Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can You Keep A Platypus As A

There are moments in life when ...

There are moments in life when you die happy, with her soul in peace.

I wrote my heart to my baby that eighteen years! Listening to old music: "The show must go on " where Freddie Mercury still gives me goose bumps, and reread the words I've just put in line to try to make a garland of love in my being without exaggeration a dad moved ... proud but ...

At the same time I think about my love, that my underwear, what I live every day of my life ... my feelings and I wonder what the future will see what he and his party ....

abandon my soul to music and his tune ... I bought beer and drank little by little, while the words flowed from his mind at the keyboard of your PC, now has its effect, and the excitement gives way to melancholy and calm after what I wanted was something done right!

There are times when you pull the oars and you feel satisfied e.. will be the beer, the music will be, will be the state of mind: you may die happy and quiet, you feel drained, but also at peace with yourself ... but ... then everything is as first ...

back on the carousel ... to shoot as always!

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Do Jelly Bands Look Like

It seems that the former church still works the floor not hold a majority on the commission

work in the former church still seems to not hold the floor

CERVARESE. After the story of the tombs found during restoration work in the former parish Montemerlo (pictured), all was quiet again, or at least we thought. For almost 40 days, however, no worker moves only one tool in the former church, the site of the library and many local associations. Everything looks gutted and desolate left as an empty skeleton where it rains inside. It seems that the problem is likely due to calculation errors in the flow of the floor, in the part where he was taken off the central wall supporting him to expand the main hall. Were performed of the static tests on the floor that should have raised doubts about the actual scope. Besides the books and the library has weighed in load over 8000. Perhaps we'll have to submit a new project, with a considerable delay in the completion of work. The same town library while she emigrated to the nearby elementary school and the associations that were housed within the former parish have found refuge in other sites. Pensioners' unions and local musical band is one of them. This is a guest of the local scouts, but the salt would be a little tight, normally play the musical activity. Meanwhile, the library goes very well, despite the logistical problems. The statistics presented recently the region are clear, in 2009 there were 146 young people under 14 who have registered, along with other 236 people and 14 foreigners. Ben 5 000 loans of books to residents of Cervarese and 302 other libraries. (Ss)

Il Mattino di Padova, November 7, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Do Women Get A Slime Whilst Pregnant


I love going to the beach when the weather is bad.

E 'bad for everyone, or for many, but not for me: the nature of the ties of melts and always manifests itself and explodes in its beauty, the same way as they explode with the colors of spring, things are different and yet beautiful likewise, for me.

The wind blows strong, slams the rigging of the boats that have reinforced the dock, I hear the chains rattling and clinking metal, I feel my lungs fill with air and life and feel the spray of salt water wet my face and I'm happy inside.

man I enjoy the mountains of the sea, because the nature, space, is one, is where you find him alive!

Today I did the same and went towards the end of the pier, gazing at the gray clouds that were running under other than gray sky again, doing to provide water when they pass close to the many boats moored in the sheltered water of the harbor, suddenly, a man with the robe that was tying it all better, the wall, hit my eye. Senior enough to have lived a life, but young in the bearing and aura that I sensed in the green sponge that covered it. He placed the bag of trash on the ground, had slippers, bed, house, chamber ... He close the circle, not to be half naked, as the wind picked up the bag and we all know and the thousands who flock to the so-called " geeks" (not those of the classroom, but those that have a bit flavors' different ...) and took him precisely " ecological island" as hypocritical, today, the port of my city, is called the place where you dump the waste!

was as if he left the house, like my neighbor who puts the bag in the morning at the door to take him away, later, when it comes down and goes to work, but it was the harbor, near a pier, not in a condominium. We were close to boats of various kinds and large, but with their dignity and their own history, one by one.

I am intrigued and I went closer and he e. .. thing years ago I would never have done, I start a conversation.

I was sincerely intrigued but also attracted by the fact that I guessed he had slept in the boat, but not overnight, but as his normal life, and I hoped as I approached, I was hoping it was someone who had broken the chains that we nailed the normality, was one that somehow had done something different.

approach a bit 'shy and respectful and then he started to tell, seemed waiting for this moment, or maybe someone can tell where his victory, his successful escape.

A life lived in a traditional way, full of all joys and sorrows, as to each, and then the gesture , dictated by various circumstances, but thought for centuries, perhaps always dreamed of.

now lives there in a boat, not like Sonny Crockett in Miami Vice the TV, in a boat and rich with the Ferrari parked next to the berth, but in a boat than a dozen feet, but not sailing Joint sailing and motor, comfortable enough to live a bit ', but certainly strange to live forever, at least in the opinion of one who is there, like me.

