Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Are Some Black People Eyes Yellow?

Claudio Rigon - "The leaves of the Capitano Michel" - Ed Young Einaudi

I reviewed this wonderful book and I like to put my comment here to share it.

When I saw and then taken, on the store shelf, I thought this book was a little 'one of many, the Great War. Being a fan of places in the mountains where this war took place, the Ortigara has, for me, a special charm, and I read many writings, the first of G. Pieropan, so I thought that this paper stands a bit 'in the wake of the many books of that type.

Instead I found something different and at the same time intriguing and delicately charming.

The author, a professor of physics in high school, and passionate picture of the battlefield of his area, just the Plateau of Asiago, tells of how he discovered a series of leaflets (about two hundred and fifty) with phonograms, preserved some of Captain Michel, covering a period, rather short in our eyes (06/24/1916 - 07.29.1916), which he spent with the battalion of Alpine, which had just taken command, silverware, and bear witness, through the written word just in the crucial moments of this past month Ortigara foot, right in the "hot" face of the Plateau, emotions, and facts, not fictional form, but of indirect description of life lived and the problems more or less serious and serious of which the captain was both protagonist and narrator unconscious , as a chronicler of us who live to read. In those circumstances the period of little more than a month becomes an eternity, because every moment was lived with intensity and emotion worthy of years of Our modern city life.

While reading I felt almost follow the author, Claudio Rigon (at first sight in front of the bookshelves I had believed to be Mario Rigoni Stern, the famous "Sgt "Asiago, not having read the author's last name right, well this oversight I regret it, bringing a good book in hand!) in its place the package on the table in chronological order of the Museo del Risorgimento di Vicenza, to make sense and temporal consistency to the messages that gradually pulled out of one or more of the envelopes of the "Donation Michel."

He seemed almost to stand behind him and furtively read the words traced by hand on yellow cards, and even imagine the emotions of the researcher-reader with respect and care, was gradually trying to get an idea of what the captain and the characters as they come in his writings (characters really lived and even some deaths, among the stones Ortigara) had lived and experienced.

E 'methodical and calm, never boring or static, the work of reconstruction emotional Claudio Rigon held by these "slips" and can expertly interlayer, between one and another of them, some personal feelings and insights , like some rare, quote from famous books such as Lussier ("A Year on the plateau), gradually painting a picture of reality and the fact that men have given to those places and those places that I have visited remain as enchanted, their appearance, a sense, nell'insensata carnage in which they were subjected, in spite of themselves.

Rigon The ability to make good use is in having the material he had: films that at first sight may appear aseptic and quite empty of facts in order to ensnare the reader's attention. It is also very synthetic data nell'infuriare orders of battle or issues of provisioning, or reports of events such as desertions during the tragic moments of the days when soldiers in the trenches knew that they were destined to certain death, or even small variations on a fountain pen that a junior officer had bothered to buy a watch for him or that had to be repaired, because damaged in the confusion of combat.

applause goes to the author of this book, he also managed to enter, always with great respect for the reader (and the memory of that Captain Michel) on the news Captain himself: three silver medals, outlining the image of the official rather devoid of rhetoric and fiction, that the soul of humanity was that he needed, even though they made a hero of his heroism has never been mentioned, and an officer of the Italian Army in 1916 to put Mature with tranquility itself to do its job to protect the lives of "his" mountain and perform the duty of a soldier sent to fight on the Ortigara, and perhaps to die.

All this makes reading this book not only enjoyable, but I would say "enjoy" as is done with good wine, to savor the "body" and enjoy it and leave space to the emotions of our readers, are grateful to those who have done a worthy job of research and reconstruction between 2001 and 2009, and offers as something that can be appreciated by anyone in the mood. We modern readers, sitting comfortably in our living rooms, we can try to imagine and perhaps only vaguely imagine the fear and the courage to face them, that men of true thickness as the captain Michel, as is the E. Lussier and many others like them, have shown us, leaving us an example not of words but of real life.


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