Friday, February 4, 2011

How Do You Do Arceus Event Pokemon Soul Silver

pain and sincerity I say NO!

I say NO!

Now I say NO! In what comes across subtly imposed by an endless series of "moral or customs duties," to hide behind hypocrisy, selfishness, abuse of power, all that can be summarized in the phrase " to others what it takes to ME! "

I say NO!

Why behind the duty to help a friend while I'm already bleeding with pain, but "I put aside my own" for him, there is selfishness, the ITS. I do not say you do, indeed, I do and do it very willingly, but I want to be able to decide and I do not feel the weight of moral blackmail: "if you do you're bad, you're heartless, selfish YOU!"

No! I want to be me to decide to kill myself for you, for him, for them, and do it regardless of expense, spending the smallest residual forces in me, but I do it because at that moment I feel the desire to give you all of me, even your life! I feel I, I decide, but not for duty, not because it needs to be done, "but because" I want to do it! "

Why behind the duty to put aside my own need for basks in the lament of those who daily, and then, my words of comfort is just paper, there is a higher duty, is not it: my own, to preserve the my life.

Some people live in each wall crying, wanting autocompiangersi who lives and needs of actors in his own stage of his theater staff, and then I serve with my costumes, its stage, to play him, or she may be, but to me, it affects only an appearance, does not affect the heart, the feelings, the pain you carry inside and that none of these recitautori (i singers sing, they "Just read "...) interested in knowing how I feel inside.

affects only that it is there, to be part of those scenes: their.

Because behind that want to force to advise on "how to do " about "how one should live " on " as we must believe in God " on " as they should educate their children , "and so on and so forth, behind all this advice never asked, never wanted, ever want, but very badly received, behind all this, there is only arrogance, so much. The arrogance of wanting you to teach you things you only learn from, wanting to make sure that you follow models, scripts that maybe they like more, to them, but without wondering if YOU, those scripts like them.

So I say NO, now NO, NO MORE '!

will be tough, I know that I have doubts, I fear, and even put them aside, the insecurities (who's does not? Those that can afford the luxury of always knowing how to do and not be afraid to be wrong?), I'll be alone, I will be a vacuum, because this will bother to say NO, this out of line and the grid, and the price will be paid first alone.

But better only by some comrades, who in the company without me and without the freedom to be myself as they are, to be like everyone likes, not to put anyone at ease, questioning the ways and models ..

I say NO!

And I say yes' to what I want and I decide!


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