Yet he is there, always, there lived his life, writes books, kitchen and we have fun, he has built his world and is proud and happy.

It does not need a bathtub-style villa in Beverly Hills, or the 50-inch plasma TV, or more than 4 feet of the kitchen to make banquet for 20 people, as in a restaurant, what needs the asks his life, space and freedom, of living space, albeit limited in my eyes, yet untouched and untouchable, needs less of those things that I believe are essential and those he has, if it is made and built, but he has a world built to measure her and there is fine. He lives!

He made a step, and did so with fear and risk, now enjoys the consequences and the rewards courage and it is not must be the courage to do titanic struggles, the real titanic struggles are those against our fears, the hidden within ourselves, what we often ignore and delete turning to look elsewhere.

This man did not use many words to show his life, he just said "Here, look!" To me that I had asked, and then left me to do whatever I must, with what he says to me gave generously.

Leaving me to come back to life when fear intrusions by neighbors, that I live in small cells as many atypical human bees of a hive, and leaving me to my reflections.

He returned to live his life, to enjoy its space and his time, quietly, without fanfare, but in silence, the silence that I had stopped, perhaps nicely.

questions and left me an example.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Are Some Black People Eyes Yellow?

Claudio Rigon - "The leaves of the Capitano Michel" - Ed Young Einaudi

I reviewed this wonderful book and I like to put my comment here to share it.

When I saw and then taken, on the store shelf, I thought this book was a little 'one of many, the Great War. Being a fan of places in the mountains where this war took place, the Ortigara has, for me, a special charm, and I read many writings, the first of G. Pieropan, so I thought that this paper stands a bit 'in the wake of the many books of that type.

Instead I found something different and at the same time intriguing and delicately charming.

The author, a professor of physics in high school, and passionate picture of the battlefield of his area, just the Plateau of Asiago, tells of how he discovered a series of leaflets (about two hundred and fifty) with phonograms, preserved some of Captain Michel, covering a period, rather short in our eyes (06/24/1916 - 07.29.1916), which he spent with the battalion of Alpine, which had just taken command, silverware, and bear witness, through the written word just in the crucial moments of this past month Ortigara foot, right in the "hot" face of the Plateau, emotions, and facts, not fictional form, but of indirect description of life lived and the problems more or less serious and serious of which the captain was both protagonist and narrator unconscious , as a chronicler of us who live to read. In those circumstances the period of little more than a month becomes an eternity, because every moment was lived with intensity and emotion worthy of years of Our modern city life.

While reading I felt almost follow the author, Claudio Rigon (at first sight in front of the bookshelves I had believed to be Mario Rigoni Stern, the famous "Sgt "Asiago, not having read the author's last name right, well this oversight I regret it, bringing a good book in hand!) in its place the package on the table in chronological order of the Museo del Risorgimento di Vicenza, to make sense and temporal consistency to the messages that gradually pulled out of one or more of the envelopes of the "Donation Michel."

He seemed almost to stand behind him and furtively read the words traced by hand on yellow cards, and even imagine the emotions of the researcher-reader with respect and care, was gradually trying to get an idea of what the captain and the characters as they come in his writings (characters really lived and even some deaths, among the stones Ortigara) had lived and experienced.

E 'methodical and calm, never boring or static, the work of reconstruction emotional Claudio Rigon held by these "slips" and can expertly interlayer, between one and another of them, some personal feelings and insights , like some rare, quote from famous books such as Lussier ("A Year on the plateau), gradually painting a picture of reality and the fact that men have given to those places and those places that I have visited remain as enchanted, their appearance, a sense, nell'insensata carnage in which they were subjected, in spite of themselves.

Rigon The ability to make good use is in having the material he had: films that at first sight may appear aseptic and quite empty of facts in order to ensnare the reader's attention. It is also very synthetic data nell'infuriare orders of battle or issues of provisioning, or reports of events such as desertions during the tragic moments of the days when soldiers in the trenches knew that they were destined to certain death, or even small variations on a fountain pen that a junior officer had bothered to buy a watch for him or that had to be repaired, because damaged in the confusion of combat.

applause goes to the author of this book, he also managed to enter, always with great respect for the reader (and the memory of that Captain Michel) on the news Captain himself: three silver medals, outlining the image of the official rather devoid of rhetoric and fiction, that the soul of humanity was that he needed, even though they made a hero of his heroism has never been mentioned, and an officer of the Italian Army in 1916 to put Mature with tranquility itself to do its job to protect the lives of "his" mountain and perform the duty of a soldier sent to fight on the Ortigara, and perhaps to die.

