Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Goldfish Has A Small White Spot On His Head

week Mozart: local businesses have participated little.

historic city Chieti, Chieti University City, Chieti city of culture. Mozart Week, now in its eleventh edition, is part of the art in the cultural context of the city and is, in my opinion, the most interesting initiatives ever staged in the city of Chieti. Compared to the first editions, as is permitted to happen when the scenario is quality, citizens have increasing expectations, invite their friends, carve out more time to devote to the initiative and, above all participate more and more "culturally" in the evenings and shows. So honor the promoters and cultural organizations.

But there are things that I have not appreciated at all for this edition. Let's leave, but only because so much already widely discussed and emphasized by many, it would be inappropriate not to plan a different time for the remake of course Marrucino; omit.
The thing that I have less appreciated, however, was the low participation of businesses in the historic center. And I do not speak of participation in economic terms.
As we all know, one of the problems that most engage the mayors of Chieti for a couple of decades, is the gradual decline in sales for the business of the old town to the many shopping malls in the present neighboring territories. How many times mayors has been criticized a lack of attention to the problem. How many times there has been criticism and controversy. Right to be heard, but we also need to do something.
Mozart Week is a great way to the shops in the historic center to sober their coffers. A week of cultural events and high quality events that attract a huge number of possible consumers.
The city needs to prepare. During the week Mozart must give your visitors the charm of being in a small Salzburg, sensory feel the atmosphere, the culture, the emotion of the eighteenth century Austrian who saw the blossoming talent of the 'child prodigy'. But if we achieve this result, which provides a guarantee of value and longevity to the event, it is necessary that each of its business will take us a week and do not intend to Mozart only as a good opportunity to raise cash, or it, as the original thickness and cultural growth and will not live long.

The business must participate more, contribute to the success of the event and do not stand with folded hands and wait for customers, just keeping windows and shops open and lighted, pulling out chairs and tables, launching promotional messages to attract travelers. You do not have the impression of being fruitful in Salzburg if listening to a piano sonata of the great Mozart, the eye is forced to fall on a written and huge yellow "Special Promotion!
With a few exceptions, almost any business has on occasion used windows. It cost so much to set up a display issue? To say the pastry shops and bars could produce and sell traditional Austrian cakes and sweets, clothes shops display clothes and costumes, libraries, books and insights on the figure of Mozart, restaurants prepare menu features, etc ... Who can not but can still come up with something: to enrich their shop windows with posters and documents concerning the life of musician, place small speakers where air or disseminate Lieder (perhaps accompanied by a good review), or where a monitor to broadcast a music scene or a play. I mean how many are: just dedicate some ingenuity.
All this is lacking.