Thursday, April 15, 2010

How To Get Rid Of A Blocked Nose

Thoughts pizzeria

I had to buy pizza for dinner break, my daughter was waiting at home and the store clerk, a bit 'younger than I complained to my colleague talking about the daughter who evidently gave her problems and thoughts.

The usual phrase, that you feel a bit 'anywhere, you have heard or even understood you when you were young and when her son told her the "big .

I felt a bit 'involved, good-naturedly, as I waited my turn, and a sentence in its "About that when they grow up will not change that much ... "I added my" Well grow up and change the type of problems ... 'a bit like saying " not change much and you're always smazzettare, poor parents who are e.. that I too ... compiangiamoci each other! ...

But suddenly I am shocked by this maelstrom of wailing, classical and traditional where I had thrown himself. I thought despite all the problems, discussions and there have been any conflicts or we can expect in the future, you, my daughter, my daughter is , the one to which I devote much of myself and that is part Life Me and ... any issue not worth the complaint, but it tackles and passes, and after the joy that she is there and that I can to love and be near her during this time where she is learning about the world and become a woman , while I, a bit 'but smiling on the sidelines in the soul, the observer takes courage to stand out "his" flight!

Then I added: " However, it is always a daughter and that's enough, problems or not, it is important to have the luck! "

The order stopped a fraction of a second, looked at me (I was a complete stranger who was there to take the pizza as he sees a thousand a day), then smiled and nodded: " Yeah, it's true! Who cares damn problems!. .. "and became a laugh!

How long do you hold those things that always underlie all day and that are real and challenging, it is true, but in the end, then, you run the risk of forgetting the real essence of life , feelings, emotions. What must be done carefully to stay alert to give the right value to everything and how easy it is to be dragged into many vortices ... anything ...

Inside me, I thanked all those situations, the pizzeria, the store clerk, the typical chatter ... : I had all the experience enriched and seemingly trivial, has made me grow into, and the gratitude I felt and still feel made me feel a little better .... despite all the problems that remain, but remain there, out of my true emotions, the ones that are in the heart, in good condition, the heat!


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