All this makes reading this book not only enjoyable, but I would say "enjoy" as is done with good wine, to savor the "body" and enjoy it and leave space to the emotions of our readers, are grateful to those who have done a worthy job of research and reconstruction between 2001 and 2009, and offers as something that can be appreciated by anyone in the mood. We modern readers, sitting comfortably in our living rooms, we can try to imagine and perhaps only vaguely imagine the fear and the courage to face them, that men of true thickness as the captain Michel, as is the E. Lussier and many others like them, have shown us, leaving us an example not of words but of real life.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cranberry Juice Red Stool

Mountain, a young mountain

I remember it like yesterday: that chilly in the back after it had rained the night when you went out in the pale morning sun and I hope with all my heart that the day you pay off of having the expected with the patience that can have a teenager, the depletion of rain the day before.

I went toward the mountains still dark gray stone cold and wet of the night and the water fall, where the sunlight began to caress the walls and vertiginous angles that at that age I put a little ' anxiety. I started and as I walked, pants shorts and wool socks under the boots of vibram of which I was so proud, and a backpack full of my things, I felt the wetness of the grass that is sent to the socks, the mandate of the cold, even down to the feet, and felt the drops from the branches of many trees fell short hair remaining on my boy.

Yet I was happy, excited even to endure the cold (it made me feel like a little hero that no one knew was that!), Enthusiastic about the long trips I was doing, exploring and discovering strange and magical places, where the gold of the sun painted the walls pink and shades of charm, where smells of pine mingled with those of the flowers of the meadows full of summer heat and the noise of the river which crosses or the stones rolled from the steep and stony, more or less isolated.

I was happy that just arrived from the city, in the afternoon (the train from Rome traveled all night and the "bus" we filed back in the mountains before lunch, after a year of dreaming ), I went along the stream that ran not far from where we were to look for a branch long enough and flexible but not too much for us a bow whose string was the string from parcels that had already bagged from Rome. Then I tried branches, more difficult to find, straight and fine, that they should give me the arrows, and I came home, and I sat on the bench outside, with boxcutter that never leaves, and that made me feel young Robinson, although the mountains, and clean all the branches in the cortex and the knots in the wood, which hindered me in the drawing that I had, and slowly made a beautiful arch ready to shoot arrows at imaginary enemies. Arco I would take around 20 days, the time to spend the holidays in that corner of the Dolomites that guy saw me and then slowly become man and that I did not see much, if not to return to climb, but never with my heart I had then.

would come not always, the newspaper that Corriere della Sera newspaper that, in addition to local Ladin, the only certainty was the cultural period and place. Just a little 'heavy rain and hard and a bit' swollen rivers and streams of water that the bus was late delivery and possibly the newspaper arrived the next day. There was no TV, no Internet or cam that today lead me to my house by the sea, the images of those which remained in the mountains to live a little piece of my heart, even during the winter. There was not even an ATM. I remember when they did the first club was called "The Witches" and then we still girls dream of going big and perhaps even dance with the blonde that she was Bolzano on holiday and I occupied the thoughts, at least for the time I was there.

remember that the road was not even asphalt, the final three kilometers from the center that were important, Canazei, was simply a "white road" but went to two countries where he lived so many people and many holidaymakers, and no problems if they did, there passed peacefully even the bus three times a day.

They were happy days, in which I filled with anything so long and I did fill the soul.

with simple things and dreamed of having fun and also lived part of my dreams.

build a hut with a few tables, and every summer before returning to the city, took it down and replace everything, yet during that time the cabin was a refuge more than safety and lonely, even when it rained or was really bad weather, or at least, this seemed to us .. There were days when I was just in the river shore, then quell'Avisio that did not have a concrete embankment even dream about it, and pick up stones, hoping to split them out of quartz or amethyst geodes as those I saw on display in stores in the valley, and I honestly thought I was dreaming and to be able to find my geode, not to sell it, but I also feel good to find the hidden corners of nature. Geode ever found any, or anything that thin veins of quartz pebbles in the cold current of the stream that came from ice that was up on the Queen, the Marmolada, never hit a few buffalo or foe, those arrows with half-bent and hold as My age at the time.

