Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sticklebricks Toys R Us

just luck?

Hello, you a little update on my progress at poker. E 'entered its second championship in three hooks, the last results are very good hoping that it is not just luck!

Latest results:

tournament before the main event - Position 1,
Main Event - Location
Freeroll 2 ° - 6 ° Posizoine
First Stage of the new league - Position 1,
Third stage (the second was there nn) - Position 2 °
Fourth stage - Position 1,

I would say that live is going quite well in terms of bankroll .... I made 5 of 6 tone hu end of which 3 won. As

concerns online, they are always calm even if I played very little last 3 .. 4 Oretta in 1 week. hours will take up seriously, I have also changed tactics to build a solid bankroll maybe depositing a large sum to start playing at higher levels.

kc8c nh

Monday, February 25, 2008

Foreign Plastic Diaper

Mission SundayWarmUP .... 2

The FTR is preparing to face the climb back to the Sunday tournaments on PokerStars and FullTilt Buy ... obviously costs will be broken down into various units ... +
We hope to be lucky as last time .... A

more news soon ....... ........ Sicience

Fraternity Initiation Ceremonies

Report Friday ...

Friday we held the third round of the "Three Second Cup Hooks" and how This was the usual RDF ... Galba, Charles, Giampy, Albachiara with me (Science) have defied all the participants one by one ... the tournament is bigger than usual and that's always good to ... first break the RDF was still intact, none of us had gone and I probably was the chip leader without ever even had to make a showdown ;).............. but now begins the ugly the blinds are high and we are all short M = CACCA .... ..... .... we are only 12 hand UTG Carlo fatal to me ..... all in all .... fold .. .. I see the button 99, and knowing I giokatore a while he shows good call .... 88 .... but needless to say an 8 comes on the flop and end my adventure in 12th place ... too bad .. ..
At the final table, size 8 people, the remaining players are all present FTR .... I just went out (the little + auahuahaua )...... ...... Galba dominated the final table, but Charles, and Giampy Albachiara resist the big bubble .... greets us on our strong Albachiara .... .... a bit unlucky in fourth position out Giampy .... now that is super short neck and deleted .... sin GiampĂ  .. . remain in three Galba, Charles and another man from the button .... Galba Reisa co QJ, Carlo immediately fire all in el 'instant call the third giokatore the table folds easily the two figures of Galbino Carlo .... A9 runs a giokatore AK .... .... the other two nines on the board give the victory our Carletto very short .... .... HU Galba with QQ Charles Reis and pushed all his chips in all .. . istant Galba's call that is going to collide with anything less than poo K8 suited, the hand of Charles Lucky ... but this time there are nn aid from the board and Galba wins this stage .... CONGRATULATIONS ....

FTR Sicience ...................... .....................

Friday, February 15, 2008

Pokemon Emerald What's Mod Shop


Tonight started the 2nd Trofeo Three Hooks! News interssante a ticket to the EPT San Remo SIDE EVENT !!!!!. Even tonight came out a nice tournament with 21 people! RAISE THE FEEL the shame that was me, giampy and peaceful! We tell some of the tournament:
At my table are two sessions of steep new people, just one interesting hand where you raise with A8 suited .... the flop comes down 756 for a straight draw, he check I go out and pointing .... turn a 2 ... and I check him and subsoiler subisco a raise from the new player until 1400. examine his hand and do so in Blufi name! ... river another 6 he still betta 1300, and after thinking a bit I CALL A paper with high .. he is turning 83! and win a big pot! Then no other plot twists and raise food taken home and build a nice stack! out of the players and changing table. New
table is all of us (the usual) a table co Donatello, David, Saccomanno, giampy, the brother of Donatello, alfredo. do not tell you all the hands .. go to the most interesting! all in a 88 pin saccommanno I call .... he turns AK ... nn even helps the board to turn down an 8 player and out! I do other nice hands and climb up to 20k! Final Table:
I, David Henry (a barbarian), a steep guy, another guy who nn remember the name, and giampy donatello! I do pretty well here in a few hands and in continuation bet bluff and build a nice stack! has become the second chip leader behind David, the boy was again steep that after 15 hands played nn announces all in for 7k I pin the cards to fold AA reraise all in all, he runs on the board kk anything out player ! as they all come short! shall remain at 3: I
, David and Henry, with Henry just lose a good portion of my stack about 13 k I called with A-high!! where the board was the impossible! I should be steal back under left and right at the end of the cacciooooooo! with a Sculati in hand I flop Q3 K73, he betta I raised all in (he had 12k), calls me and turns A7 .. but a 3 on the river sent me hu final with David.
recall that five days before there was already a hu david with the main event won by him.
This time he departs with a lot of chips! but in 5 hands after a good play with A3 reverses the situation! come to hand crucial closing the games. dark 800 / 1600 by KK from the button button pin Raise 4600 totals, and calls me, Q27 flop, check turn 9 I check him, check him I do a little fake ... 6k bet at the end ... he goes all in, 45 runs off instant call me kk! we count the chips and I Have more. CONCLUSION
STAGE 1 WON BY ME!! is 160
Somewhat satisfied about 1 week 360 won!
Sunday freeroll is the hope to continue like this!

