Friday, October 10, 2008

Waxing In Inland Empire

Incredible ... The

Well well, here is the fish most of the FTR (tigr8) finally can boast a good position in a decent tournament! Last night (actually tonight at 2.30) I finished fifth in the tournament FTIPS III taking the large sum of $ 325. It remains a bitter taste in the mouth because I was not put in bad chips in and out coinflip always evil .... In fact being left in 5 to call a hand in having the pair of 10. The guy turns AK and the flop is punishing me bitterly (leaving both A and K) ... of course no 10 on the turn and river! But I'm happy with the result and thank you very much Lorenzo and Serena who remained to cheer for me until the end! Now they are 39th in the overall standings and who knows if I will to qualify in the top 75 for the main event! I am confident for the future!

Hello everyone ... Tigr8

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Can Yamaha Receiver Bought In Us Used In India

Fubelli ...

Even friends last night there was another leg of the tournament social "3 Hooks Poker Club" ...
As usual, a beautiful structure very playable, with a starting stack of 10K, and levels for 15 minutes ...
The RDF takes less than 6 players at the tables ... Galba, Albatross, Giampy, Fubelli, and myself Tigr8 science ...

The tournament begins with the usual standard hands, no play worthy of note ... then suddenly rises Tigr8 ... Get out ... his flopped two clashes against a staircase ... too bad ...

Meanwhile Fubelli flies ... even touching share 60K at one point ... all other RDF instead travel on the 12 ... 15 ... 20K ....

While the rest of the players come out, or radoppiano, the RDFs remain fairly stable ... then at some point in Galba bluff loses most of his stack and a little later ... now all in with short Pusha J6s but is called by a player who shows AQ ... no help from the board ... too bad ...

Meanwhile we also lose our Giampy ... always strong as ever ...

The final table consists of 9 players, sees as many as 3 RDF Albachiara sitting ... (though short), which stood on the Fubelli me around 45K and 30K ...

Within a few hands out four players and one is the bubble in 5 ... unfortunate for the Fubelli nosta Albachiara ... raised by button ... I know the player with my pair of 6's send the tub ... 43K ... Albachiara shortissima now calls while Fubelli folded AQ ... ... turn 66 and the holding torque and bubble bursts ... (sorry Albachiara ... lol).

Stay in 4 loads all beautiful ... but a player who would soon be released ...

Stay in 3 ... The Fubelli, me and another player ... ... it just comes out ... The third x Fubelli strangely folded QQ on the button ... I spiked by Sb and raise 3X Pusha ... opposition to instant call in and I turn ... AJ ... no help from the board and loses most of his stack ... shortly after Fubelli delete it ... HU

final between two RDF ... like old times ... The Fubelli 126K 96K ... dark ... I 2000/4000 ...

The hands are the first study, very standard nn nothing happens ... then I reach a bit by winning a showdown ... Fubelli then retrieves and returns the same ... ... a good fight ... we know a lot and we have fun ... the Fubelli riallunga again but will take it back ... very nice ... finally ends in a few hands ... all the Fubelli riallunga ... I send him raise up his bathtub with A3S instant glue with him ... but ... A9 player out ...

Fubelli GREAT ... lol ...............

Feel The Raise RULES ................ ........................... .............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!