But in my heart, today, I go out on the street to buy a newspaper and a croissant in the morning after the night's rain on the asphalt, which today still live in the city, very safe by any flood, in my heart of man to remember those days have to look a bit ' away, put on glasses, everything is alive, the cold in the back, the joy of classes with clear boxcutter of guy, simple living every year for 20 days and slowly disappearing to make way for "progress" there, too, among the Dolomites, everything remains safe and secure and well guarded, because I can not say that "time was different and better " (as they always have done and the old!), but it has been fortunate to enjoy such simple and beautiful precious gifts, and that these gifts will I still be here, shining, I can say this, it makes me smile lights and warms my heart even today.

Milena Velba Reading Books

Simple things, beautiful things

I was at dinner, normal and peaceful although birthday. Today we use to party and invite in odd places, using fiction to fill much of our life, so lead us to do and we think we are good at inventing, while reciting scripts written elsewhere, not just for us. Instead, yesterday this was not, was something much better.

The case is simple, non-penthouse with a terrace of 90 square feet where you go with the shoes, not window that target the night of the City of Art making you feel like you're in an apartment on the 40th floor of a giant building in New York, furniture found in a craft market that are worth untold fortunes, though paid peanuts, nothing that the poor children of this world live appearances, they believe is the spice of life for everyone. None of this.

There was heat, there was sincerity, there was love in everything that I have lived, touched and tasted.

normal A house, top floor with no elevator, but go up the stairs and watch the doors on each floor as simple as they once were, it was a pleasant trip back to old houses and yet still beautiful, even without any editing of modern fiction. Inside, where the human shaped hear everything, furniture that may appear trivial elsewhere, might smile at the heart of those who live there and who comes to visit and fill ourselves with beauty, that of those who arranged them and loves them , though perhaps necessarily dovendolo do ... and yet so sweetly and gently. When you're in a place that pulls the air feel , be warned that some say the ' aura, and that was the true light, bright yet quiet, normal white light of wisdom, as sweet as the lady of the house, intent to prepare good things despite not worthy dishes to be named from Artusi.

The snow-white dog that went crazy with joy and played as a child and wanted attention, as did my daughter when she was a child, and friends came to visit and she was a theater. The animals are instinctual and follow your heart, and he, the dog was white with snow and it was also the theater and this was right, it was beautiful.

Dinner of good things, many, wine sauce and a few quiet words people put around a table with a feeling, friendship, simple, sincere, no conference, no solemnity, no pagan rituals and empty, but normal and feel good about everything and nothing, and yet simple peaceful and normal conditions of beauty, humanity and heart.

if the food made with love, even if the crust of bread, looks sweet, the wine even though it might seem a little nectar, a home from 70 yards could become a palace. But man, the real one, the one who lives the life, the honest, do not need a palace, or nectar, is the truth and sincerity and is feeling good, inside . I needed this and like this, stay to enjoy an evening listening to even just, memories of concerts of Mina, as tales of the deeds of the dogs, our companions in life and travel, dessert recipes fates with beautiful things and simple, like memories past lives centuries ago when they were other families in our lives. To me this pleasure of enjoying dinner and this was in the dishes, mushrooms and fine words, wine and good feelings, birthday wishes and nice people, simple people and yet so varied, so rich in the simplicity of what I appreciate in life: a sincere humanity and crystal drops of water that you could see the joy in the eyes of the landlady, and that each of us felt within himself.

This was yesterday, this is now, when the post is not sad to come back and seek the past, but enrichment and pleasure of seeing the film as an actor lived and seen as a privileged spectator, because preferred sitting in a row, the first. This is because even today I can say that the life that I meet in my road.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Manual Knex Swing Ride

lighting "low level" ... SO

I wrote sweet words and inspiration, thoughts and phrases that I had flowed from inside , as always happens when I start the computer and as a bloc pad, slide your hands on the keys and form thoughts that bring out my heart and make it clear.

I had just finished, revised and corrected, to polish the good work, not art, which are not pork, but human, very human, what a man and I feel that I will be forever.

I was back to normal fighting the banality and I carry on my battlefield, as everyone does every day, hidden from prying eyes and stupid fools.

I had been washing clothes.

was very time consuming: I did not want to wash, delayed for days and was on its last legs, I had to do it.

I had started doing.

