Saturday, February 7, 2009

Promethezine Tab Make You High

Rating aware scary?

Certainly the GSP is greater among those who leave in the hands of our citizens the opportunity to select the best and according to our will, the political class that we will administer. In contrast to the partisan system of appointments is certainly an expression of greater democracy. But not enough. This is a necessary but not sufficient to ensure genuine involvement of citizens in the processes of choice and selection of the political class. Let me explain my reasoning for inviting reflection. In the last election, there was the system of appointments in the party lists. Do you think that the parliament has been really totally renewed? No, I do not think so. It is clear that both the system of preferences, with one of the appointments, the elect are always the same. Regardless of the merits and faults. On the administrative capacity and political and similar incapacity. In the case of preferences, are elected those politicians who have networks and links everywhere. (Where to find time to administer well and take care of people's problems, then a dilemma?) In the second case they are elected ... Always the same! Because as the secretariats of the parties to compile lists (blocked) it is clear that the yardstick for the choice is always that of popular support, linked to the number of cards produced for the party. Not this is wrong. The consensus is fondmentale. But where we put the matter? I, for passion, interest, curiosity, are among those who inform on the events that happen in our society, in politics. I read newspapers, attend conferences, meetings, conferences policies. But I tell you the truth, if you ask me if I'm feeling, really in a position to objectively evaluate the performance of Pescara mayor or the chairman of the region, a minister or prime minister, I will say no. Because, first of all the citizens get only part of what happens in the palaces and then because, often, what comes is intentionally difficult to understand. For example, the ex-mayor Pescara Luciano D'Alfonso has revolutionized the city, but it seems to have contracted numerous debts. Then it was a good administrator or not? This is an example, but to say that the citizens, even if you inform and document, not always able to correctly assess the professionalism and the value of their political representatives. And who does not take informed? Even worse. And you can not say ... "What is cultured, if you want to understand!" Why his vote should still have value. Democracy it's not an oligarchy of intellectuals?! Where I'm going. To say that citizens should expect, of course, the voting system with preferences, but also the opportunity to express one vote, I would like to call "conscious". And how? Making clear the building. But not only in terms of accessibility, because this already is. But what in terms of understanding. So we must lead the policy to set up a system of checks (hard word, eh?) And rendicotanzione of public administrators, a sort of annual budget for their activities. Objective data and assessed. How often have you been in this parliament? How many times have you voted? How many and what amendments have created? What laws has produced? And so on and so forth. Or in the case of Mayors: how much money spent? How many debts contracted? What results on this and that other field? It 'clear that in the first instance, the reporting system, having to be designed by those who must suffer it, will intentionally specious, but a little time to improve and make more and more responsive to the purpose. It goes without saying that the essential feature must be that of "comprehensible" by the citizens. In all, not just for experts. Because these data are already available, but they are almost always incomprehensible! And then we point again: the elections will have only the ability of our politicians inbonitrice and charming and not their value and their quality. Conversely, the citizens will be able to regain, not only in content and in the forms of the advanced tool of democracy, which is aware of the vote, and can really make a proper selection of the political and administrative executive, on the basis of merit, worth and ability, and not on the ability of the sales pitch beautiful but useless speakers that Italy is full and we do not need.


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