 3: I
, David and Henry, with Henry just lose a good portion of my stack about 13 k I called with A-high!! where the board was the impossible! I should be steal back under left and right at the end of the cacciooooooo! with a Sculati in hand I flop Q3 K73, he betta I raised all in (he had 12k), calls me and turns A7 .. but a 3 on the river sent me hu final with David.
recall that five days before there was already a hu david with the main event won by him.
This time he departs with a lot of chips! but in 5 hands after a good play with A3 reverses the situation! come to hand crucial closing the games. dark 800 / 1600 by KK from the button button pin Raise 4600 totals, and calls me, Q27 flop, check turn 9 I check him, check him I do a little fake ... 6k bet at the end ... he goes all in, 45 runs off instant call me kk! we count the chips and I Have more. CONCLUSION
STAGE 1 WON BY ME!! is 160
Somewhat satisfied about 1 week 360 won!
Sunday freeroll is the hope to continue like this!

Kc8c nh!


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