I thought of what I had written.

When I work I think, the mind can not concentrate only on what I do, especially if the job does not mind me busy too. And wash do not assume too much ...

thinking and rethinking everything, from what the players had said, the comments I received and also to my when I reread it and feel the feelings that I experienced. Words were inspired by love, paternal love and tenderness that does not hold inside me, but I try not to give her so often, my daughter, because I'm shy, but much to others, perhaps because one day someone tells her that her father wanted to what was best qualified to speak, and maybe even to push someone else like me do not be shy ...

These words and these feelings I had sweetened the evening was an evening of incipient autumn, where the rain just exhausted mingled with the smells of October near the sea.

And I was doing the laundry.

I washed by hand to save: lonely man, and only, single father trying to avoid waste, eco-man who wants to also try to offer her a small donation, on the sacrificial altar of balance with nature.

And while I washed and rinsed and soaped soap and took off again, lightning has invaded my heart: my boys, some in particular!

I've seen faces and heard voices. These are the kids that I spend all day strength and hope, without which they probably aware of it. Those foals are all screaming and running, boys scurrying about in the management of the school trainers where I live and work, guys with whom I live moments that will one day be memories of a past that's always nice.

Flash I brought them to the mind and heart. I thought that before I'd put good for the baby that was born out of my blood at the hands of a mother one day my wife, were now thoughts and feelings that I felt strong for them, the colts kicking all morning. I felt a stream of love that I had never felt so intense and strong and I've embraced in my heart, while his hands squeezed cloth and wipe oil stains or other.

The physicist did things that had nothing to do with the heart and yet something inside , in my deep, loved, as I have done a few times, and other human beings perceive something that is not only common humanity

It is believed in Buddhism that Buddhahood is inherent in all that we perceive in others, we should see and feel ... more ... and for this Please the Buddhist way, that is states, because Buddhism does not require prayers to anyone but a ponder aloud ...

But I was not that washing clothes, ... yet I loved and I felt like my foals those children adopted an intimate moment, my full, close to me I do not know for some strange mechanism of the brain or heart or my all, maybe my Buddha-nature ...

And I was happy. Not for me, but because, for a moment, I wanted really good to others as never before in my life so far. Others with whom I have no blood ties mean, maybe others with whom the relationship is casual.

Now I loved! In what little time I loved very deeply and I was rewarded with a form of happiness and peace of mind I can not tell, but I remember it now.

The clothes were washed, were drained and spread out under the watchful eyes of the black cat that has recently added part of a family different from that of my own one day. And the ' lighting is slowly evaporated, dissolved as the final image of a movie where the two depart hand in hand and the credits scroll slowly to the music that takes the place of the image, and you you wake up happy with what you saw.

So everything has been canceled, the screen in front of me in my laundry, but not from the heart.

They were boys, but as I see them again tomorrow morning, are part of my mornings for nine months at least three years in a row, if anything happens to disrupt the life of a professor like me.

They were the feelings I felt, the love of them all, embrace the heart that I can not say, but that was and still is unclear, and the track has remained in the blue sky of my soul like a jet marks a line there, so it's been that track and memory. The memory does not betray, at least not this and that comforts me, I left her gift and this is now close to the lines and the cover of the electronic lock, put an end, and the lock to the heart, to keep safe all this, to close it in a safe in which only I know where to look for and where I can only watch.

But perhaps they are not alone ... no, look here too ... is really nice!

Myth Behind Itchy Wrist

stands for "Snake Eyes " a nickname that I liked so much, years ago when I told a dear friend, a sister and a teacher for me, one to whom I gave my life then, and I had just met, whose green eyes, almost reminiscent of those of a snake ...

was an image that might seem cruel and full of raw violence, as could also be sweet and full of something undefined, but certainly the opposite of cruelty.

