Friday, February 27, 2009

When Is It Time To Tighten Sew Weave

The Huge Wine Glass and Mediterranean Games

than sorry! See work cost so much, split in two, right in the main square of Pescara, for a few months before the Games of the Mediterranean! It must be said that since this was thought, immediately became the subject of controversies and obstacles. I rather liked it. Too much. First, because it is a testimony of our times. Footprint of our passage. And increasingly Pescara crossroads of business and culture Abruzzo could not fail to express herself through work, modern and innovative, that characterizes it. I appreciate the art in general is because training can cultivate the human soul. And the presence of a work of Toyo Ito, inevitably stimulates the cultural debate between citizens, refines minds and leads to further explore the artistic. In short, an investment for "Pescara city of culture and an environment more culturally alive. Then we also look at the returns in terms of tourist flows: just do a search on google or yahoo to notice what the Huge Wine Glass has increased the links from sites around the world, to the city of Pescara. And last but not least, we take seriously, that the next summer, with the Mediterranean Games in Pescara will be invaded by thousands of young people who will tell the world the beauty and hospitality that they have found in our cities. So it was right to invest money on this, because the face is at stake the city of Pescara in the world in the coming years. Sure, someone may not like the execution. But keep in mind that, first of all to avoid a work was too obvious, then, such works need a longer time to be metabolized and thus appreciated in full. No one, on the other hand, if you feel up to questioning the position of art and originality of Toyo Ito. However, since now the block is split into two, we make a virtue of necessity: in its reconstruction should reflect the original model presented. There will be unpleasant opalescence and stratification that does not make it completely transparent and the glass will appear, really nicely in the air. But this will happen if the majority and opposition put aside their disputes and make the current square around the city of Pescara, moving to get a new realization by the manufacturer with a factory much better without succumbing to the easy temptation to exploit the incident for the mere purpose election. Add: do the same in time to complete the bridge on the sea and all construction sites, the best place for the city and take all possible benefits from this important sporting event that we have the honor of hosting in the coming months. So, long live Pescara, Pescara the living, long live the bridge over the sea, long live the Huge Wine Glass.


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