Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sports Writer Jim Coleman

'Former parish school and the first works' New

CERVARESE. It took the arrival of a new municipal council. The mayor will be joined by Claudio Chiarello Councillors Mary Jane Orton (Deputy Mayor with responsibility for family policies, social services and health, education and youth policy), David Ceron (budget, policies, culture, regulations and conventions, computerization), Nereo Nifon ( sport and leisure, civil protection, tourism development and production activities, implementation of the administrative staff) Villi and Zampieri (transport, environment and alternative energy, public works, street furniture). The mayor takes on the powers of personnel and human resources development, security and municipal police, planning and private construction, general affairs. Councillors also responsible for Marta Bellini (external relations, industrial and commercial activities, tourism development, contracts and agreements), Simone Campagnolo (implementation of the program and administrative relationship with the Government), the group leader Mario Greggio (public works, infrastructure and landscaping ), Luca Marchesan (Youth and Health), David Rigodanzo (sports and recreation, hunting and fishing, crafts), Matthew Meggiorin (regulations, legal affairs, insurance), David Zuin (computerized environment and alternative energy). "The first project concerned the start of works already financed by the past administration, primarily the former parish school," said Chiarello. (Ross Moretto)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Silver Nitrate Ectropion

urbanization in our community: we also think about our health? Claudio

do not know if the people of our City's agreement with the type of urbanization that is taking place (By building condominiums on blocks in each village, with tall buildings to four storeys, as Fossona) and enlargement, planned and ill-concealed, the industrial area - industrial Montemerlo (from the current industrial zone Teolo - Montemerlo being Repoise up all'IVG St. Martin?), subtracting green agriculture land by covering it with asphalt and warehouses (which does not even know if he will really be used). Do not even know if the people of Cervarese is aware of what is happening and if it is aware of what the future of our land, because click on a project, must at least be aware of the project.

I must say that I am not quite agree on this way of disrupting our environment and feel a duty as a citizen and physician of the City of Cervarese, to warn about the consequences that could have on our lives, our health and the health of our children.

I believe the fundamental need of people is to be happy; for someone to be happy means to be calm, in harmony with oneself, with nature, with others and with God For others it is not, for others it is more important to do business, have money and material well-being and economic development.

We choose what we want to base our life and our future in this. We want to base it only on economic development and material well-being or even the quality of life and the network of social and human relations that we, the human and spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat have always characterized our land?

I believe that in countries like our countryside and agriculture, urbanization, excessive, the concreting el'asfaltificazione land through an expansion of small business areas unbalanced, only through the increased revenues, without taking into account ICI balance of nature and the way to design a false development, creating imbalances in environmental , social, family and human development.

I think that this is the way to destroy our land, one of the most beautiful of the healthiest and most livable (finora!) the province of Padua. Further increase warehouses and factories increase the problem of disposing of waste, heavy traffic and will increase the need for new roads, which will steal even more land. Because of that, in future we will have a country town with pollution and traffic noise of the suburbs of the city and our eyes will not rest more on the fields and hills, but on roads, warehouses, houses made up like barracks and we'll have bundled to live, not wholesome, not looking at us even more in your face (we know how difficult it is to live together in apartment buildings!).

I believe that the network of human relations, and social solidarity that still exists in our countries is an invaluable asset that no increase of wealth can compensate municipal and that excessive population growth may instead impose new patterns of life and cause difficult integration, conflict and social breakdown, loneliness and neuroses. In fact with this type of development including physical health and psychological consequences of it will: increase the neuroses, social problems, drugs, petty crime , the need to escape and cardiovascular diseases such as stroke.

So, economic development and progress, but at what price? At the price of becoming an urban periphery, with all the problems of the suburbs, but without any of the advantages of proximity to the city?

And it is this really the way to make the City of Cervarese a residential area, an area that is well where you are, where life is good, or we turn to become a dormitory town, where the fabric fact of social solidarity, familiarity, personal knowledge is completely disrupted?

If the majority of the population of our town is good and wants this kind of development that this is the future for our children, even carried out this project , but it is right that people at least know where we are going to choose and in the awareness of the choices he does.

May 2004 - Loris Lipstick, family physician of the City of St. Cervarese Cross

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pioneer Media Receiver Pdp-506pu

Chiarello is the new mayor of Santa Croce Cervarese

the gazette of Padua - June 9, 2009 page 13

The candidate of "Together for Cervarese for freedom" (38.64%) won the day for just 11 votes out of Massimo Campagnolo (38.33%). Loris Rossetto, a candidate for "Living Cervarese" got 23.02%. After the proclamation, which took place at 22.45 in the seat in front of the village of Fossona fifty supporters, the new mayor has maintained its classic aplomb.

"Beyond the result was awarded a team that is identified with the local culture - comments - and we have united in the same list of people experienced with young people. It is a mix that eventually was successful.

the agenda I have three priorities, which will be the subject of the first decisions: the renovation of the old city hall in Fossona, the expansion of the school and the reorganization of the former parish. We will redevelop the downtown Montemerlo and manage urbanization always putting the individual at the forefront in this regard the development will be directed at the well-being. Our program is transparent, anyone can verify what we do with the passage of time. Dureremo five years, of course. With the opposition there will be a constant dialogue, we are open to any kind of proposal. "

Massimo Campagnolo does not have it done for narrowly: 1,388 votes for Chiarello, 1377 for those candidate "for freedoms Cervarese Northern League." Could not be contacted last night at the end of counting. And his did not even see the facts at the time of the proclamation.

Loris Lipstick take the defeat philosophically. "People voted in local elections as the European elections, said the doctor - a pity, we hoped that people shared our desire for change. Not so, patience. As I have already informed me to my first city council to resign, it is a very personal choice. I will continue my work from the outside to the social and voluntary sector. "

Francesco Cavallaro

For Claudio Chiarello is worth 11 marks the first chair of the city. The difference tight, the end of a sweaty head to head with the other list of the center led by Massimo Campagnolo, was made official after the 22. In the third step of the podium in the center-salt Loris Rossetto.

"It 's a good result - a seemingly relaxed Chiarello said - given the difficulties that we had. The people have chosen the experience coupled with the news. We are ready to cooperate with the minority. The first act of our administration will be to carry through public works outstanding. "

Surprisingly the reaction instead of the candidate of the center Rossetto: "The people prefer the continuity is not yet ready for a new renaissance 'and announced' People think I'm not suited to the task for which it so difficult and commitment to me I was a candidate so I resign, giving way to the first of our non-elected. "

Not a comment by Massimo Campagnolo but that has turned off the phone and has not showed.

Ross Moretto

Thursday, June 4, 2009

License Plates Double Helix

Lipstick: Participatory planning

Thursday, June 4, 2009, THE GAZZETTINO of Padua
Loris Rossetto, 55, is the mayoral candidate of the list "Living Cervarese ". Entrusted to a blog the presentation of his program. "The environment should not be considered a niche or a single sector of the city - it is written - by our aim to create a single Department for Sustainable Development. We need to implement a project Participatory planning with citizens. In this regard, we have identified four different phases: information, consultation, collaboration and co-management. We intend to revise Pat. The new buildings and renovations should be tied to energy savings. And in the Pati will not be increased as the total area currently available for traditional and industrial areas. As for the Castello di San Martino is planning to build an additional parking area in environment friendly ". Chapter infrastructure and public works. "You do not need new roads but cycle lanes - says the program - it is on the agenda the construction of a marquee for the primary Fossona. In the same village we intend to review the design of sports facilities, identifying a different location area. We will propose the establishment of a municipal council of the boys. Strengthen home-based care. " ( \u200b\u200b