Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Claire's Best Friend Rings

Hospitals have to be large and effective

Italy is the place where the status quo can never change. Maybe not to touch so deeply rooted in the unequal privileges, perhaps laziness, perhaps out of fear, perhaps for no real reason. And when someone puts his hand to change something, that's always the sleepers to wake up and stretching, begin to protest. It does not matter against what the protest is important to prevent any change. But this is not the attitude a country that wants to grow and improve.

I am the first to desire an effective health system and widespread. But, objectively, to maintain a state of survival in a whole slew of small hospitals, it makes little sense. Have costs, often substantial. But most are not effective. I say effective because I do not doubt that they are efficient. Efficiency is related to the skill and motivation of staff who works there, the effectiveness is, however, the result of the availability of equipment, instrumentation and expertise, gained by dealing daily with patients suffering from various diseases. Hospitals have to be large, well equipped and full scientific and medical experience. It 'better to seek treatment from a hospital and doctors who know by heart our evil, which conveniently go to the hospital around the corner from home, but where the equipment is outdated and probably the doctor who assists us have only limited experience our disease.

Italy is the country where you can not make cuts to staff, even if they were right and necessary. It 's a complete and total opposition. However, for charity, I am convinced that cutting small hospitals does not mean dismissing staff. Simply use it in different ways. In fact, should, of course, strengthened at the local emergency rooms, the clinics, assistance home. The laboratories for blood samples for analysis would remain. In addition, large hospitals should expand, and then would need new doctors, nurses, support staff, administrative and other, and then you could move the staff from the small hospital to the general hospital. Perhaps in contrast to what happens today, someone should do 30-40 miles a day to go to work? Well not a problem, I, for example, I do it every day and I think it normal.

It 's true that such a transition, sacrosanct for me, should be accompanied by a series of parallel and compensatory measures. Besides the above mentioned relocation of staff, should be created in new bus routes to better connect the small towns with large hospitals should be granted new licenses to give the possibility to bars and related services with hospitals to move and continue their operations in other areas of the city should anticipate and resolve all discomfort, early, that a transformation of this type could result.

You can not reduce everything to a simple and dramatic scissor kick. But the right direction. We want Abruzzo trust our health care and right now we can not really do: realize it at the time of true need, faced with a serious illness, I challenge anyone to say that I have friends and acquaintances who have gone or are excellence in care in hospital in Modena, Milan and Bologna.

Furthermore, raising the level of the great scientific and medical hospitals, private hospitals should also adapt, leading to a real virtuous competition between public and private sectors which would generate additional benefits for our regional health system and therefore to our health.

In the meantime, I think it is always useful, and here is the duty of good newspapers and blogs involved, show people the realities of health comparisons between the different regions and make known to the public what you spend and what it offers as a region of Emilia Romagna to serve a population of one million three hundred thousand people and that, instead, spends and offers a comparison our region!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Microwaveable Heat Pack

Cinema, "red earth" when passion becomes Art

The film "Red Lands " directed by Dennis Dellai, passed Thursday, September 24, the Film Theatre of Super Valdagno, thus marking the forty-second projection. The film, shot entirely in Vicenza, between Fara and Thiene, was loosely based on the story of Flavio Pizzato, former partisan leader and former mayor of Thiene. Valdagno the projection, in addition to director Dennis Dellai, there were also the screenwriter James Turbiana, actor and assistant director David Viera and music teacher Paul Agostini who oversaw the soundtrack.
"Terre red" was a guest at the Venice Film Festival out of competition, also appreciated by Nicholas Cage, who has wanted a copy. The film was set in 1944 and tells of an impossible love story starring, respectively David Fiore in the role of Umberto Simonetti, a flamboyant officer who works for the Ministry of fascist Italian Social Republic and the beautiful and talented Anna Bellato in the role of Luisa De Nardi, an elementary school teacher to increase his score, asked to be transferred from Verona to provide its service at the small company of Farnedi, a guest at the home of supporters. Luisa will subsequently involved in resistance. The vicissitudes of war make it difficult love between two young men.
All scenes follow a harmonious sequence that conveys emotion and at times with emotion, joy and melancholy. The soundtrack blends between frames with discretion and intelligence at the right value to the scenes. The film was extraordinarily accomplished with a budget of just € 19,500.00. If the same work had been made in the United States of America would not be sufficient ten million euro.
addition to the captivating and moving story told, which expresses the fantasy of the director mixed perfectly with the story of Pizzato, there is also the will and determination of a group of betting enthusiasts who have dedicated themselves to the soul by using pure genius. The result is high quality product and has nothing to envy to film overseas more expensive. The gift that
cast Dellai has done for the Veneto and not only summarizes the cross-section of a segment of history that belongs to us all that we do not want and we must not forget.
The location of these passionate filmmakers, took three years of shooting, should be teaching and open up a new horizon for those with little money, want to realize a dream will remain a milestone in time.
The DVD is full of interesting content and can be purchased through the website .
118 minutes of exciting live and share with the rest of the family.
The next dates are Oct. 27 screening at the Cinema Valbrenta of Solan and 18 and Nov. 19 at Cinema Spring of Vicenza.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Landjaeger St Paul Mn

