Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can You Keep A Platypus As A

There are moments in life when ...

There are moments in life when you die happy, with her soul in peace.

I wrote my heart to my baby that eighteen years! Listening to old music: "The show must go on " where Freddie Mercury still gives me goose bumps, and reread the words I've just put in line to try to make a garland of love in my being without exaggeration a dad moved ... proud but ...

At the same time I think about my love, that my underwear, what I live every day of my life ... my feelings and I wonder what the future will see what he and his party ....

abandon my soul to music and his tune ... I bought beer and drank little by little, while the words flowed from his mind at the keyboard of your PC, now has its effect, and the excitement gives way to melancholy and calm after what I wanted was something done right!

There are times when you pull the oars and you feel satisfied e.. will be the beer, the music will be, will be the state of mind: you may die happy and quiet, you feel drained, but also at peace with yourself ... but ... then everything is as first ...

back on the carousel ... to shoot as always!