Monday, January 10, 2011

Marshmallow Bow And Arrow

I was proud to be a fellow countryman Sergio Marchionne

I no longer exist. And if Fiat will go away from Italy, after all that has been done by the Italian people in favor of the Turin, I will not purchase more of a Fiat car for the rest of my life. The referendum scheduled for 13 and 14 January at Mirafiori, in my view, has dell'insopportabile. Require fathers and mothers to choose between reducing their rights and the loss of their job, it is unacceptable for a civilized country. The impression is that the referendum will decide not only the fate Mirafiori plant in Turin, but will also have consequences on all future agreements between employers and workers: in every company there is an emulation and entrepreneurs, taking as an alibi for the financial crisis and the model Marchionne, try, and succeed, of stealing part of the rights acquired by workers over the years. Imagine what could happen in those companies with a workforce of less than 15! And who assures us that after this agreement, Fiat will not make further requests to the bottom? Discharged the resignation of workers, because they do not dare even more and on other plants? Under the pretext of lowering the costs will be eliminated other rights, to restore the long week, ten hours, the reduction of leave, the loss of protection, etc. .. We will have less time to spend with your family, dedicated to culture, leisure, good times. We will, in short, less than human beings and the referendum will mark the beginning of a downgrading in the level of quality of life for all of us who, in an attempt to become competitive with the market of China, India and South America, will lead us to have their own hyperbolically working conditions. Never in the history of the Western world we chased those who were worse than us, and we have always had the willingness to improve and yet today we see a worsening of living conditions that the model Marchionne officially sanctioned. The human being today is worth less.
I believe that the director of a company like Fiat, should become more aware of its social role and get the profit, sacrosanct right of the entrepreneur, improving the efficiency of the production chain and expanding its market share, but without affecting the existing rights of workers, rather pointing to an expanding them, in order to increase their satisfaction and their attachment to ' company, certainly propulsion for higher productivity of each.
One last thing. It would be appropriate that the CEO's salary was not a thousand times that of a worker (which translated in other words means that what the CEO earns in a month, requiring more than 80 years of work by a worker!) Personally I find it extraordinarily well as exaggerated, even immoral.


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