Those eyes have accompanied me in moments of recent years have meant significant milestones in steps of my wanderings here.

have eyes that at times when the peak of physical joins the depths of divine love and feel something you can not say in words, but can just be very valuable and rare, in those moments, those eyes are green color of a deep sea and calm, and slowly, sweet, and it comes over me and leaves me involved. That woman who loves and is living moments of intense physical love, love that draws directly from the mystical of spirit, something certainly not ground.

green eyes that will grab your heart while you ride and grab you as if to grab you not to leave even a crumb to get lost in those moments definitely unique. Tiger Eye are about to devour a prey that is renewed every time, in a cat food that you eat and who eats the prey is itself part of the tiger: those eyes are what I see myself, or perhaps I dream only ...

have green eyes that look red when after days of ecstasy normal life, comes the dark of the posting, and brings to life the true cruelty of something that you should not do Auditors in fifty years. The tears are coming down and you do not know how to stop because they do not have the words either way, why are the same as you would if I only could, but do not go out because you have finished your dose ... or maybe you never had ..

have eyes with which she caresses his face and everything about me when it comes after we separated, when it comes back to life after an interval in which the breath-hold is such that I doubt there is oxygen to return here after the hell on earth. Those eyes that smile while remaining green snake, but that cruelty does not bring in even the shadow. And then would you like to kiss those same eyes that you have left a mark that leads in forever.

are the eyes of woman as a girl, little girl laying down the gap when he suffers and suffers so much that they laugh when he saw a gift that can be sweet as a doll with eyes that know of life and leading life, to me, that I love them.

These eyes are the eyes of you!

But they are also the eyes of every woman could be yours, or yours or those over there ... are all ... I man I had never noticed, now I understand that there are many .. are all, and I'm lucky to be able to love two special ... just for me!

How Long For Abscess To Heal

Daughter in Love

few nights ago we were close, almost bedtime, I read a book, you, the girl, chatting on the phone with his boy. few meters divided us in this room who does not share a lot of time, when this father is in charge of what often weighs man: deciding and cut, and take upon his shoulders a burden that often leaves the mother. I have taken risks, I took insults, then you understand, I'm a human mistake, but who can also work hard, and time has taken over the confidence of the past, different time, now that she is a Midget ...

Chat and heard his sweet voice, what my lady says, "the voice of the duck" to indicate when Mistress is not very much and woman in love ... and I felt her, the girl's ... emanating sweet love and feelings I have known long ago and that made me curious to find her .. in the blood that is mine.

I had always imagined that perhaps I would feel strange, the day that I had been in love with the daughter, perhaps even jealous, like all fathers (well that one hears and reads and !...) But no .. I was not jealous, no I was afraid that he, the boy the could hurt (typical of that parent who only knows him as a daughter should be treated the child ever even at age 50!), but I was glad I touched, heard bursts of sweet words and love that she did not intend to hide, sure that I would never reproached or accused of anything (that I should complain? Being a woman in love?).

The animals are beautiful because they are like big puppies miniature, and she was so, a puppy, a Midget ... was evidence of love, tenderness and this made me .. I would have embraced, but the distracted and I was not really the case ..

I did with the heart.

I smile inside me, I was happy for her, for his love. Love of nearly eighteen ... I do not know if and how long, maybe if they bring with them in life, or maybe in a few months will be a memory, it does not matter. Import it alive and give her joy.

But what I have left it back in again now that I put my feelings on paper, is that voice that gave me a pat on me that I was chatting with her, but ... quell'accorgermi and have a little woman beside him and no longer a child ... and essermene noticed in time, in the silence of myself, even in situations without having to traumatize the most memorable ...

no melancholy or regret I looked back Remembering girl, really a flash of a moment, smiling to myself I turned on the pillow and closed my eyes to let me sleep a night like so many other and yet so different from others ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why Does Amalase Stop Working In The Acidic


Creaks the majority on the commission
building on the morning of Padua - September 22, 2010 page 30 section: PROVINCE

CERVARESE. Majority in the municipal council in disarray? Signs of crisis? Expressed by the vote against two directors of the majority group, on Monday evening during the voting, has raised doubts and uncertainties of the opposition on the future administration. Mayor Claudio Chiarello throws water on the fire: "Politically there is no split, it was just a trial in a personal capacity. The vote is free and democratic. It was a comment on the organizational change of the municipality that can not be shared, for consistency, as a former administrators have argued for years that the previous line. " The burning issue that led to this contrast between the components of the majority group was the proposal on the agenda, to vote for the abolition of the municipal building commission ordinary. "I speak on behalf of staff, not as Majority Leader - Mario begins Crude, a former deputy mayor of the previous administration - Mine is a vote against. I have always been favorable and supporter of the work of the committee and the need for five outside engineers, assisted by two others, all experts in various subjects complement the work of the municipal offices in charge. " The was immediately echoed by the former mayor Campagnolo Simone: "My vote is a technician. We had already decided five years ago that the committee had a constructive relationship with land and the environment, being trained by experts in various fields, surveyors, agronomists and engineers. Their advice in some cases has proved very useful. " Discounted voting against the opposition on the proposal withdrawal, it considered "untimely and not well thought out." The minority group leaders were asked to make the change when approving the Pat, the structure plan for the area. "We decided to test the integrated operation of the Commission and technical offices in this test - replica Mayor Chiarello - and I stress that it is not an opinion on the commissioners that they have always done their task admirably, but of a different organization of municipal offices. " - (Sergio Sambi)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Foods With The Word Gold In Them

