Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Diseases Flesh Eating Names

From BLOG P. Coelho


that reading is not used as an occasional:

law of Jante:

" You're no good, no one cares what you think, the mediocrity and anonymity are the best choice. If you act like this, you will never have major problems in life .

The Law of Jante focus, in context, the feeling of jealousy and envy that sometimes gives both the head .... This is one of its downsides, but there is something much more dangerous.
is thanks to it that the world has been manipulated in every way, from people who can stand the comments of others and end up doing the evil they want. We're still seeing an unnecessary war in Iraq, which continues to cost many lives, we see an enormous gulf between the rich countries and poor countries, social injustice everywhere, unrestrained violence, people who are forced to give up their dreams because of unfair attacks and cowardly. Before unleashing World War II, Hitler had given several signals of his intentions, and what made him go forward was the knowledge that nobody would dare challenge him because of the Law of Jante.

Mediocrity may be comfortable, until one day tragedy knocks on the door, and then people wonder, "but because no one has said anything, when all they saw was going to happen? "

Simple: no one said anything because they have not said anything.
So, to prevent more and more things to get worse, it is perhaps time to write the

anti-Law of Jante:

"Vali more than you think. Your work and your presence on this Earth are important, even if you do not think so. Clearly, thinking that you will have many problems because you are breaking the Law of Jante - but do not be intimidated, continue to live without fear, and eventually win .

Alberta Police Report For Accident

The Law of Jante "The weight of the butterfly"

I gave what I believe is out of the last E. De Luca, "The weight of the butterfly " I've read in a few hours, because of its brevity, but the memory of the thoughts and especially feelings that I've taken from the pages remains in the blood, or soul .

We climbed a lot with Errington.

was not yet known, he wrote little and made the first steps in this world of light that escapes him, but just take it, and so I know it really is and not as it has TV.

We lost almost three intense years in which every 7 days we were at the foot of gray and smooth rock walls, to gauge our desire to pass on limestone crazy, amazing things to try (he was really gifted, I was the one that covered the shoulders and that the gave safety before returning to the valley). Now it is written, there is sometimes taken in front of glasses of good red wine, and followed him from afar, in its evolution, including humans, and so in this book, I have resumed a dialogue with the man, that I had not lost but only temporarily put aside.

Like the story it tells: that of a man a little 'lonely and a chamois, as unique duel that in mountain areas; is not the story itself that matters, as what Errington writes amid rows or perhaps better, what he had in mind when he wrote and remained stuck the printed words and that I feel is there, in his book ..

I once read that in the books is the "spirit" of the author and who is lucky, the senses and nourishes it. I think this time is what happens to me, often during the period of life that unites us in part, or perhaps a certain lone wolf spirit that we share ...

him solitary and silent always has been, I will not, but enough for what I am ...

Am I to make a leap in life: to live among the hills of the Tuscan-Ligurian-Emilian Apennines, in the midst of chestnuts and wild boar, in silence places still not "civilized."

And then the phrase Erri I report, I like the symbol of that little book

"In each species are solitary groped to new experiences. They share that goes to trial drift. Behind them the track closes open "

I like feeling part of the" quota experimental "and look back and see the track that slowly covers the snow slow, quiet and peaceful, it covers everything up to the sun, warm and shining life, melt and shine again, returning to the circle that never stops.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Camera Inside My Uterus

Unemployment is exceeded only by the reduction of working time.

