Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thank You Email, Subject Email

Modern Life is ironic. Only irony.

How many times have we heard these words: " I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time." As we have heard thousands of times the exact opposite: " I found the right place at the right time." I applied these two sentences to dramatic events that have occurred in our country in recent years have shown that basically two things:
1 - The crime has evolved and has passed the technical investigation of the investigators.

2 - Investigators are not competent enough to adequately fight crime.

two names at random: Alberto Stasi and Anna Maria Franzoni . Particular also the double murder of Enego murderess in Vicenza, which does not have any name. There is no evidence. He gropes in the darkness.

Assume for example that the double murder of Enego disagreements arise from remote, even trivial. Without spending the time, the murderess if he did forget, and was thus able to act unhindered. He did not leave traces, evidence, evidence which lead to him. He found the right place at the right time.

Regarding Alberto Stasi say there is evidence, although in my imagination I guess Chiara Poggi scopreto have fortuitously contained pornographic images on the computer of someone and threatened to tell all. I am convinced that after the fact, the murderess has told everything to a person close to him, who then made by placing some dangerous direction details. I think there were people aware of his perversion and to have been covered because of "good family .

Anna Maria Franzoni has roughly followed the same path Stasi. There is no evidence against him. The majority of public opinion is convinced that she is the monster. Again I am convinced that the murderess has been helped by someone, clearly happened after the fact.

The conclusion is that those who are prone to deviance, can think of to get away. The crime has not evolved the certainty of punishment.

Paolo Maria Coniglio