Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Long For Abscess To Heal

Daughter in Love

few nights ago we were close, almost bedtime, I read a book, you, the girl, chatting on the phone with his boy. few meters divided us in this room who does not share a lot of time, when this father is in charge of what often weighs man: deciding and cut, and take upon his shoulders a burden that often leaves the mother. I have taken risks, I took insults, then you understand, I'm a human mistake, but who can also work hard, and time has taken over the confidence of the past, different time, now that she is a Midget ...

Chat and heard his sweet voice, what my lady says, "the voice of the duck" to indicate when Mistress is not very much and woman in love ... and I felt her, the girl's ... emanating sweet love and feelings I have known long ago and that made me curious to find her .. in the blood that is mine.

I had always imagined that perhaps I would feel strange, the day that I had been in love with the daughter, perhaps even jealous, like all fathers (well that one hears and reads and !...) But no .. I was not jealous, no I was afraid that he, the boy the could hurt (typical of that parent who only knows him as a daughter should be treated the child ever even at age 50!), but I was glad I touched, heard bursts of sweet words and love that she did not intend to hide, sure that I would never reproached or accused of anything (that I should complain? Being a woman in love?).

The animals are beautiful because they are like big puppies miniature, and she was so, a puppy, a Midget ... was evidence of love, tenderness and this made me .. I would have embraced, but the distracted and I was not really the case ..

I did with the heart.

I smile inside me, I was happy for her, for his love. Love of nearly eighteen ... I do not know if and how long, maybe if they bring with them in life, or maybe in a few months will be a memory, it does not matter. Import it alive and give her joy.

But what I have left it back in again now that I put my feelings on paper, is that voice that gave me a pat on me that I was chatting with her, but ... quell'accorgermi and have a little woman beside him and no longer a child ... and essermene noticed in time, in the silence of myself, even in situations without having to traumatize the most memorable ...

no melancholy or regret I looked back Remembering girl, really a flash of a moment, smiling to myself I turned on the pillow and closed my eyes to let me sleep a night like so many other and yet so different from others ...


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