Unemployment is a problem common to all developed Western countries. It 's the result of an inability to spread in all governments, or there are structural causes?
Until 1974, the unemployment rate in EU countries, it averaged almost 3%. Then, within ten years, rose by ten percentage points. What happened? Something very positive: the empowerment of women. Women from the early seventies massively entered the world of work. This produced a large growth in quality of Italian society: new ideas, innovation, enthusiasm, productivity. Unfortunately, despite the productive and economic system grew significantly thanks to women, the job offer from that point on he could no longer meet the demand, leading to strong growth in the unemployment rate.
Now, since there is no magic wand to return to balance supply and demand of labor is necessary to reduce working hours. With 6 hours day it would still be full employment, the killing of the black and the significant improvement in quality of life for all. In each family would be carried out two salaries, you should not pay more than the nurse or a maid to look after children and the elderly, it would have more free time to study, improve, get a degree or second degree, and may possess a second job, if you want, build self-employed. With full employment there would be a real flexibility of employment and growth for each of the probability of finding a job consistent with their aspirations and educational attainment. In addition, there would be a real improvement in the quality of life: more time to devote to social relations, culture, children and the family. In short, a better life. The companies, in addition to not having higher costs, would gain in terms of productivity and flexibility. All the statistics show that the last two hours of work are much less productive than the first day and then with a larger number of employees could better deal with seasonal fluctuations of work orders. In the history
the reduction of working time was already implemented in the post-industrial to cope with job losses arising from the introduction of machinery in factories. Today we are in a similar situation: the entry of women in the world of work has led to an imbalance between supply and demand of work that needs to be resolved. And you can do with a further reduction in working hours, made more urgent and necessary by the deep unemployment crisis resulting from the severe economic crisis we are experiencing.
But there is a big problem that explains the inaction of governments on this solution: the zero power fear of unemployment. As politicians gather votes in the election campaign? As people buy? With the recommendations and the promise of jobs. Unemployment is therefore functional to maintain himself in power. With more free time people have also time and opportunity to increase their culture, and remain informed about events in politics, until you get .. to understand them. E 'therefore clear that the policy will not solicit in the reduction of working time.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Where Does Alexis Texas

Wednesday, December 9 17:00
Sala Farinati - Verona Public Library

Pacific Anna writer and poet reads his poems
"Elegy of the stars "and the philosophy of Giordano Bruno;
Dr. Joseph Coghlan astronomer at the Astronomical Observatory of Monte Baldo
will discuss the measurements of extragalactic stellar distances
with projections of astronomical images;
COSMOCROMIE paintings Marzia Bedell
submitted by Laura Mignolli

How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Dog's Ski

AstroArt exhibition with artists-star Marcia Bedell, Joseph Galletta
the Duke and Claudio
Correr Villa Pisani - Montebelluna (TV )
from November 28 to December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome-board Samples

building practices on payments, checks and speeches on the budget ADSL

the morning of Padua - December 10, 2009 page 32 section: PROVINCE
CERVARESE HOLY CROSS. The city has joined a number of conventions: the Savings Bank for the advance payments to suppliers in case the municipality, for compliance with the Stability Pact or problems in cash, could not carry out payments, with The Guardia di Finanza, on the recommendation of the administration, control it can Isee statements of those who asked for help to the City, and finally with Telecom for the use of conduits, in possession of the Municipality, for the preparation of optical fiber and cover it the territory with high-speed Internet service, ADSL. During the last City Council have been accepted two amendments of the Living Cervarese related to implementing development plans 'tree' and 'San Michele' to Montemerlo: With regard to the implementation of the primary infrastructure works, public lighting facilities will be made, according to Regional Law 17 of 2009, according to criteria energy conservation and light pollution. St. Michael plan for the paving of sidewalks shall be constructed of materials other than asphalt, and for the safety of its citizens for the urban quality, given the central area in which it develops. - (Scarlett Moretto)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Beich's Katydids Candy


Double up social spending and power consumption of 93 000 €

the morning Padova - December 8, 2009 page 29 section: PROVINCE

CERVARESE HOLY CROSS. "A full-bodied movement," called the mayor Claudio Chiarello balancing the budget and brought in the municipal council which registered the abstention of minorities. Heavy expenditure on the social, the increase in situations of distress, while electricity consumption eats up well € 93,000.

"In ten years has never had a hand in this chapter," said John Ceron Cervarese of Life, which has criticized the handling of settlement: "The 15,000 euro for the support provided to citizens have now been brought to 35,000 as it was easy to imagine, for the Consortium of Municipal Police Padova Ovest services are not parties, so they recovered 15 000 €, the € 25 000 cut from the routine maintenance of roads have been for the intervention via Repoise, which is known for months. "

"There is a commitment to make a budget for next year with measures that would experience the situation," replied the Alderman David Ceron. Unanimously approved the resolution on law enforcement "plan house" and adopted four amendments to Live Cervarese. The new town clerk is Attilia Fabbro, in agreement with the City of Veggiano. Councillor Simon Campagnolo was appointed a delegate to the Hills Park. -

(Scarlett Moretto)