Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cost Of Concrete For Basketball Court

Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs

I wrote and published this article on Agoravox I invite you to read along with comments from readers. Good reading.

devious and cowardly behavior adopted by companies to eliminate, annihilate and destroy an employee. It 's time to raise my head and say enough is enough, the media, but there are few and they work.
Our case law, no rules and efficient deterrent designed to discourage and finally with appropriate penalties to curb the rampant phenomenon of bullying and silent, understood in all its worst forms, as happens in the rest of the countries of Europe. Let's look at a glance: bullying is a set of behaviors defined violent. These are real abuses occurred psychological form of bullying, teasing, harassment, exclusion, humiliation, slander, and ostracism by colleagues perpetrated against a lavoratore.Questo behavior, prolonged, can be harmful to the dignity personal and professional and the mental and physical health of the victim. The job bossing-bossing or bullying is similar to, different from the fact that it is deployed by a top management toward a subordinate. This is a persecution technically refined in every detail, often with the complicity of other actors base and will, which seeks to place a person in terms of having to lay off to ease the pain that suffers. The straining is a conflict that always takes place at work, by persons who occupy positions of command and is characterized mainly by forced isolation, demotion, failure to update the normal working practices, the phone is removed permanently from the desktop, attacks on the reputation of the person and harassment sessuali.Chi receive these unseemly attention, hard to find the strength to denounce the persecutor because of the fact that the law does not provide the necessary protection to the injured party as well as with other known crimes. Also because of the difficulty of proving facts which, in dilute time, they lose more and more useful in a particular hearing stage. For this reason, the victim must necessarily rely on the advice and assistance of a lawyer and make a note written in detail of everything that is being done, citing places, witnesses, dates and times. Unfortunately this is still a crime zone where unscrupulous or moral move undisturbed, some never to be affected by the law because these are facts that many suffer but then unreported.
Law 81, although still inadequate, appears to open a glimmer of hope. We are always too far from protecting itself. Bullying is a crime against the person, is a cowardly way to kill and destroy the predestined slowly. It should also be considered that this is an expense that is unfairly saddled with the community. The care that must undergo a mobbed are expensive, and long, from drugs to psychological and psychiatric sessions, to return to work, ending with the legal fees for the defense. Absurdity is that it considers INAIL ilmobbing damage while work is purely voluntary work of one individual against another.
absolutely must not let our guard down but to fight, expose and bring to justice those which cause the harassment related to this deplorable practice. Collect as much material as possible, even audio recordings are used to nail these people who deserve only the very prison without parole. Who has not experienced the hard way this type of violence, can not even remotely imagine how devastating they are and how many others actually passed from the family, private life, friends, the psyche, self-esteem.
Some companies are often unaware that some of those who insist on calling "responsible" engage harassment to their employees. When they realize how vile and deceitful in trying to do something about. They try to create conditions in which the court may grant some mitigating factor. By now the damage is done. The law says that companies that have not been able to monitor these deviant behaviors of their managers and / or employees, pay the appropriate compensation to victims.
The first thing to do is not to fear, possibly to contact a lawyer specializing in labor cases and be certified by the bullying, or bossing the straining method according to Ege 2002, this is critical in hearing stage. Professionals in Italy who can relate in that direction but there are not many and is definitely worth consulting them. There are agreements with the local health centers that can measure and draw up the degree of work-related stress that an individual has suffered. The advice of a psychologist, certification and reporting of bullying are crucial steps to put a stop to a practice that does not and should not be part of the world of work, banned from the rest countries of Europe.

Paolo Maria Coniglio

reader comments:

Gabriele , October 17 9:27 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
I deal with issues of juvenile delinquency and uncomfortable working and I put online my experience at the site cliccand SlideBoom on the logo on the home page opens a web page with a series of instructional videos, some of which riguardantile activities to prevent and combat the phenomenon of bullying atttuate in the Marche Region by the Joint Committee on the phenomenon of mobbing. Needless to say, mobbing bossing ...... we constrain only by preventing people sometimes have the perception some of the damage that their malicious actions in the workplace can create.

Silvia , October 17 12:05 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
I must point out the website of Dr. Alessio Fanelli which is one of the professionals who can certify bullying according to the standard reported in the article: Bullying is a psychological rape, psychological. It must not go unpunished! Thanks

Ricky , October 17 14:37 - Bossing, bullying, straining: the silence of innocent
I fully what you have stated, among other things very clearly and easily understood. Bullying, the bossing and so on. violence that are far beyond those of a rape, but still leave a serious mark on the psychological stability of those who were victims. E 'above the state of impotence which then leads to frustration which can cause problems and thereby influence the stability of the person and not just limited to working hours, but also has repercussions at home, with friends and family. It is also true that lack of legal instruments to combat this scourge, even as there are legal instruments that allow an employer to get rid of or adequately punish the "lazy". But our judges and legislators have better things to think about. There remains, who on the one hand and those of the other, they fight alone battaglie.Ringraziamo status and continue to pay taxes.