write words

write, and writing is " a moral duty" to themselves, a need that we feel in our hearts.
This is the driving force to move to "put the heart " in the words that settle on the lines of the notebook.

Then, maybe ... someone feels some affinity with us and reading our words, it seems that the same could also be his, .. then our writing becomes a " also " for others.
It may also consider, perhaps, the "writers", more or less known, but this is unnecessary. This
" donate" something of ourselves and of ourselves, it also becomes the serene joy of giving or words to those who, perhaps, alone fails.

This is divine magic!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Salmon Patties Made With Egg Substitute

Rain August


E 'Timeline: thunder, distant lightning, dark sounds of thunder, rain, touching the leaves and jump on. The hot air

Yesterday, the stifling of these days my life has vanished into the cold water that goes down in fat drops and hits the ground leaving a mark in the air and in the place.

Air flowing between the branches of trees amazed at this sudden change of a summer, feel the autumn comes like lightning, yet it is written on the wall that are in the heat wave ..

The mind races to the leaves of the trees that shelter from the storm's true, the trunks of the humid air they breathe and the smell of wet earth that fills the nostrils and the heart. I smile, as they are done, as a small man, just anything to make me travel between the stars and make me faster than a spaceship landing here, now. Yet

I enjoy this sudden change of scene, an entire change of life and give me feelings and emotions change only in the designs around the wing of my sight, though still keeping her the same, the Lady of Life.

Just a breath later in the afternoon, and the clouds dissolve their arms and fingers tightening embrace of convenience, and necessity, and the cheerful boy who returns with his emotions and his jokes back in the fun party, that guy who everyone loves because it gives chocolate-colored skin and makes you feel different as when we quench our desire to speak often of little, and listen to something hidden in everyone's heart.

I turn and I lean to see if the leaves of chili are water holes, and I see a little ant that runs under a shelter not to drown in the flood of his house.

Change the world when the size change for you in less than a drop of thirst, for me, the flood that destroyed a dream of life. The autumn wind pruned, a squirrel can do to replace a house built with hard work, for others even worse than the tsunami.

In our "play" in this carnival feel a lot of laps and attractions, some beautiful, we would not ever leave me, afraid of other cry and flee into the arms of her mother. Yet it is so, life is always, for centuries, and endless tomorrow as today, is repeated until an eternal ritual.

listen to the rain, it's nice to learn from her, to silence me, to sign with his finger e.. listen, appreciate and enjoy the cool caressing her calves, and dream, in the thunder that shakes the air, the rock turns gray and black stripes that bears on his body to shine in the sunlight that dries afterwards. Dreams and memories, dreams and see the future that might come, and while I immerse myself in all this wind caress, and that costs.

does not take much for us humans to fly high, just leave the anchor, the captain gives the order, we set sail, and everything becomes light.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Average Yield On United States Treasury


Read then if something is still continuing in our track.

(Loosely based on the book "Three Horses" by E. De Luca)

Every so often I do: sit by the river flow and I listen, always the same yet again to every moment that passes.

I close my eyes and let the sun caress leave this world and I am grateful in my heart to him that every day doing what I do, to give life and warmth to the hearts of everyone, without distinction, without trial that divide.

Listening from the heart let my words just a moment ago to me by a friend, who then was that when We are bound together with a rope which is paraded up and smooth gray stones, winning ourselves our dark souls that we pulled down, and instead trying to find out the sun over the smudge of steam in the sky.

A friend with him if this is something that remains alive, and to me this remains hidden and protected me, and he is a friend.

There is much talk, we are rarely exchanged a few words, written or read from a book that puts the other in public, yet, the heart beats and the other feels.

Says he: "I detachment from what I am when I learn to deal with otherwise the same life." He says this because he has actually done, not just words thrown to the air, the water's edge and I think back on this, and I see me, and my same life that does not repeat the past as a lap.

I disconnected. Now I know.

Thanks friend, telling me whispered!