Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bushnell 4200 Vs Leupold

Why I decided to put on the list, with Civitas Leoniceno

Culture is an investment, art as an excuse, the show applause.
Lonigo for all, Civitas Lonigo!

We have been accustomed, from an early age, to receive the samples from the largest, first by parents, then by elementary school teachers, the parish priest, professors, until you get to maturity, at which time, it becomes clear policy or should become a teacher of life, movement of ideals, where each of us tend to identify themselves. Where are placing ambitious projects, where we call into question and where you become a role model for others!

I ask you now, as policies that we had in Italy for about thirty years now. We wonder how many of you are still convinced that the First Republic is over. The truth is that it is never finished, was a political transformation to numb the waters even more and can continue to move better than before. Political figures now burned recur in different forms. Nothing has changed, just the name.

During that time, the political fiction of tangentopoli, collusion with the Mafia, corruption and political red light, have in fact alienated young people from politics. There are no longer worthy to be called such leaders. There is more consistency and constancy. We have no certainties.

Then I ask myself, why not start from the bottom to take the lead, from small businesses. The Veneto is capable of it. The Veneto guide an important part of the European economy. We can do it! People need certainty, guarantees, of people who commit themselves to the word. Enough with the processors and developments; switching from one party to another with a promiscuity which gives the nausea. Once

who voted MSI, has been forced, at some point, to vote for AN and then to vote the same belief by voting PDL The same happened in the left. This is called chaos, chaos, confusion to confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the removal of persons from policy and to cast votes in protest. It takes consistency and firmness, determination. Dealing with journalism, I interviewed years ago, Paul Rosin and the things he said at that time are those that continue to repeat today. An example of consistency, not as the former mayor Joseph Grove one day last week of February, the VG states that it is unable to apply for family problems and after only 4 days contradicts himself by standing for the PD.

Tired of complaining about the various administrations that have done time in the interest of a few to the detriment of the community, I decided to put into question by standing as a counselor for the Civic Leoniceno Civitas. I put in the game, no skeletons in the closet and with a great desire to build something for this country along with Paul Rosin and our list, made up of simple people, who have no private interests in City Hall.
If you could actually implement my plans for my town, staying out of politics, I would do with the heart, but this is not possible. We need an administration with which to share sensitive and develop projects to achieve the objectives for the good of Lonigo and Leoniceno.

Lonigo through the development of culture, has become the prime attraction of Lower Vicentino with new spaces for young people who will be involved in various projects, reviewed Lonigo must see the sport, safety, health, let's not forget that our hospital there was removed and what remains will die slowly. The environment, dump the revaluation of its economy by providing new fodder for traders. The redistribution of economic resources in a fair and not arbitrary. The redevelopment of the Civil Defence with more space for their actions.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Générateur Club Nintendo

Letter to a Friend

Dear Friend,

why I write so I can tell you all what my heart tells me and I would like to convey to you, really a "heart to heart."

're going through a difficult period, and I know I read it in your eyes every time we crossed eyes. Say "sorry" would not help ease your pain, but I want to give you some thoughts, hope you can warm up a bit 'in the cold of your suffering alone.

When we suffer is as if by magic, it feels more alone than necessary and true, it is as if a sudden chill we did creepy and you feel desperately alone, scattered in a plain white with frost and dry ice, where the cold comes in the bones and where the wind becomes white smoke, and where there is not a voice to warm up at least apparently.

It 's a fact of life, at least to us humans, I know, there being passed several times in the same valley, a road mine different from yours, even if the air was cold and the like as hard and penetrating.

At that time we did not know, at least not at the level of the rational mind, perhaps our souls had already met and knew the route that would lead to behold with bodily eyes, we, no, we were each in its path, each intent to plod forward toward its goal.

I found myself in the flat I also with the loss of job, even I, more than you, because of this new environment, lost and desperate, looking for how to do, what to do and no one in the side , not even me courage. I despaired and made mistakes and I paid, I was whisked around in my region, like a boxer taking several hard hits by the opponent and that's hard to stand up and try to lean on the ropes of the ring.