of pv21 , October 17 17:34 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
All topics serious and serious, but we can not hope to defend himself when ... defamation and intimidation become instruments of political struggle (in the name of democracy and freedom). The first answer must come from democratic spirit of revenge. This teaches the voices inside the eclipse of characters symbol of rigor, consistency, sense of responsibility and civic engagement. This can be deduced from the story of The Barber and the wolf and the unthinkable things that can make do with fear. (There's more =>

of ballon , October 17 20:16 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
A one correction to your interesting article: the titolo.Il silence is never innocent. denounce, denounce, denounce.

of Elsa67 , October 17 22:29 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs
I disagree with the mind of the reader comment Ricky. Having a lazy employee does not authorize anyone to use misconduct. There are democratic and human systems to address this problem while it is up to that company. The origin of behavior there is always a cause that must be identified and that alone gives an answer, a solution. The summary justice should not exist, morality must not become justice! The core of this discourse is not. Bullying, understood in all its forms, is not charged to idlers only. I subisco bullying for many years and I'm fighting the giornaista exactly as described. I'm not a slacker. I always worked hard for the company as soon as my service, and I have always tried to emerge showing off my skills and my job performance, before asking for any increase or economic level. The problem is that I shadow a "kapo" who only has the instinct of Africa and nothing else. Hats off, people are valuable in the job but I still entitled to my career, is not it? Apart from the lack of laws that undoubtedly, in companies, especially those of the north-east, those of the economic miracle, something lacking in the basic fundamental respect and culture. I harassed colleagues with proposals for sexual encounters and humiliation that I have been told with tears in his eyes. No proof! The "vile pigs" because of what it is, you close the office, where colleagues do not reach the ears and do not always have a recorder on hand. Perhaps at this moment could become the moral justice! Perhaps only if, after more than a decade of harassment, humiliation, demotion and mortification when a person in a border line goes to work and commit a massacre, as happens in the United States of America, well, maybe just at that moment legislature, the public will start asking questions. I hope it never happens. I hope Chei judges, in their vast experience and vision, inflicting economic pain and increasingly costly to bring into these surrogate human knee once and for all.

Silvana , October 21 12:39 - Bossing, bullying, straining: The Silence of the Lambs

