Saturday, August 14, 2010

Salmon Patties Made With Egg Substitute

Rain August


E 'Timeline: thunder, distant lightning, dark sounds of thunder, rain, touching the leaves and jump on. The hot air

Yesterday, the stifling of these days my life has vanished into the cold water that goes down in fat drops and hits the ground leaving a mark in the air and in the place.

Air flowing between the branches of trees amazed at this sudden change of a summer, feel the autumn comes like lightning, yet it is written on the wall that are in the heat wave ..

The mind races to the leaves of the trees that shelter from the storm's true, the trunks of the humid air they breathe and the smell of wet earth that fills the nostrils and the heart. I smile, as they are done, as a small man, just anything to make me travel between the stars and make me faster than a spaceship landing here, now. Yet

I enjoy this sudden change of scene, an entire change of life and give me feelings and emotions change only in the designs around the wing of my sight, though still keeping her the same, the Lady of Life.

Just a breath later in the afternoon, and the clouds dissolve their arms and fingers tightening embrace of convenience, and necessity, and the cheerful boy who returns with his emotions and his jokes back in the fun party, that guy who everyone loves because it gives chocolate-colored skin and makes you feel different as when we quench our desire to speak often of little, and listen to something hidden in everyone's heart.

I turn and I lean to see if the leaves of chili are water holes, and I see a little ant that runs under a shelter not to drown in the flood of his house.

Change the world when the size change for you in less than a drop of thirst, for me, the flood that destroyed a dream of life. The autumn wind pruned, a squirrel can do to replace a house built with hard work, for others even worse than the tsunami.

In our "play" in this carnival feel a lot of laps and attractions, some beautiful, we would not ever leave me, afraid of other cry and flee into the arms of her mother. Yet it is so, life is always, for centuries, and endless tomorrow as today, is repeated until an eternal ritual.

listen to the rain, it's nice to learn from her, to silence me, to sign with his finger e.. listen, appreciate and enjoy the cool caressing her calves, and dream, in the thunder that shakes the air, the rock turns gray and black stripes that bears on his body to shine in the sunlight that dries afterwards. Dreams and memories, dreams and see the future that might come, and while I immerse myself in all this wind caress, and that costs.

does not take much for us humans to fly high, just leave the anchor, the captain gives the order, we set sail, and everything becomes light.


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