Kc8c nh!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Intext:mario Salieri Streaming


Here we are, it's been a while that I do not write, I had left with my bankroll of $ 200 and the last step in the 1st trophy three hooks poker.
What can I say there are both positive and negative news. Let us examine first the negative .. as you can imagine, what have I done? Simple burned more than $ 200, beating out bankroll: D auhuhauha! and close the conversation here.
to switch to the good news ... the last stage 50 +10 (where I qualified via satellite) went pretty well because I came 2nd and won the 1st trophy three hooks (small satisfaction). I'll tell you a little of the tournament ... I immediately started well, doing my continuation bet after raising pre flop ... doing some reraise bluff and ending in some points, just create a nice stack playable on most short, we arrive at a crucial point of the tournament.
Stack on the 12k last hand before the second break, pin position on the raise of 3BB Ah8s, call David and call Tony. 2h3h7h flop, a flop as you can see I'm very good in flash and draw particular position. David's Check, Check by tony ... My bet ... fold to call David and Tony (I smelled it already here) Turn 6h .... dropped this card into me "wow I have the nuts" if he had not bet that after the tony and my allin .. . Instant call tony 4h5h running for a straight flush, and they became my second nuts nuts !!!!!!!!!! I expected her to color Kh. I go to the chip count ... stay well, and something with 3k! are not yet out of WOW. I do pause calmly discuss the hand that was obviously impossible to fold! Inside of me so I decided to go all the decision in only with good cards, in fact after some douple hands of my stack up against serene all in with KK preflo call for calm by the AQ board does not help calm and stay in the race ... . allin alfredo nice call on the 4k, my KT suited, QJ beat her off. Turn around to 11k ... I start to play more relaxed .... when I hear a preflop all of tony and the last to speak was I had folded all! get up the cards is under 33 (in me ... I study the situation to be in the cards ... mmmm tony good if the play ... want to steal, there was a call .. the more dark, more and is shorter and more in my brain rimbobava STRAIGHT FLUSH) .... CALLL, KJ rotates (it was not just stealing) BUT MY 33 GOVERNING THEM AND STARTS DOWN!!
Final Table:
I have about 20k ... David begins to steal like crazy all lined up outside shooting position ... sometimes we feel well and I magnify the stack ... but come to the conclusion! Exit Serena (evvaiii ).... all in Giampaolo ... AT needle do not think twice Call ... Flop AAbanana ... nh ... and win the trophy ... Meanwhile
are still in the race .. .. All in lorenzo .. AT instant pin still call .. and also eliminates him! David and I remain the mark in Milan! A8 with nh nh rereraise and always with K8 rereaise (he was in Blufi) gay raise crucial hand of Milan ... my all in with q2 in Blufi .. install the Milanese call me KK turns ..... Flop T22 NH KK .... NO GOOD !!!!!! HU
final play of Cac * at ... I finally got the 2nd but that's okay trophy and 200 euros in your pocket !!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Japanwse Breastfeeding Cat


Iera night on Full Tilt has played an interesting tournament for only the Italians, with guest Marco Traniello, and several added money of course ... FTR ... This was the Galb83, Pallitto, Albachiara84 and me (Science) gave battle to the end ...
aside all hands and the various Giok, in this post I will just do my congratulations (and obviously also by all the FTR) to the mythical Galba to have triumphed, and he won the first prize ... of course that'll let him to tell the various hands that brought him victory allla ... Galba

still great! Maybe more will go to Lourdes nn ....

PS: My thanks to the well known magical ability and vision of the future, I won something ... having bet on our sample Giucas BOX ...... BE CAREFUL!!

... Science ............................................ .............