I thought he died, I felt to be dying at the time, and it was true, but then not much, because I survived, resisted and went over. At that time I did not know that from that suffering would come much better for me and for my life at that time I suffered and I saw blood flowing from my heart, and I was alone, or so I felt in myself, I was angry , with the world, with life.

I was tough and resisted, what could I do otherwise?

I had, for me, for my family, for the respect I owe to my life, and resisted, survived.

Life gave me more then he gave me much and brought me here where we met and we share something, a job now, emotions and feelings of friendship that are not trivial knowledge, but in real life, lived a little 'more that surface.

To get here I paid a price hard, very expensive, obviously I had to, even though I paid while I cried and I felt blood flowing on the body and pain of the wounds that they lost my life. I survived even then, although I felt really alone and I was dying, even then, even though I had around and screaming voices of supposed friends, I was alone, as always in front of life, as everyone is allowed to live, alone in themselves.

I learned that this was the life and not because we are allowed to live it and you can not change it, but because this is better, that's what makes us strong, that makes us different and better and pay a fair price to be, each for what he is owed. If others do for us, we would stay in the mud, others will replace us if we fall even further atrophied in the body and mind, if life was a struggle and then just sit back and rest, to die slowly, without wanting to see, why sit and wait death, even if you do not see, is one.

Those who do not have problems, those who have them all removed, they're all together, in holes in the ground, and those who have problems, pains and thoughts are elsewhere. They all run and roam the plain cold to find their own way, each on his own, occasionally intersecting each other.

there are few signs, hints at some times, but often we are not willing to hear, and rightly so, because we have to make us the bones of children are facing eternity even though each has its age and child no longer believes, but what is in front of the eternal scroll 50 years, 40? Nothing!

You do not accept this today, it's easy to talk about the pain of others, I know, but I know because I've been there and because without me crying in the silence of my solitude, I also suffer , other aches and other thoughts, but I understand what steps, I see what your eyes tell even if the voice does not open. I'm not saying it's easy, it's simple steps and just wait, no!

As for the sailor in the boat, you feel the steering wheel while you invest the storm, and stand and fight and check the route in the fog and wind, under the pressure of waves that beset you and you slam on the deck of your ship.

What I'm saying is that even if you do not see it, even if you think your the worst storm, even if you see your suffering as the hardest, this does not mean that it is different from many others.

I want to tell you that we have inside, that you have , a force that we do not know, nobody ever told us it is hidden in us, no one told me then, but now I know and I'll tell yourself, and give yourself the same thing, even if you do not know maybe ... or perhaps you feel it!

What I want to tell you is that in the storm I see the light of your boat, the lamp post indicates that you're there and I know that you are at your steering wheel to withstand the waves, wet and cold. I want to tell you the plain ice cold and I see the light you are holding in your hand and you need to find your way, and I'm looking for mine.

is not easy to cross, and it is not breeding in this infinite plane, we can exchange information to find the path our .

However, the mere knowledge that the same applies also to others, who goes out, even when all seems lost, that it is right that to happen, and that everything has meaning, we do not see at all, knowing that tomorrow we will speak in front of a fire, sipping good wine, this raises perhaps a bit 'your legs and makes you take another step, it gives you the strength to look in another direction.

still looking up to see something different from the white dish of ice and cold, and makes you see a goal, a direction to aim, or is suddenly a star in heaven that lights up there, and you gives the idea that maybe that is your goal. Maybe it's a place where you can rest and warm.

And when you arrive, enter the house, and cold outside, find, inside, a warm, crackling fire waiting to warm you, friends and loved ones waiting for you, maybe you see me holding a glass of wine ... and then returns the smile on your face, especially in your heart.

I'll wait my friend, I leave you now, I have to resume my street, in my cold, but I know that we get.

I'll wait, and ... if you come first, do me a favor: you turn on the heat and pour the wine into my glass, I arrive, sooner or later I ....