Saturday, September 27, 2008

Number To Check Balance On Usaa

Starting over ... QUEEN OF HEARTS

After a long pause of several months back to update our blog ... and we start talking stages of the tournament in the new "Three Hooks Poker Club" Ferentino ...
good structure makes it enjoyable game, buy in 60, starting stack of chips with 10K levels by 15 minutes of gameplay that usually allow a low buy in tournaments No one has ...
tell some interesting hand ....

As usual, the FTR is in mass by less than 6 giokatori sit at the tables or Galba Pallitto ... ... ... Albachiara Carletto Giampy ... and me ... (Science) ... Start

Poki levels after the tournament and there is a hand very very interesting ... Pallitto raised in middle with AT and is dressed for Giampy and man (sorry but forgot the name ... lol nn ...).. . AT7 flop ... now nn remembering well the evolution of bets I will just say that all three will all in turn respectively Pallitto top two pair ... ... man ... set of 7 x T x and a set of hand that ... ... Giampy Giampy triples and fly ... poor ball undergoes this absurd cooler ... The tournament continues
+ and whether or not we are all there ... at some point Galba raised 3x standar ... man ... with the other man-raised Galba already know ... to play for the coin flip sent the tank with QQ. .. the first man folds the second call and turns AK ... xxx flop turn river x. .. A. ... STANDARD! Galba
left with about 2500 chips ... too bad ... I go up a bit in the meantime and I share stood at 18K ... but last night Albachiara nn has never managed to take off too much ... but after being Carletto x long time deep down and he too settles between 18-20K ...

few hands after short Galba now sends the tub and I saw my AQ nn I can do is call ... he runs a 60/40 KJ ... quiet ... the flop comes K that a lot of hopes Galba victory to my friend ... but an A on the turn, eliminates the ...

At the final table there are 4 to 9 FTR player Giampy ... ... ... Albachiara Carletto and me ...

The first is to quit your Albatross shortissima that now sends the tank with K7 and was immediately called by Giampy running AA ... the flop freezes Giampy 79K ... ... but two in a row 8 on the turn and river give the victory ... seventh ... eighth man out but I walk a thousand curses ... ... man ... but so is standard UTG with blinds raised to 5K 800/1600...Giampy ... I called from the button and send the tub Spizzo AA x 23800 chips ... utg makes instant call and passes Giampy turns JJ utg ... ... J. .. flop first card I get up and I go see nn not the other ... SILENCE ...!!!

sixth place it fifth man ... instead you place our great Carletto quarter and the legendary Great Guys ... Giampy two FTR prize ...

Still okay Sicience ......................... ................. ....