Letter to Robert Valente and boys killed in Kabul

Italy and to halt the senseless fighting wars like the Red Brigades, the mafia, crime in general, the bands subversive policies that have been trying to destabilize our country. All enemies, visible, palpable. Now our politicians have decided to fight the invisible enemies at the expense of our countrymen. I would like to see that our politicians we mandasero their children in these troubled lands to risk their lives. We civilians, unarmed and helpless witness to these killings announced, we have a duty to express our feelings, our dissent for this to stop the blood to be paid instantly.
Even today, the war there were still taught that you can not impose the will of a people different from that dictated by their determination. The Vietnam War has taught and not only that. The revolt must start from the inside by choice, as happened in our country with the various factions of the Partisans. Politically different, but each with a single goal: to liberate Italy. If these minimal conditions do not exist you can not think of arming rebels to achieve a democracy that will be full of violence. Democracy is a Lady Lei of which we must impose certain people is like giving a Ferrari Formula One in the hand of a little boy.
And now, after this devastating attack on what to say? Only silence would speak, but that's enough!

Thanks Robert for the sacrifice you made for Italy, to protect the dream of freedom.
am opposed to the intervention "common ground" of Italy in countries where there is war. Countries whose culture is very far from respect for others and then from the embryo the Freedom '. We do our wars we have already had the blood we've already paid. We are too easy targets for those who want to hit, fueling the fanaticism of free people with no sense of civic, religious blinded by the integral. People are cowardly and hidden in the shadows. The World Wars, in particular the struggle against Nazism and fascism were depicted as enemies palpable, visible. The Taliban, hidden in the shadow of civil war are fighting a deceitful above all and that is not ours. In their attacks jump to air a brave and glorious piece of Italy along with a lot of innocent and unsuspecting civilians. Children, women, elderly people with no respect for them but this is fine. For us Italians this is not good! I had grandfather a soldier first and then partisan, my father was an officer during the Second World War and I do not think they wanted to hear this news.
Hug your family, Robert, with fraternal gesture, and with tears in his eyes, mortified helplessness that comes over me now. I am proud to be Italian, thanks to brave people like you, real heroes in times of peace, but forgive my disappointment of being rappresenatato by a political class, regardless of color, that despite the enormous sacrifice of our past is so determined to send boys to the slaughter Golden, fathers, true friends without offering them concrete opportunities to work. I also join in the sorrow of the families of other children who have lost their lives in silence and cry, with my family, with them.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How To Make A Karate Board Breaking Machine

We open the doors to 200 young Europeans

few days ago I read an article in a national newspaper, explaining that for one euro invested by the State in its territory, south of us must pay to the Treasury 30 cents, while a national north of it has to pay 2.50 even among the various taxes and levies. Quite a difference. The strange thing is, though, that in the south do not have better services! Or major infrastructure, welfare or development. And even the impression that we are catching up.
Then there is a problem. Upstream: our inability to realize, through the ballot box (where the electoral system still permits), a real selection of the political class. We are often too knowledgeable and committed and we choose badly our politicians, we do often, badly, on the basis of personal friendships, promises, oratory skills of the candidate rather than for its actual or alleged political and administrative capacity. But, in my opinion, there is also another problem: addiction. We are so much accustomed to see government budget in the red and inconclusive, the unemployed, poor, marginalized, inefficient hospitals, government offices distracted, now consider it normal, physiological, and we care not hardly. We miss the little that we are also satisfied. Certainly the Internet, creating circuits for comparison between people, this awareness is maturing, but for the majority of people continue to be normal.
But it is not normal at all! We must break this spiral of complacency and resignation; confront other realities, and how to know what others are doing better than us. And then we open our city to new people, cultures and experiences, and Chieti, Abruzzo city of culture, it must do so first. Why, for example, do not get to Chieti a higher number of university students in Europe? Let them come and live in the old city and tell us how to live in their own, as services work, what's that we do not have, and how there can be development, prosperity and a better society absolutely. How? I am not a technician but I think for a competition, sponsored by the municipality, which takes responsibility for payment of tuition and provide housing at low prices (strictly in the center of Chieti) nor even with local families, in two hundred university students from all major European capitals. Clearly, then, should create opportunities to meet, otherwise there is no debate and discussion with the city.

What do you think? And do not forget the return in terms of trade for the shops and activities center (another long-standing problem). Boys mica are not limited only to sleep and study .. or not?