Considerations Bullying and mafia

Where a company, apparently healthy, those who hold the levers of power is a group decision-making, which includes, among other things, the so-called "white collar" rules "implied" of behavior that are established in it, often respond to logics of patronage, which revolve around abuse of office and result in discriminatory acts, such logics are based, word to a code of ethics intended to render meaningless such concepts as human dignity, solidarity and transparency, which will prove fruitless words.
In this context, it becomes extremely easy to take all those subtle and devious figures of psychological, intended to destroy and annihilate an employee "uncomfortable" to "tame" to bend to the will of those who "decide" who knows he can count on the conspiratorial silence of his colleagues who remain silent or complicit, or because of fear of possible retaliation similar. Where it is possible, therefore, make use of various forms of harassment and psychological terror against a human being, the victim chosen or bend the rules "tacit and immoral," set by those who actually controls or is intended to be ousted only because it was considered "different." The victim is therefore powerless to react to his captors.
The form of such a situation exists in the workplace, with a modern term, is defined by the word "mobbing", which - according to the latest dictionaries - is described as "systematic persecution, carried on in the workplace by colleagues or than against an individual, consisting mostly in small daily acts of social exclusion, violence, sabotage or psychological professional, but can go so far as physical aggression. " But to understand the reality of this crime, please read the testimonies given by victims and the resulting damage "existential" now well explained by psychologists, sociologists and lawyers in the appropriate thematic sites to which you refer. I, it is suspected that the word was coined bullying just to avoid be labeled as common criminals, the whole mass of "respectable people" who, abusing their power, destroy the life of one or more workers to destroy a life do not need a corpse, but bullying is also an "incitement" to commit suicide!
I mentioned in a context likely to Mafia: I will try to prove it. Take the case of "protection money" requested by the Mafia. Who wants to work "still" have to pay it and the mafia, to give the seller their arrogance, will put in place against psychological violence, cloaked by all the trappings of legality. Before moving to actions "egregious," which would attract the action of the police, they will feel constantly monitored, spied upon, they will receive the phone calls and "surprises" unwelcome, which will eventually weakened to the point that the merchant " Funky "will have to choose whether to sell to pay the lace just to have a quiet life and move or sbaraccare in other cities or endure without the solidarity of others, who instead pay.
But any decision, Let his "time" spent with the fear of an attack is not living with a mood similar to that of those who are afraid of dismissal, if it dares to react to every form of abuse of office? The fear of being isolated, marginalized, demotion, ridiculed, humiliated, deprived of any jurisdiction, rendered useless, awareness of one's sense of helplessness, "fear" the consequences of the exercise of their rights do not end up making people slaves of their tormentors? Suffering arising out of inhumane living conditions imposed by those who want to bend his fellow to his will, is the same whether in the case of bullying, blackmail and in the payment of "protection money". This is more of psychological violence, psychological torture. But the price we pay those who refuse to submit to the mafia that is the logic that goes against the employee only because he is not willing to become a "yes-man" is not physical death. Against him will be used more sophisticated weapons, which do not leave corpses, but they tend to destroy it from within: the psychological weapons, aiming at its "civil death "!!!.
Abuses of power, bullying, harassment or bullying are the first arms of the mafia, who know they can count on conspiratorial silence arising out of complicity or cowardice: it is not necessary, therefore, the "dead" to prosecute all those criminals who have chosen a way of life, which makes zero difference that distinguishes a man from an animal.
So when such "silent weapons" are used in a company, it seems fair to say that the company is in the mafia and the mafia is who adopts the method of psychological violence against a person even more weak to achieve its purposes . If the mafia is the "kid" who is merely asking for protection money provided by the criminal organization which is integrated, Mafia is also the one that creates an action mobbing because it allowed the occult and criminal enterprise system, in which however they feel integrated. Neither of them used a gun to achieve its goal, but both the kid is the mobber have contributed with their behavior in the massacre of a human being. At one time the word mafia was whispered, and many denied the very existence, not by understanding its meaning. The phenomenon to emerge in its dramatic history had recorded so many victims, and the same is happening with the phenomenon of bullying.
in these terms becomes possible to give a satisfactory answer to the thirst for justice of the multitude of existing mobbed today. The scholars of the phenomenon have, by now, well-framed the dynamics and consequences of the "ordeal" suffered by many workers, but to date have not yet been identified the necessary legal instruments to do justice.
Currently there is only financial compensation paid by the company (legal person), but the real culprits (individuals) not "pay" for their trespasses, neither economically nor criminal, and therefore, despite his conviction for harassment, remain free to continue to take against the mobbed every form of persecution technique. The mobbed will only receive the money as compensation for "past" destroyed, but his "present" and its "future" continue to be a continuation of his past in hell! Where bullying
emerge only a meticulous work of the investigating authorities can bring out the weight of all the responsibilities of the parties, who have contributed with their action or no action to destroy the life of a human being. In order to eradicate this phenomenon by the society in which we live is not the only prevention, because here we are faced with the behaviors of those who has already sold his conscience for not having to feel remorse for having contributed, through its action or his silence, the massacre of a colleague. The
mobber became such a human being, does not consider that fact nothing serious, no guilt, believed to operate close to the company, not the slightest evidence to identify with the victim of the persecution. The business rules include certain "behaviors" that no one has ever sanctioned, are part of the game. He made his choice: "your death, vita mea." And those who keep silent or complicit or feels justified by the fear of retaliation.
Who put a gag on his conscience that he forgot all the rules set by men should always be subject to the ethics set by the voice of his "conscience", which prevents you from trampling the dignity of a fellow and cries before any form of injustice, calling man in his natural course of human being to divert him from that path that could lead to the state of animal.
In companies where the ethics of mafia rule by all those that identify bullying behaviors, remain "men" being able to look anyone in the eye, without crawling in front of anyone, it means to stand by helplessly the destruction of their lives, meaning that world to life interior in which each of us cultivates his own desires, dreams, ambitions, washed down with enthusiasm and zest for life, but that as a result of bullying now, has become a reservoir of enormous suffering, a great void that has turned inward in each pulse thirst for justice.
I believe that to do justice (in the presence of a legal vacuum and waiting for an ad hoc law, which establishes the criminal prosecution of that crime), the judiciary, through a broad interpretation of civil, criminal in the existing constitutional and legislative landscape, could frame as a crime of the mafia-called bullying.
give the desired importance to the criminal harassment would be labeled as criminals all those who, despite their "respectability," they participated in the massacre victim's choice. The consequences would be criminal as a warning to all, awaken slumbering conscience of many, a timely and appropriate course of action instruments of repression is the best means of prevention in a system where you want to run justice. Framing
bullying as a crime victim of the mafia would also satisfaction to be compensated financially by his captors, who would be attacked on its assets, including salary, severance pay established the existence of a case of bullying, the competent court should automatically pass the case to the Criminal Court to identify all those responsible. Keep in mind, in fact, that many times the strategy of bullying is structured so as to break up the responsibilities on more workers, so as not to allow the victim to be able to pursue various criminal "mobbers. Each of them takes, indeed, and lawful conduct that might appear insignificant, but which become significant only when considered as a piece of a destructive process against the mobbed, which can only emerge in an investigation aimed at identifying responsibilities direct and indirect actions of all those who contributed to the killing of a human being, who simply wanted to work honestly.
But we should also give victims the chance to start life anew. The mobbed found in psychological conditions similar to the survivors of a "concentration camp" know they are alone and helpless, to be considered useless, people are disheartened against their neighbor, remained deaf to every request for "help", they are human beings who need help to get back into a comfortable and stimulating working environment, which does not give space to those who place no value on human dignity. Justice must be concerned with rebuilding their professionalism, redevelop their image and to repair any damage caused their existential outside the employment context. I cry out for justice that have mobbed invisible wounds that will heal only when they perceive around the trust, which prevents us from seeing a potential partner in their own terms.

Silvana Catalano