Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Myth Behind Itchy Wrist

stands for "Snake Eyes " a nickname that I liked so much, years ago when I told a dear friend, a sister and a teacher for me, one to whom I gave my life then, and I had just met, whose green eyes, almost reminiscent of those of a snake ...

was an image that might seem cruel and full of raw violence, as could also be sweet and full of something undefined, but certainly the opposite of cruelty.

Those eyes have accompanied me in moments of recent years have meant significant milestones in steps of my wanderings here.

have eyes that at times when the peak of physical joins the depths of divine love and feel something you can not say in words, but can just be very valuable and rare, in those moments, those eyes are green color of a deep sea and calm, and slowly, sweet, and it comes over me and leaves me involved. That woman who loves and is living moments of intense physical love, love that draws directly from the mystical of spirit, something certainly not ground.

green eyes that will grab your heart while you ride and grab you as if to grab you not to leave even a crumb to get lost in those moments definitely unique. Tiger Eye are about to devour a prey that is renewed every time, in a cat food that you eat and who eats the prey is itself part of the tiger: those eyes are what I see myself, or perhaps I dream only ...

have green eyes that look red when after days of ecstasy normal life, comes the dark of the posting, and brings to life the true cruelty of something that you should not do Auditors in fifty years. The tears are coming down and you do not know how to stop because they do not have the words either way, why are the same as you would if I only could, but do not go out because you have finished your dose ... or maybe you never had ..

have eyes with which she caresses his face and everything about me when it comes after we separated, when it comes back to life after an interval in which the breath-hold is such that I doubt there is oxygen to return here after the hell on earth. Those eyes that smile while remaining green snake, but that cruelty does not bring in even the shadow. And then would you like to kiss those same eyes that you have left a mark that leads in forever.

are the eyes of woman as a girl, little girl laying down the gap when he suffers and suffers so much that they laugh when he saw a gift that can be sweet as a doll with eyes that know of life and leading life, to me, that I love them.

These eyes are the eyes of you!

But they are also the eyes of every woman could be yours, or yours or those over there ... are all ... I man I had never noticed, now I understand that there are many .. are all, and I'm lucky to be able to love two special ... just for me!


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