Sunday, October 17, 2010

Milena Velba Reading Books

Simple things, beautiful things

I was at dinner, normal and peaceful although birthday. Today we use to party and invite in odd places, using fiction to fill much of our life, so lead us to do and we think we are good at inventing, while reciting scripts written elsewhere, not just for us. Instead, yesterday this was not, was something much better.

The case is simple, non-penthouse with a terrace of 90 square feet where you go with the shoes, not window that target the night of the City of Art making you feel like you're in an apartment on the 40th floor of a giant building in New York, furniture found in a craft market that are worth untold fortunes, though paid peanuts, nothing that the poor children of this world live appearances, they believe is the spice of life for everyone. None of this.

There was heat, there was sincerity, there was love in everything that I have lived, touched and tasted.

normal A house, top floor with no elevator, but go up the stairs and watch the doors on each floor as simple as they once were, it was a pleasant trip back to old houses and yet still beautiful, even without any editing of modern fiction. Inside, where the human shaped hear everything, furniture that may appear trivial elsewhere, might smile at the heart of those who live there and who comes to visit and fill ourselves with beauty, that of those who arranged them and loves them , though perhaps necessarily dovendolo do ... and yet so sweetly and gently. When you're in a place that pulls the air feel , be warned that some say the ' aura, and that was the true light, bright yet quiet, normal white light of wisdom, as sweet as the lady of the house, intent to prepare good things despite not worthy dishes to be named from Artusi.

The snow-white dog that went crazy with joy and played as a child and wanted attention, as did my daughter when she was a child, and friends came to visit and she was a theater. The animals are instinctual and follow your heart, and he, the dog was white with snow and it was also the theater and this was right, it was beautiful.

Dinner of good things, many, wine sauce and a few quiet words people put around a table with a feeling, friendship, simple, sincere, no conference, no solemnity, no pagan rituals and empty, but normal and feel good about everything and nothing, and yet simple peaceful and normal conditions of beauty, humanity and heart.

if the food made with love, even if the crust of bread, looks sweet, the wine even though it might seem a little nectar, a home from 70 yards could become a palace. But man, the real one, the one who lives the life, the honest, do not need a palace, or nectar, is the truth and sincerity and is feeling good, inside . I needed this and like this, stay to enjoy an evening listening to even just, memories of concerts of Mina, as tales of the deeds of the dogs, our companions in life and travel, dessert recipes fates with beautiful things and simple, like memories past lives centuries ago when they were other families in our lives. To me this pleasure of enjoying dinner and this was in the dishes, mushrooms and fine words, wine and good feelings, birthday wishes and nice people, simple people and yet so varied, so rich in the simplicity of what I appreciate in life: a sincere humanity and crystal drops of water that you could see the joy in the eyes of the landlady, and that each of us felt within himself.

This was yesterday, this is now, when the post is not sad to come back and seek the past, but enrichment and pleasure of seeing the film as an actor lived and seen as a privileged spectator, because preferred sitting in a row, the first. This is because even today I can say that the life that I meet in my road.


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